Restorative Yoga › Re-charge Fatigue › All Levels

  • Sofa Yoga17:11
    Sofa Yoga

    Jean Hall

    A beautifully calming yoga class, which is to be done with the help of a sofa. A perfect class for a sunday morning, or anytime you need to really chill, breathe deeply and take it easy. With the favourite pose of inversion over the back of the sofa. What's not to love. A great class to relax, for all abilities and mobilities.

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  • Flow and Restore 244:08
    Flow and Restore 2

    Clive Fogelman

    This nourishing yoga class starts with a gentle warm up, followed by vinyasa yoga flow to stretch, strengthen and move the body in order to prepare for stillness. The second part of the class is very nourishing and supportive restorative yoga. This yoga class is a wonderful opportunity to strike balance between movement and stillness, challenge and softness, effort and effortlessness. Check out Clive’s first Flow & Restore class.

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  • Breathe Deep and Restore01:03:37
    Breathe Deep and Restore

    Dirish Shaktidas

    This yin yoga, restorative yoga and breath work class cools, calms and softens into body and mind; a deeply nourishing and supportive yoga class. Connect to your body and soul with this deep breathing experience. With a focus on breath work throughout, expect deeply restorative yoga poses to help to unwind and decompress. You will unravel the tension with cleansing breath work, deep stretches, and blissful meditation. Breathe through the yin and restorative poses; stretch and soften tense muscles; relax, release and recharge. This class is designed for anyone who needs a break, perfect for anytime in our busy lives to take time for yourself to relax, slow down, and BREATHE DEEP. You'll need a bolster, brick and a blanket.

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  • Restorative Yoga: Inner Knowing44:33
    Restorative Yoga: Inner Knowing

    Adrianna Zaccardi

    This restorative yoga class brings our attention to rest at the crown of the head (Sahasrara). Start in seated meditation using visualisation, and then expand your presence with a restorative downward facing dog. You will need access to a wall (or edge of bed or sofa) for the deeply restorative legs up the wall pose followed by a deep body scan to close practice. You will need blankets, eye pillows or covering, bricks and a bolster. Pregnant practitioners: after the 30 week mark, downward facing dog should be practiced for periods of 30 seconds or less, or rest in child’s pose.

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  • Restorative Yoga: Inner Vision43:20
    Restorative Yoga: Inner Vision

    Adrianna Zaccardi

    This restorative yoga class brings awareness to inner vision, the third eye (Ajna); the intuition, the way of seeing and perceiving the world. With three poses and a breath practice, this class creates clarity and can be practiced at any time of day. Suitable for all levels and bodies, a calming practice to call you into deep presence and inner knowing.

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  • Restorative Yoga: Listening In35:04
    Restorative Yoga: Listening In

    Adrianna Zaccardi

    This restorative yoga class brings your awareness to the throat energy centre. (Vishuddha). This energy centre is commonly connected to how we express ourselves, but this class will explore how we listen and respond. Not suitable for those with any upper spine/ neck injuries. Suitable for women in their second and third trimesters. You will need an eye pillow, blanket, bolster and blocks.

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  • Restorative Yoga: Open to Love41:49
    Restorative Yoga: Open to Love

    Adrianna Zaccardi

    A very gentle restorative yoga class. Starting with self-massage, explore the use of touch and breath to gently open the heart to the fullness of life. Followed by simple gentle and nourishing restorative yoga poses to open the chest, bringing presence to rest at your heart space (Anahata). You will need a bolster, block and blanket. Suitable for all.

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  • Restorative Yoga: Inner Radiance46:12
    Restorative Yoga: Inner Radiance

    Adrianna Zaccardi

    A gently stimulating restorative yoga class focusing on the upper abdomen and solar plexus (Manipura) and to sit within your own radiance. This practice may not be suitable for women in their second and third trimesters.

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  • Restorative Yoga: Be Here48:43
    Restorative Yoga: Be Here

    Adrianna Zaccardi

    This beautiful restorative yoga class is designed to bring your awareness to rest at your root, (Muladhara) as an invitation to be here, now. Starting with a short breathwork meditation practice, this breathwork continues throughout class. Expect relaxing, long held poses with some child's pose and pelvic circles between poses. This grounding practice is suitable for all bodies, and modifications are welcome. If you are pregnant this practice can be modified, so be sure to listen out for these during the practice.

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  • Restorative Pick Me Up15:31
    Restorative Pick Me Up

    Clive Fogelman

    With no equipment needed and minimal space required, this restorative yoga class is perfect to recharge, reset and renew. Just find some space wherever you are, whether that's at home or at work! Often restorative yoga is done in the evening or on the weekend but it can be a great practise during the day too. This class uses gentle movements to release tension and recharge fatigue. As well as releasing physical tension it can help balance our emotional and mental states leaving us feeling more focused and refreshed for the day ahead.

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  • One Blanket Restorative25:48
    One Blanket Restorative

    Adam Hocke

    Restorative yoga is so important. Give your body the chance to rest fully, even if you are limited on props. All you need for this restful practice is one blanket or towel. Through a handful of supported postures we will bring a calming awareness to body and breath. Great to calm you down when anxiety is high or when you are preparing for sleep.An essential daily practice for those overwhelmed and busy.

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  • Cultivating Vitality01:06:00
    Cultivating Vitality

    Adrianna Zaccardi

    Although we may believe the restorative yoga is best before bed, this practice has been designed for you to practice first thing in the morning, so that you may experience the level of presence and vitality as it filter through your day. Granted this may be on the weekend, but do try it and experience first hand your vitality through this nourishing restorative practice.

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  • Quiet Time 1: At Peace With Yourself34:23
    Quiet Time 1: At Peace With Yourself

    Norman Blair

    This Yin yoga practice is a great way of finding some quiet time, exploring the inner body and cultivating qualities of attention. You will hold poses for minutes whilst you focus on your breathing and your inner world. You will need two blocks.

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