Core Strength › All Levels › 10 to 20 mins

  • Standing Barre for Strong Abs19:31
    Standing Barre for Strong Abs

    Amy Holly

    This Barre Class strengthens the whole of the abdominal area, often known as the core, without a single plank or sit up! Target the whole of the core - including the back body and glutes. Create a strong centre (great for balance, grace and poise) while sculpting, toning and strengthening one of the most important muscle groups in the body, this is great for lower back care. Remember to activate the core throughout this class. Not suitable if those who are pregnant. Have a sturdy chair on hand for this class.

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  • Vinyasa Energy Boost19:24
    Vinyasa Energy Boost

    Lucy McCarthy

    Get energised and feel revitalised - even in a short time. Perfect for building heat in the winter, or whenever you're in need of some inner fire. This short, punchy vinyasa practice will give our whole being a big energy boost. Starting with Kapalabhati, to build heat, then building heat through the core, opening the spine with twists and build to a sweet lunge backbend.

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  • Prenatal Pilates - Strengthen and Energise your Core (for all levels, up until second trimester) 22:11
    Prenatal Pilates - Strengthen and Energise your Core (for all levels, up until second trimester)

    Vanessa Michielon

    Perfect for keeping strong in the first two trimesters of pregnancy, but a really great, and pretty tough, strengthening Pilates class for all of us. This is a pretty challenging class, so please do go at your own pace and modify and take rest when needed. Centered around core strength, this Pilates class incorporates a small Pilates ball , or you can equally use a small cushion or pillow, to support your back in some of the abdominal work sequences and to activate your inner thighs. Connectt deeply with your breath and move mindfully through Side Planks, Supported Planks and variations of High Curl that will challenge your stability and maintain your centre powerful, so you can reduce the risk of back pain and better support your growing baby. Suggested prop: a small Pilates ball or bolster or small cushion. If practicing pregnant please contact your healthcare provider to check the suitability of this class.

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  • Yoga for Back Care: Building Core Strength19:16
    Yoga for Back Care: Building Core Strength

    Sally Parkes

    This yoga for back care class is increasingly tougher, building up core strength! This class focuses on building up internal strength and activating the back muscles. This class builds on the back care classes deep core introduction class, the focus on this class is on increasing range of movement whilst activating the outer core, and why being able to activate the core is important for stabilisation of the spine and pelvis. You will need a chair.

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  • Yoga for Back Care: Deep Core Muscles19:44
    Yoga for Back Care: Deep Core Muscles

    Sally Parkes

    The yoga for back care class is mostly either seated, on the back or on all fours and includes gentle, supported and floor-based movements to mobilise the shoulders, spine and pelvis. Combine mobilisation with conscious breathing and gentle stretching to release stiffness and increase the feeling of embodiment, really inhabiting and saying 'yes' to your body. Bring awareness to the entire body via the breath before bringing attention to the psoas, lower abdominal area and pelvic floor to practice how to activate and release these muscles, the deep core, in equal measures.

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  • High Intensity Core Workout 17:00
    High Intensity Core Workout

    Clive Fogelman

    A strengthening interval-based high intensity workout which especially focuses on the core. This class is 15 exercises: 40 seconds on 20 seconds off, with most of the exercises based around plank or sit-ups. This workout is perfect as a standalone class or add it on at the end of one of your others to add some core strength.

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  • Seated Abs Workout11:36
    Seated Abs Workout

    Amy Holly

    This seated abdominal class is a fun way to enhance core strength; perfect if you just can’t face another plank! It is an ideal short workout if you've got limited space, need a break from work, or when you're travelling. This class could also be done sat on a chair or on the edge of a bed; just make sure the core is engaged and the direction of energy is up.

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  • Energising Cardio & Standing Abs Workout13:30
    Energising Cardio & Standing Abs Workout

    Amy Holly

    A fun workout and an invigorating way to start your day. This Barre class will build strength in the core and arms as well as work on your fitness. If you are looking to change up your core routine then standing abs are essential. Probably only seen in dance and boxing, standing while working the abs adds a whole new dimension to your workout. It’s short enough to fit into a busy day but long enough to really make a difference. Put this class with another short class to give you a longer workout and to target specific areas.

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  • Pilates Series (2)17:31
    Pilates Series (2)

    Sally Parkes

    The second in our Pilates challenge series. Today's class is a slightly tougher Pilates class, building on the same moves you found in Step 1 class with some more intermediate variations.

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  • Pilates Series (1)14:14
    Pilates Series (1)

    Sally Parkes

    The first in our progressive Pilates Series. This class shows you the basic Pilates moves to start building strength from within and get your abdominal strength. You'll be finding your table top, plank, push ups,bridge andside-lying balance and laying strong foundations on which to build strength. Take this class as many times as you need before moving on to the next class.

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