Yoga Pose Tutorials › Therapeutic Benefits › All Levels

  • Yoga for Osteopenia03:33
    Yoga for Osteopenia

    Petra Coveney

    This is a brief yoga tutorial of some of the ways you can use a chair to modify your yoga practice if you have osteopenia (weakened bones) which can affect women as they go through the menopause. If you have osteoporosis, you must always consult your GP before practising yoga, and ask your osteopath or physiotherapist which range of movement is suitable for your body.

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  • Yoga Tutorial for a Healthy Spine01:10:19
    Yoga Tutorial for a Healthy Spine

    Lucy & Ben Parker

    A yoga anatomy tutorial all about the spine; essential for any yoga students and teachers looking to expand their knowledge! The more we know about the spine the more remarkable and astonishing it becomes; it is fundamental in so many movement patterns allowing us to move in so many ways whilst staying light, graceful and steady. This video will teach you about the intricate structure of your spine and begin to respect its subtle changes and adaptations that make life on two feet possible and enjoyable. Class starts by offering you a way to gain a felt sense of your spine and its various ranges of movement and functions. Then discover how to find good posture in standing and sitting to limit those all too common issues of back ache. Finally, learn how to use your spine to inform your alignment, ease and freedom on your yoga mat. NB: All advice and recommendations in this film are given generally and do not constitute any form of an individual diagnosis or treatment plan. A consultation with a medical practitioner or registered physical therapist is recommended.

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  • Tennis Elbow: How Yoga Can Help18:55
    Tennis Elbow: How Yoga Can Help

    Lucy & Ben Parker

    In this yoga anatomy class, Lucy and Ben look at the anatomy of the elbow, and how we can develop both tennis and golfer's elbow. Usually entirely un-related to either sport, these two conditions can cause pain in the elbow, forearm and wrist. In this class, they explain the difference between the two and what to include in your yoga practice to help alleviate the pain and recover from these ailments. NB: Please note that all advice and recommendations in this film are given generally and do not constitute any form of an individual diagnosis or treatment plan. A consultation with a medical practitioner or registered physical therapist is recommended. Try these wrist free classes.

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  • Carpal Tunnel: How Yoga Can Help17:28
    Carpal Tunnel: How Yoga Can Help

    Lucy & Ben Parker

    In this anatomy yoga class, you will learn about the wrist joint and how we can develop carpal tunnel syndrome. This is a common complaint arising in our wrists that can often be quite easily prevented and alleviated. Discover exactly what the carpal tunnel is and some principals to support the health of your wrists. Lucy & Ben offer practical advice for your ongoing yoga practice both for those who currently have symptoms and for those who want to prevent a recurrence. NB: Please note that all advice and recommendations in this film are given generally and do not constitute any form of an individual diagnosis or treatment plan. A consultation with a medical practitioner or registered physical therapist is recommended. Try these wrist free classes.

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  • Frozen Shoulder: How Yoga Can Help26:55
    Frozen Shoulder: How Yoga Can Help

    Lucy & Ben Parker

    This anatomy yoga video will teach you about the shoulder joint and what can go wrong with it. Frozen Shoulder has become a catch-all phrase to explain a range of shoulder issues. In particular, we focus on a condition called adhesive capsulitis (which we could call a true frozen shoulder) and how best to adapt your yoga practice to best support your recovery from this condition. NB: Please note that all advice and recommendations in this film are given generally and do not constitute any form of an individual diagnosis or treatment plan. A consultation with a medical practitioner or registered physical therapist is recommended.

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  • Low Back Pain: How Yoga Can Help49:02
    Low Back Pain: How Yoga Can Help

    Lucy & Ben Parker

    In this yoga anatomy class, learn about the anatomy of the spine and the most common causes of low back pain in adults, followed by suggestions on how you can strengthen and support your spine during a yoga class. It’s estimated up to 8 out of 10 people in the UK are affected by back pain at some point in their lives with around a third of the population suffering an episode of low back pain each year. Understanding the anatomy of our lumbar spine and the importance of core stability can truly help you to support and maintain a healthy back on and off your yoga mat. NB: Please note that all advice and recommendations in this film are given generally and do not constitute any form of an individual diagnosis or treatment plan. A consultation with a medical practitioner or registered physical therapist is recommended.

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  • Support Your Neck02:29
    Support Your Neck

    Andrew McGonigle

    A short tutorial class by Dr Yogi in which he shows us some of the issues many of us have with our very fragile necks, and how to protect the neck in headstand.

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  • Shoulder Blades and Shoulder Girdle03:12
    Shoulder Blades and Shoulder Girdle

    Andrew McGonigle

    A short tutorial class by Andrew, Dr Yogi, in which he shows us the importance of keeping strength in the shoulder girdle. This is a key piece of anatomy for all of us, and can be viewed as an anatomical explanation to Kristi Johnson's 'wrapping the shoulders' video, for the Forrest Yoga technique to keeping the shoulders stable.

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