Yoga Pose Tutorials › Arm Balances › All Levels

  • Flying Plank: Strengthening Yoga 22:01
    Flying Plank: Strengthening Yoga

    Clive Fogelman

    Join Clive for this strengthening yoga class: a progressive sequence of flying plank for developing arm and core strength. Starting from all fours and including variations from downward dog, high plank and forearm plank. There are 5 sequences in total. Build it up over time and go at your own pace. Leave the class feeling energised and motivated for the rest of the day. Great standalone practise or an add on to your other classes and movement practises.

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  • Handstand Tutorial for Beginners10:25
    Handstand Tutorial for Beginners

    Vidya Heisel

    This yoga tutorial works on the different stages and how to approach a handstand, and is great if you've never tried handstand before. Work on long holds in downward facing dog and plank to build strength, then work on progressing to handstand with this class! You will need your mat by a wall.

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  • Crow (1) Understanding the Forgotten Handstand12:17
    Crow (1) Understanding the Forgotten Handstand

    Daniel Peppiatt

    Crow (or Bakasana) is a handstand, although not many of us every consider this! It forms the basis of all hand balances and in this session we take look at the many factors that make crow a challenging position and how we might overcome these and refine our crow pose if we already have one. You may need 2 blocks.

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  • Tips for Crow Pose03:45
    Tips for Crow Pose

    Kirsty Nazaré

    A short tutorial to help you get into that, sometimes elusive, Bakasana, or Crow Pose. You will need 2 blocks. Thanks to Wellicious for their lovely clothes for this.

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