Yin Yoga › Morning Energiser › All Levels

  • Morning Routine: Tap, Shake and Stretch 30:40
    Morning Routine: Tap, Shake and Stretch

    Norman Blair

    A perfect morning routine, suitable for all bodies. Start the day with shaking! Great for getting the blood circulating. Then some body tapping which wakes up the yin channels of the body and feels just great. Arm movements wake up the body, then Yin Yoga stretches on the ground to gently stretch out the body to wake up gently. You don't need a yoga mat.

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  • Energising Morning Yin Yoga55:24
    Energising Morning Yin Yoga

    Carlene Bogues

    An energising morning Yin yoga class where we are able to gently energise even in stillness. Each pose will have a little gentle movement or mobility prep before we go into stillness and a visualisation to provide stimulation to awaken. Poses include sphinx, lizard, variation of sphinx, banana (with 3 part breathing) and savasana or seated meditation. You will need blocks and a blanket/bolster or pillows.

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  • Liberate Your Hips: A Yin/Yang Flow47:57
    Liberate Your Hips: A Yin/Yang Flow

    Jonelle Lewis

    This yoga class is a mix between yin and yang to increase mobility in the hip joint. Starting with yin yoga and Qigong, it then gently flows towards some more yang poses to work the inner and outer hips and to free up the spine for a lovely balanced way to liberate the whole body. This class is perfect for a slightly gentler morning choice or in the evening if you've spent the day seated or standing. Working with the water element, it brings softness and a sense of letting go. You will need two bricks and a strap.

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  • Start Your Day The Yin Way10:36
    Start Your Day The Yin Way

    Andrea Kwiatkowski

    We often associate Yin Yoga with the afternoon or evenings, but it’s also a wonderful practice to start the day. This is a short Kidney meridian focused yin yoga class with just three Yin yoga poses and is a great bookend to a more yang class, or a prelude to morning meditation, and is great way to start the day when you’re short on time. You will need a bolster.

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  • Being Breathing21:39
    Being Breathing

    Norman Blair

    This gentle Yin yoga class focuses on the breath with very gentle, calming stretches that will release and transform any anxiety and prepare for sleep or gently open the body ready for the day.

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