Stress/Anxiety › All Levels › Over 60 mins

  • Christmas Yin Yoga - Replay of Live Class01:29:04
    Christmas Yin Yoga - Replay of Live Class

    Andrea Kwiatkowski

    This is an extra special yin class, the perfect time of year for hibernating at home in our pyjamas and all our props. This class includes, breath work, a yin sequence to cultivate kidney energy during the winter season, soothing of the nervous system with warmth and relaxing meditation. You will need: Any props you have a home or things to use as props! A Bolster and blocks Hot water bottle ready to add warmth!

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  • Slow Down and Unwind for Deep Rest01:04:43
    Slow Down and Unwind for Deep Rest

    Vanessa Michielon

    This feel-good seated and supine yoga class is deeply relaxes and invites us to settle in the rest and digest state of the nervous system and to allow ourselves to be exactly as we are and who we are. By exploring hip-opening postures, such as Dragonfly and Reclined butterfly and practicing Box Breathing your muscles will release and your mind recentre. You will need 2 bricks, a bolster or a couple of cushions, and a Yoga belt.

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  • Your Difficult Emotions Practice01:00:23
    Your Difficult Emotions Practice

    Adam Hocke

    A beautiful hatha yoga class to give you permission to feel all the things you're feeling, along with a safe space to process difficult or strong emotions. This class begins with a meditation and a breath-oriented slow yoga flow bringing space and warmth all around your heart along with many opportunities for self-soothing and embrace. Then we will take advantage of this compassionate environment and allow plenty of time for rest, processing, and healing in a few restorative shapes. You will need a strap, bolster, a blanket, and a couple bricks, although you can improvise with whatever you have at home.

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  • Breathe Deep and Restore01:03:37
    Breathe Deep and Restore

    Dirish Shaktidas

    This yin yoga, restorative yoga and breath work class cools, calms and softens into body and mind; a deeply nourishing and supportive yoga class. Connect to your body and soul with this deep breathing experience. With a focus on breath work throughout, expect deeply restorative yoga poses to help to unwind and decompress. You will unravel the tension with cleansing breath work, deep stretches, and blissful meditation. Breathe through the yin and restorative poses; stretch and soften tense muscles; relax, release and recharge. This class is designed for anyone who needs a break, perfect for anytime in our busy lives to take time for yourself to relax, slow down, and BREATHE DEEP. You'll need a bolster, brick and a blanket.

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  • Supporting Anxiety01:01:00
    Supporting Anxiety

    Adrianna Zaccardi

    Anxiety, to various degrees, can be part of the human experience more frequently than we would like. You may practice this at any time of the day that feels best for you, knowing that this 1 hour long practice includes several poses that help soothe and support your nervous system without feeling overly exposed. I will be holding the space with you for the entire practice. It must be mentioned that this sequence is not a substitute for any professional support you may need. If your anxiety is at a point that is too much for you, then please seek additional support.

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  • Cultivating Vitality01:06:00
    Cultivating Vitality

    Adrianna Zaccardi

    Although we may believe the restorative yoga is best before bed, this practice has been designed for you to practice first thing in the morning, so that you may experience the level of presence and vitality as it filter through your day. Granted this may be on the weekend, but do try it and experience first hand your vitality through this nourishing restorative practice.

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  • Total Body Recharge01:06:02
    Total Body Recharge

    Joo Teoh

    A very peaceful yoga class to have you fully relaxed and restored. With just a few restorative poses and all held for several minutes, this class is a wonderfully healthy way to recharge after a busy day. With minimal instruction during the long holds, this class is conducive to deeply recharging and letting go. Rather than getting ready for bed, this class will have you restored and recharged afterwards. After deep relaxation, we finish standing tall, refreshed and recharged. Although class calls for two bolsters, one bolster and rolled blankets or cushions will work just as well.

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  • Live at Yoga Garden Party: Rebalance with the Prana Vayus01:00:20
    Live at Yoga Garden Party: Rebalance with the Prana Vayus

    Zephyr Wildman

    This class on the Prana-Vayus is an experiential exploration into your breath-work. A must for all practitioners! Prana is lifeforce and Vayus mean the vehicle to experience the lifeforce. Starting with a short talk on the role of prana in the body, the class moves into some slow, steady vinyasa and then further breath-work followed by a long guided meditation. A truly balancing, calming and energising class, deeply rooted in the origins of yoga, perfect for finding out more about this beautiful practice. Suitable for all levels.

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  • Live at Yoga Garden Party: Decompression - Yoga for self-care01:03:55
    Live at Yoga Garden Party: Decompression - Yoga for self-care

    Kirsty Nazaré

    A very gentle hatha yoga class designed to give you self-care, self-nurturing. Starting supine, on a bolster, the class goes through gentle hatha moves, breath-work and meditation to give yourself the decompression you need when you're dealing with a busy, sometimes overwhelming life. You will need a bolster.

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