Therapeutic Benefits › All Levels › Over 60 mins

  • Christmas Yin Yoga - Replay of Live Class01:29:04
    Christmas Yin Yoga - Replay of Live Class

    Andrea Kwiatkowski

    This is an extra special yin class, the perfect time of year for hibernating at home in our pyjamas and all our props. This class includes, breath work, a yin sequence to cultivate kidney energy during the winter season, soothing of the nervous system with warmth and relaxing meditation. You will need: Any props you have a home or things to use as props! A Bolster and blocks Hot water bottle ready to add warmth!

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  • Yoga for Pelvic Floor Health01:13:18
    Yoga for Pelvic Floor Health

    Gabriella Espinosa

    This yoga class brings awareness to the pelvic floor and lower body through breath, gentle movement and deep relaxation. Starting with a long relaxation, we then bring gentle movement to the body, practicing yoga poses to bring tone and range of movement to the pelvic floor. Class ends with a guided lower body relaxation. Pelvic Floor health is essential as we transition into Perimenopause and Menopause. As our levels of oestrogen begin to fluctuate, this can have an effect on the tone and elasticity of the pelvic floor. Increased levels of stress and anxiety during this time can also lead to hypertonic or overactive pelvic floor muscles caused from too much tension or tightening of the pelvic floor. Pelvic floor muscles can also be weak or hypotonic meaning the muscles are not providing enough support for the bowels, bladder, and uterus. You will need a bolster, blankets, two cork bricks (if you have them, or books), a belt, sandbag or weights (optional).

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  • Yoga for Sore Feet & Ankles01:10:41
    Yoga for Sore Feet & Ankles

    Lucy & Ben Parker

    Our feet are our foundations; we rely on our feet and ankles to carry us around all day. Quite a remarkable task if you stop to think of the proportions of two small feet carrying one tall person! In this yoga and anatomy tutorial video you will learn so much about your feet and ankles and develop a new found respect and gratitude for this remarkable part of our anatomy. Discover how to use your feet for optimum posture and easeful movement throughout your day, and on your yoga mat. Practice some movement to help you understand how you can strengthen and mobilise this area. Plus, learn about how to support common conditions relating to the feet including sprains, plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendon problems, bunions and hallux rigidus. Please note that all advice and recommendations in this film are given generally and do not constitute any form of an individual diagnosis or treatment plan. A consultation with a medical practitioner or registered physical therapist is recommended. Practice to help you understand how you can strengthen and mobilise the foot and ankle.

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  • Yoga Tutorial for a Healthy Spine01:10:19
    Yoga Tutorial for a Healthy Spine

    Lucy & Ben Parker

    A yoga anatomy tutorial all about the spine; essential for any yoga students and teachers looking to expand their knowledge! The more we know about the spine the more remarkable and astonishing it becomes; it is fundamental in so many movement patterns allowing us to move in so many ways whilst staying light, graceful and steady. This video will teach you about the intricate structure of your spine and begin to respect its subtle changes and adaptations that make life on two feet possible and enjoyable. Class starts by offering you a way to gain a felt sense of your spine and its various ranges of movement and functions. Then discover how to find good posture in standing and sitting to limit those all too common issues of back ache. Finally, learn how to use your spine to inform your alignment, ease and freedom on your yoga mat. NB: All advice and recommendations in this film are given generally and do not constitute any form of an individual diagnosis or treatment plan. A consultation with a medical practitioner or registered physical therapist is recommended.

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  • Yoga for Strong Bones01:11:47
    Yoga for Strong Bones

    Gabriella Espinosa

    This yoga class takes us through a series of poses which have been proven (in a seminal two-year pilot study of yoga and osteoporosis) to improve bone strength. This class builds strength and balance, but in a gentle, accessible way. The key pillars for sustaining bone strength include stimulating the bones through weight bearing movement, muscular engagement of the arms, legs, abdomen and glutes, and balance, which helps build agility and equilibrium. Maintaining our bone strength and density to prevent the risk of osteoporosis is hugely important as we journey into menopause and beyond. You will need 2 cork bricks (or books!) and a blanket.

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