Yin Yoga › Re-charge Fatigue › All Levels

  • Christmas Yin Yoga - Replay of Live Class01:29:04
    Christmas Yin Yoga - Replay of Live Class

    Andrea Kwiatkowski

    This is an extra special yin class, the perfect time of year for hibernating at home in our pyjamas and all our props. This class includes, breath work, a yin sequence to cultivate kidney energy during the winter season, soothing of the nervous system with warmth and relaxing meditation. You will need: Any props you have a home or things to use as props! A Bolster and blocks Hot water bottle ready to add warmth!

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  • Resting in the Yin29:40
    Resting in the Yin

    Norman Blair

    A gentle, nourishing and replenishing Yin yoga class in which we stay close to the ground, gently using our bolster to help us to twist gently and relax the organs. This class is perfect to practice before bed, or when we're feeling scattered, or overwhelmed, to help to calm, soothe and relax. You will need a bolster, or a fairly firm pillow, and bricks, or books.

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  • Feel Soothed with Yin Yoga42:20
    Feel Soothed with Yin Yoga

    Norman Blair

    A beautifully peaceful Yin Yoga Class which is soothing and grounding. Move the hips and spine whilst on the ground, feeling held and supported by the ground. Perfect for if your nerves are jangled or if you're feeling overwhelmed or anxious. Yin yoga is also perfect for athletes who need to stretch out, or those looking to settle and calm before bed or to calm the nerves before or after travel. You may need blankets, bolsters and a block.

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  • The Yang Within The Yin30:24
    The Yang Within The Yin

    Norman Blair

    This Yin Yoga class has more of a yang feel to it. The holds are shorter, and we move off the ground. It's a great class to unravel a tight body in the morning, or as a mid-afternoon stretch break. Starting with dangling forward bend, then moving into squat and gentle movements to gently awaken the body. Then moving to gentle and mindful lunges, this is a Yin yoga class with more of a yang flavour. Perfect to gently unravel at any time of day. You'll need blocks (or a book), a strap.

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  • Yin Yoga to Release and Let Go32:35
    Yin Yoga to Release and Let Go

    Norman Blair

    In this classic and accessible yin yoga class, we can learn to release and let go. All the yin yoga poses are symmetrical and include butterfly, dragonfly, caterpillar, and child's pose. This is a reminder that as human beings we are all asymmetrical and we are all individual. A celebration of our “unique biology and our unique biography”. You may need a bolster, a block or a blanket.

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  • Yin Yoga for Hip Happiness30:54
    Yin Yoga for Hip Happiness

    Norman Blair

    This yin yoga class is all about the hips. Deep hip stretches are perfect for both those of us with more sedentary lifestyles, and those who workout, so this yin yoga for hips class is ideal for all. As yin yoga is much slower and oriented towards internal experience (rather than external appearance), it might possibly be described as a counter-cultural practice. Yin swims against the currents of superficiality and speed and constant consuming. Yin yoga requires patience, and helps to foster a connection to ourselves.

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  • Restoring Yin Yoga31:40
    Restoring Yin Yoga

    Norman Blair

    A restorative yin yoga class in which we learn how to relax into our bodies. This is a chance to fall in love with yoga props (pillows, books, blankets and possibly pets!), including exploring the joys of bolster hugging inspired by words from the 11th century meditation teacher Tilopa: “do nothing with the body but relax." A perfect class to calm, restore energy, and prepare the body for sleep.

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  • Gently Restore Energy27:21
    Gently Restore Energy

    Norman Blair

    This yin yoga class is unusual as it is based on bringing some yang into our yin. Unlike most yin yoga classes which are entirely floor based, this class starts with a standing forward bend, then moves into dragon pose, touching on energy channels and a more dynamic way of working with yin yoga energy. This is a great class for gently restoring energy after a busy day, or when an energy lift is needed.

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  • Energising Morning Yin Yoga55:24
    Energising Morning Yin Yoga

    Carlene Bogues

    An energising morning Yin yoga class where we are able to gently energise even in stillness. Each pose will have a little gentle movement or mobility prep before we go into stillness and a visualisation to provide stimulation to awaken. Poses include sphinx, lizard, variation of sphinx, banana (with 3 part breathing) and savasana or seated meditation. You will need blocks and a blanket/bolster or pillows.

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  • Pigeon Pose Yin Yoga01:13:15
    Pigeon Pose Yin Yoga

    Dirish Shaktidas

    A slow yin yoga class for opening the hips. The hips can get very tight when we are sedentary or athletic, so this yoga class is perfect for the end of the day or after a long flight, hike or bike ride. This calming class includes a variety of poses that target the hip flexors, then moves into longer holds of various pigeon alternatives. You'll need two blocks and a blanket.

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  • Yin Yoga: Quickly Find Calm24:16
    Yin Yoga: Quickly Find Calm

    Andrea Kwiatkowski

    The practice of tuning in to go outwards in the world is crucial to the practice of yoga. This very simple Yin yoga class helps you to move inward to then move outward into the world with clarity and calm. You do not need lots of time or effort to go inwards in order to feel the effect in a potent way. You will need a block and a blanket.

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  • Fluid Yang Yin Yoga51:10
    Fluid Yang Yin Yoga

    Carlene Bogues

    A balanced yang/yin yoga class. Notice the stillness at the beginning before bringing in some mobility and qigong warm ups. Then move into a hatha yoga flow and feel into the fluidity of the practice. Class ends with yin yoga poses to create a sense of balance. This can be done in the evening as a transition or anytime of day to move with more awareness and stillness.

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  • Yin Yoga to Breathe Easy30:40
    Yin Yoga to Breathe Easy

    Andrea Kwiatkowski

    This simple Yin yoga class features breath work (pranayama) and poses to target the lung meridian to relax the body, mind and breath. The lung meridian, when out of balance, may result in headaches, colds and asthma and when in balance brings us to a place of acceptance. This class also includes a beautiful sun and moon visualisation throughout; Buddha taught to trust the sun, the moon and the truth. You will need blocks, a blanket and a strap.

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  • Yin for Ankles, Knees and Hips32:18
    Yin for Ankles, Knees and Hips

    Andrea Kwiatkowski

    The perfect yin yoga class for those of us who spend a lot of time in shoes, standing up or sitting at a desk. It is equally great after a long day's hiking! Use this class to regain mobility in your feet and ankles and nourish your knees and hips. Yin yoga involves long holding of the poses; stay so long as you are comfortable but, as ever, if you feel any discomfort, do come out of the pose. You will need a block.

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  • Nourishing Yin23:10
    Nourishing Yin

    Andrea Kwiatkowski

    This is a kidney-based Yin yoga class using the bolster as a prop throughout. A great class to de stress and unwind as we restore our energy levels the Yin yoga way. A fabulous class if you're feeling a bit depleated. Expect backbends and long pose holds.

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  • Twilight Metamorphosis18:00
    Twilight Metamorphosis

    Liz Lark

    A gentle class in which we channel the butterfly energy and practice long, calming breaths ready to relax for the evening. With some Yin yoga poses and some restorative variations, this class will get you settled and ready to transform to your gentlest form. You will need a bolster, yoga block, strap or belt and eye mask if you have one.

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  • Pick Me Up Energy Enhancer13:16
    Pick Me Up Energy Enhancer

    Andrea Kwiatkowski

    A pranayama (or breath-work) practice with some Yin yoga to see where your energy is at any particular time of the day, and liven yourself up using just your breath! A magical practice!

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  • Yin Yoga: As Is35:21
    Yin Yoga: As Is

    Norman Blair

    As is: a practice of Yin yoga, meditation and pranayama. In this beautifully slow, quiet class, you'll be asked to settle into sensation. Expect just a few poses, all of them on the floor, but long holds. Take enquries into your body, your breath and the issues within your tissues as you relax into what is. A fabulous class for settling the nerves afer a stressful day or for relaxing before bedtime. You will need a block or cushion, a bolster, you may need a strap, and you may want any other props if you have them.

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