Healthy Hips › Improvers › 20 to 30 mins

  • Mandala Sun Salutations: Hips27:52
    Mandala Sun Salutations: Hips

    Katarina Rayburn

    Get moving swiftly with this yoga class! Katarina's mandala flow focuses on finding space in the hip and groin area whist also activating the glutei to stabilise the pelvis. This class is inspired by Katarina's self practice when she only has half hour to make the most of! It's a sure and fast way to get you flowing and sweating creatively. Mandala salutations move 360 degrees around the mat. You'll need two bricks or blocks

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  • Get Off Your Mat29:52
    Get Off Your Mat

    Naomi Absalom

    Changing a known route can shift us into the now. This yoga class is a somatic movement flow for those feeling the call to explore even further beyond the four corners of the mat. Great for teachers or those with a more intermediate practice. This is a sequence Naomi often shares in her teacher's practices. A creative, playful and challenging class.

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  • Playful Movement: Lower Body Focus29:40
    Playful Movement: Lower Body Focus

    David Kam

    A playful, fluid way to work on a series of goddesses, working through including squat, crow pose, wide legged forward band and inversions. This movement class focuses on fluidity and sensitising the lower extremities, particularly developing hip mobility through a sizzling series of goddesses in succession. Also be ready for some wonderfully playful ways to work with your balance and find lightness through transitions. You will need a brick or block.

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  • Playful Movement: Upper Body Focus29:11
    Playful Movement: Upper Body Focus

    David Kam

    The first in the Athletic Artist Series. An empowering, creative movement sequence to mobilise the upper body from the neck and shoulders down the entire arm line. Particularly suitable as a morning practice to get your day off to a blazing start.

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  • Glute Strengthening Workout 122:02
    Glute Strengthening Workout 1

    Sylvia Garcia

    Conditioning exercises to target your glutes! In our yoga practice, glutes (the big muscles in your bottom) can get neglected. But strong glutes can really help you to strengthen and stabilise your hips and lower back. This class has some strong moves which the less strong and mobile will find tricky, but this class is recommended to be repeated frequently as a great addition to your yoga practice.

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  • Yoga for Cyclists: Hamstrings20:38
    Yoga for Cyclists: Hamstrings

    Lucy McCarthy

    Lucy gives us some wonderful simple stretches for the backs of the legs, hamstrings, hips, shoulders and lower back - areas which can tighten up with a lot of cycling. With stretched muscles, you'll find you can go so much further...Try these stretches if you're a regular cyclist, if you're preparing for a cycling holiday or after a big ride. Props: Strap or belt.

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  • Hips and Spine unwind28:11
    Hips and Spine unwind

    Jean Hall

    This is a beautiful , relaxing, floor-based practice for when you need to chill as much as you need to move. Nourishing and rejuvenating flow with the breath. Perfect as a rainy-day practice or when you need a little extra TLC.

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