Yin Yoga › Stress/Anxiety › All Levels

  • Christmas Yin Yoga - Replay of Live Class01:29:04
    Christmas Yin Yoga - Replay of Live Class

    Andrea Kwiatkowski

    This is an extra special yin class, the perfect time of year for hibernating at home in our pyjamas and all our props. This class includes, breath work, a yin sequence to cultivate kidney energy during the winter season, soothing of the nervous system with warmth and relaxing meditation. You will need: Any props you have a home or things to use as props! A Bolster and blocks Hot water bottle ready to add warmth!

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  • The Yang Within The Yin30:24
    The Yang Within The Yin

    Norman Blair

    This Yin Yoga class has more of a yang feel to it. The holds are shorter, and we move off the ground. It's a great class to unravel a tight body in the morning, or as a mid-afternoon stretch break. Starting with dangling forward bend, then moving into squat and gentle movements to gently awaken the body. Then moving to gentle and mindful lunges, this is a Yin yoga class with more of a yang flavour. Perfect to gently unravel at any time of day. You'll need blocks (or a book), a strap.

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  • Settle and Centre with Yin Yoga18:26
    Settle and Centre with Yin Yoga

    Andrea Kwiatkowski

    Our minds often want to run away from things that are uncomfortable, or run towards pleasant sensation. This yin yoga class cultivates our ability to simply stay present and mindful to whatever is happening. Without judgement, we develop the ability to simply stay and widen the inner landscape through the yin yoga poses of squat, butterfly, sphinx, seal and dragonfly. You will need a brick.

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  • Restoring Yin Yoga31:40
    Restoring Yin Yoga

    Norman Blair

    A restorative yin yoga class in which we learn how to relax into our bodies. This is a chance to fall in love with yoga props (pillows, books, blankets and possibly pets!), including exploring the joys of bolster hugging inspired by words from the 11th century meditation teacher Tilopa: “do nothing with the body but relax." A perfect class to calm, restore energy, and prepare the body for sleep.

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  • Energising Morning Yin Yoga55:24
    Energising Morning Yin Yoga

    Carlene Bogues

    An energising morning Yin yoga class where we are able to gently energise even in stillness. Each pose will have a little gentle movement or mobility prep before we go into stillness and a visualisation to provide stimulation to awaken. Poses include sphinx, lizard, variation of sphinx, banana (with 3 part breathing) and savasana or seated meditation. You will need blocks and a blanket/bolster or pillows.

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  • Yin Yoga for Overwhelm57:07
    Yin Yoga for Overwhelm

    Dirish Shaktidas

    Expect cooling forward bends and refreshing twists in this yin yoga class. The poses help to ease overwhelm during the full moon, or any time that life feels a little stressful. The journey inward starts with some gentle movement. Then we focus on releasing and letting go with folding forward poses, which encourage looking inward. Your hamstrings and hips will benefit from these folds, they are perfect poses for those who have been seated all day, or athletes needing to stretch out the hamstrings and hips. During the long pose holds, there is no instruction or talking, so that we can delve deeper into the poses, and unlike some yin Classes, there is a little movement in between poses. Props suggested: a bolster (or two!) a block or two and a strap.

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  • Yin Yang Yoga01:03:45
    Yin Yang Yoga

    Dirish Shaktidas

    This yoga class is a wonderful combination of yin yoga together with yang (more active) elements. It starts with a seated yin yoga pose to clear out the noise of the day and bring us into a position of grounding, stability and equanimity. We then move through a forward folding flow for the first part of the class to let go of the mind chatter. Class finishes off with yin yoga poses for hip openings and a sweet, long, relaxing Savasana.

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  • Evening Yin/Yang Flow37:16
    Evening Yin/Yang Flow

    Jonelle Lewis

    A peaceful Yin/Yang flow to wind down and relax for the end of the day. With some spinal rolling and freeing, some poses from QiGong, some restorative and Yin poses, this fusion yoga class is a perfect way to wind down and relax at the end of the day, or for whenever you need to calm, nourish and restore yourself. The perfect self-care solution to our overwhelmed lives. You will need a bolster (or pillows), a blanket, 2 yoga bricks and a foam block and a strap.

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  • Calm Abiding Yin 33:28
    Calm Abiding Yin

    Andrea Kwiatkowski

    Settle your energy, settle your focus in this very grounded Yin class which is focused around the Hara, your energy centre. This class is wonderful if you want to tune in to your intuition, your deep-seated centre. This is a heart and lung Yin yoga class. This class is great for overcoming sadness and grief, and is wonderful for clearing that which no longer serves you.

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  • Pick Me Up Energy Enhancer13:16
    Pick Me Up Energy Enhancer

    Andrea Kwiatkowski

    A pranayama (or breath-work) practice with some Yin yoga to see where your energy is at any particular time of the day, and liven yourself up using just your breath! A magical practice!

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  • Yin Yoga Toolkit23:29
    Yin Yoga Toolkit

    Andrea Kwiatkowski

    Yin Yoga is an amazing energy enhancer. Work with your inner energy, gently, to experience the joy of Yin Yoga. This toolkit is a great daily Yin Yoga practice. Andrea focuses on one pose for each of the organs. Re-discover lost energy gently. A perfect break for anytime in the day to re-set and prevent feelings of stress or overwhelm.

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  • Yin Yoga: As Is35:21
    Yin Yoga: As Is

    Norman Blair

    As is: a practice of Yin yoga, meditation and pranayama. In this beautifully slow, quiet class, you'll be asked to settle into sensation. Expect just a few poses, all of them on the floor, but long holds. Take enquries into your body, your breath and the issues within your tissues as you relax into what is. A fabulous class for settling the nerves afer a stressful day or for relaxing before bedtime. You will need a block or cushion, a bolster, you may need a strap, and you may want any other props if you have them.

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  • Being Breathing21:39
    Being Breathing

    Norman Blair

    This gentle Yin yoga class focuses on the breath with very gentle, calming stretches that will release and transform any anxiety and prepare for sleep or gently open the body ready for the day.

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