Therapeutic Benefits › All Levels › 10 to 20 mins

  • Gentle Somatic Movement: Feet, Knees & Hips14:10
    Gentle Somatic Movement: Feet, Knees & Hips

    Nahid de Belgeonne

    A perfect class if you've been feeling sluggish or letharic, or just low on energy. A wonderful class for those recovering from illness or injury, or who have energy challenges, because this class has only very small movements and you will simply be lying down. Energise gently, with this global, whole body gentle awakening class. Wake up feet, knees and hips as well as the rest of your systems by lying on your back and feeling the floor with your bare feet. Find a comfortable place to lie down and let your body feel nurtured and nourished by this gentle somatic movement.

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  • Relax & Calm Yoga - Evening chill (better than vino!)13:03
    Relax & Calm Yoga - Evening chill (better than vino!)

    Margi Young

    This class is Margi’s favorite way to end the day. A perfect, simple all on the back class to relax and calm ready for bed. Breath centered, close to the earth, gentle, soothing twists, hip openers, hamstring stretches and a short meditation with legs elevated on a chair or couch. Enjoy this very relaxed floor-perspective of this floor based class! Go from this practice right to bed. Please have a belt or and a cushion.

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  • Gentle Somatic Movement: Release Hands & Pelvis to calm nervous system 15:10
    Gentle Somatic Movement: Release Hands & Pelvis to calm nervous system

    Nahid de Belgeonne

    This gentle somatic movement class is seated and can be done at work, in the office, in a hotel room after travel or anywhere. The movements are very small and subtle, simply but very effectively calming the nervous system with just small movements in the hands and pelvis. You don't need any equipment and can do this class in a limited space.

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  • Gentle Somatic Movement: Release Tension in the Head and Neck15:57
    Gentle Somatic Movement: Release Tension in the Head and Neck

    Nahid de Belgeonne

    This gentle somatic movement class is seated and can be done at work, in the office, in a hotel room after travel or anywhere. The movements are very small and subtle, simply but very effectively releasing tension in the head and neck using circular movements. You don't need any equipment and can do this class in a limited space, it's one to save!

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  • Gentle Somatic Movement: Release Back Pain15:13
    Gentle Somatic Movement: Release Back Pain

    Nahid de Belgeonne

    If you've been feeling like your back is tight or you're suffering from back pain, this class is great, It is also a great class if you're recovering from illness and injury, or have energy challenges, because the class is entirely on the back and movements are simply sliding your body on the floor ,so no need for a yoga mat. Get curious about how your body moves and how your breath moves through your body. Feel release throughout the back and pelvis through this very nurturing, kind and gentle class which will make you feel human again with your nervous system restored and recovered. Find a comfortable place to lie down and let your body feel nurtured and nourished by this gentle somatic movement.

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  • Meditation to Settle and Calm11:50
    Meditation to Settle and Calm

    Margi Young

    A short meditation, easy to do when you're on the go or you need settling, in the middle of a busy day, or to calm before bed. Beginning with a listening meditation practice, be guided to feel the earth as a way of settling the body and quieting some of the activity of the mind. This practice is a good one to do any time of day, but may be particularly helpful before bed.

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  • Journaling: Rewrite your Menopause Story10:00
    Journaling: Rewrite your Menopause Story

    Gabriella Espinosa

    It can be helpful to write down your menopause experience, in order to consciously re-write your menopause story. This is a journalling exercise in which you're guided through a series of journaling prompts to reimagine and rewrite your menopause story. Journaling freely and expressively in this way has the added benefit of being a wonderful relaxation tool, and a soothing way to deal with the stressors of daily life. Get curious - what are some of the narratives about menopause that you have internalised and how are they shaping your menopause experience? Journaling helps bring clarity to our experiences by writing down your thoughts and feelings, essentially decluttering your mind, breaking them down into pieces that are easier for you to process emotionally. In this class, Props needed: Yoga mat, journal and pen

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  • Awakening to Yourself17:49
    Awakening to Yourself

    Petra Coveney

    Oestrogen is an anti-inflammatory, so your perimenopausal symptoms can include sore joints and muscle stiffness, especially around the hips, shoulders, wrists and ankles. Join Petra for this simple morning class with somatic movement to help you limber up, lubricate joints and set a positive intention for your day ahead. You can even practice this class in bed.

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  • Prenatal Pilates - Strengthen and Energise your Core (for all levels, up until second trimester) 22:11
    Prenatal Pilates - Strengthen and Energise your Core (for all levels, up until second trimester)

    Vanessa Michielon

    Perfect for keeping strong in the first two trimesters of pregnancy, but a really great, and pretty tough, strengthening Pilates class for all of us. This is a pretty challenging class, so please do go at your own pace and modify and take rest when needed. Centered around core strength, this Pilates class incorporates a small Pilates ball , or you can equally use a small cushion or pillow, to support your back in some of the abdominal work sequences and to activate your inner thighs. Connectt deeply with your breath and move mindfully through Side Planks, Supported Planks and variations of High Curl that will challenge your stability and maintain your centre powerful, so you can reduce the risk of back pain and better support your growing baby. Suggested prop: a small Pilates ball or bolster or small cushion. If practicing pregnant please contact your healthcare provider to check the suitability of this class.

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  • Second Spring: A Guided Visualisation Meditation10:39
    Second Spring: A Guided Visualisation Meditation

    Petra Coveney

    It’s never too early to prepare for your Second Spring and we can start by becoming more comfortable with change. Join Petra for this guided visualisation meditation as she walks you through the seasons of a woman’s life, drawing on Nature’s seasons: Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter and arriving in your Second Spring.

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  • Yoga for Sacroiliac Stability 29:23
    Yoga for Sacroiliac Stability

    Mimi Kuo-Deemer

    Sacroiliac (SI) pain can be common in many yoga practitioners. This series of movements, all done on the back when done daily can help address instability and discomfort in the sacroiliac area. It’s also ideal if you’re short on space and time. You’ll need a blanket, block and strap.

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  • Gentle Yoga for Emotional Release16:16
    Gentle Yoga for Emotional Release

    Gabriella Espinosa

    Life's journey can bring up a range of emotions from anger, rage, grief, loss and frustration. This gentle yoga class is an opportunity to move with your feelings; allowing them to arise, shift and release through somatic movement, gentle yoga postures and breath work. Welcome the full spectrum of your human experience. You will need a blanket.

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  • Learn Safe Alignment14:12
    Learn Safe Alignment

    Lizzie Reumont

    This is a crucial, in-depth yoga class for all of us to learn how to practice safely. It is especially good for those coming back into their yoga practice after injury of the ribs, shoulders, arms and hands. Learn how to practice in an integrated way, how to be balanced, and the correct orientation of the head and neck to the arms and torso. A really great yoga tutorial as well for all of us to learn correct arm, shoulder movements in poses like Eagle Pose.

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  • Tennis Elbow: How Yoga Can Help18:55
    Tennis Elbow: How Yoga Can Help

    Lucy & Ben Parker

    In this yoga anatomy class, Lucy and Ben look at the anatomy of the elbow, and how we can develop both tennis and golfer's elbow. Usually entirely un-related to either sport, these two conditions can cause pain in the elbow, forearm and wrist. In this class, they explain the difference between the two and what to include in your yoga practice to help alleviate the pain and recover from these ailments. NB: Please note that all advice and recommendations in this film are given generally and do not constitute any form of an individual diagnosis or treatment plan. A consultation with a medical practitioner or registered physical therapist is recommended. Try these wrist free classes.

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  • Carpal Tunnel: How Yoga Can Help17:28
    Carpal Tunnel: How Yoga Can Help

    Lucy & Ben Parker

    In this anatomy yoga class, you will learn about the wrist joint and how we can develop carpal tunnel syndrome. This is a common complaint arising in our wrists that can often be quite easily prevented and alleviated. Discover exactly what the carpal tunnel is and some principals to support the health of your wrists. Lucy & Ben offer practical advice for your ongoing yoga practice both for those who currently have symptoms and for those who want to prevent a recurrence. NB: Please note that all advice and recommendations in this film are given generally and do not constitute any form of an individual diagnosis or treatment plan. A consultation with a medical practitioner or registered physical therapist is recommended. Try these wrist free classes.

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  • Qigong Breathing16:15
    Qigong Breathing

    Mimi Kuo-Deemer

    Any time you need to calm and nourish yourself, try these 5 types of breathing that lead to Embryonic Respiration, and then finish with a simple, gentle yet potent practice called Inner Nourishment. In China, this practice has been done since the Ming Dynasty. Believed to strengthen all internal organs, it has strong affect on digestion and respiration, menstruation, fatigue and heart disease.

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