Healthy Hips › All Levels › 20 to 30 mins

  • Healthy Hips: Movement for Hip Recovery23:42
    Healthy Hips: Movement for Hip Recovery

    Sally Parkes

    Gentle mobility and strengthening Functional movement for the hips, plus core to support the pelvis and hip joints made accessible. Use a chair to help support your practice for days when you could do with some support, or when you're recovering from illness or injury. With some poses adapted and suitable for recovery from hip replacement. You will need a chair, a yoga belt and a block.

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  • Ease into Your Day23:24
    Ease into Your Day

    Lucy McCarthy

    This gentle hatha yoga classes eases us into the day, but is great for any time of day. This class will gently and slowly allow us to feel integrated and grounded, ready for the day. With plenty of supine hip openers, some standing and balancing poses and closing with a calming savasana, ready for the day.

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  • Joint Health and Mobility29:25
    Joint Health and Mobility

    Ava Riby-Williams

    An accessible and gentle movement class to create more freedom and mobility in the joint spaces. Enjoy plenty of gentle, circular movements to create freedom in the joints, and with just one downward dog, this class is mostly suitable for those with wrist issues, or if you're not on a yoga mat or have limited space. There’s a long savasana at the end for deepening your relaxation.

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  • Yin Yoga for Hip Happiness30:54
    Yin Yoga for Hip Happiness

    Norman Blair

    This yin yoga class is all about the hips. Deep hip stretches are perfect for both those of us with more sedentary lifestyles, and those who workout, so this yin yoga for hips class is ideal for all. As yin yoga is much slower and oriented towards internal experience (rather than external appearance), it might possibly be described as a counter-cultural practice. Yin swims against the currents of superficiality and speed and constant consuming. Yin yoga requires patience, and helps to foster a connection to ourselves.

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  • Pregnancy Yoga: Hips & Legs30:55
    Pregnancy Yoga: Hips & Legs

    Nikita Akilapa

    This pregnancy yoga class will help with discomfort in the hips and legs, which can be quite common in pregnancy, from Pelvic Girdle Pain (PGP) to antenatal Sciatica, Restless Leg Syndrome to full on leg cramps. This class is designed to alleviate some of these niggles, helping you feel more comfortable in your body. Suitable for all trimesters.

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  • Your Daily Hips Practice21:44
    Your Daily Hips Practice

    Adam Hocke

    This short yoga class helps to mobilise, strengthen and relax the hips through their full range of motion. Practise this class regularly as a preparation for your time on your mat or simply to feel good in your body. A perfect class for after long sedentary periods, either working at a desk or travelling. You may need a couple of bricks and a blanket.

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  • Protect & Recover 1: Lower Body26:43
    Protect & Recover 1: Lower Body

    Lizzie Reumont

    When you're recovering from illness or injury, start slow. Work through a very gentle recovery in this series from the ground up. This first class looks at the feet, ankles, knees and hips. Learn to understand how your body works and find and explore your own movement. This is perfect for those in the beginning stages of recovery or looking to strengthen weaknesses from past injury or illness. Warm up and move through stiff joints and bring overall awareness to the interconnectedness of the feet through the legs to the hips. This class takes place mostly seated in a chair and is accessible to most bodies.

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  • Yoga For Strong & Stable Hips27:47
    Yoga For Strong & Stable Hips

    Sally Parkes

    A simple hatha yoga class to create stability and flexibility in the hips. The hips are weight bearing joints that are made up of the pelvis, sacrum, femurs and coccyx as well as the surrounding muscles and connective tissue. In order for the hips to be functional and healthy we need to work all these areas with a combination of strength and flexibility. This class combines Hatha based yoga movements with strengthening workout moves to strengthen the hip joints whilst the yoga based hip openers work to unwind the hips, allowing you to move more freely whilst feeling strong in your pelvic area. You will need a block.

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  • Yoga to Strengthen the Spine23:50
    Yoga to Strengthen the Spine

    Sally Parkes

    A yoga class to release and strengthen the back, with a focus on the lower back. Lower back pain and discomfort is common in today’s society and the reasons for this vary, but can include a lack of regular stretching, too much of the same kind of strength work or too much flexibility (Hypermobility). Whatever the reason, Pilates inspired movements can assist with regaining balance of this sometimes vulnerable are. This sequence is packed full of small stabilising movements which give a sense of strength throughout the entire core area and is also punctuated with gentle stretches to unwind and release the entire spine.

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  • Hip Replacement: How Yoga can Help25:24
    Hip Replacement: How Yoga can Help

    Lucy & Ben Parker

    In this anatomy video, you will learn more about the hip joint in health and when compromised, specifically after a hip replacement. It is first important to fully understand the role the hip plays within the functioning of the lower limb (leg) and pelvis. Lucy and Ben then help you learn more about your individual hip replacement and what you need to watch out for when getting safely back onto your mat. They will also share some yoga poses which are great for strengthening the bones and improving balance to support the body and prevent injury to this area. NB: Please note that all advice and recommendations in this film are given generally and do not constitute any form of an individual diagnosis or treatment plan. A consultation with a medical practitioner or registered physical therapist is recommended.

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  • Wind Down Your Day22:49
    Wind Down Your Day

    Kristin Campbell

    Wind down and recover from a busy day with a yoga class poses that will actively release your shoulders, hips, hamstrings and lower back. Suggested props are a belt to help support opening your hamstrings and for the shoulder opening, and a block to sit on.

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  • Love Your Neck, Shoulders & Upper Back22:33
    Love Your Neck, Shoulders & Upper Back

    Kristin Campbell

    A simple yoga class, perfect as a bookend as a warm up or wind down to the beginning or end of a practice, even perfect as a post-athletic stretch out, or a break during the day. With a focus on with poses that open your shoulders, hips, hamstrings and lower back. You will be doing some seated poses so if you have tender knees or ankles, I recommend having a block for under your pelvis. We use the wall in this practice, so you'll need to be near a wall as a prop. You may want a bolster for legs up the wall, our closing posture, it feels great under the pelvis, it really helps to support hamstring lengthening. You wil need a block and a belt handy.

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  • Honour Your Cycle: Autumn22:24
    Honour Your Cycle: Autumn

    Uma Dinsmore Tuli

    A very gentle movement and breathing class for pre-menstrual tension. Release PMT with gentle hip-releasing yoga poses, work on emotional releases through resting poses. This class is nourishing and supportive, to give your body the rest and gentle movements it needs. You will need cushions or a bolster to support your knees during resting pose.

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  • Post Run Stretch25:33
    Post Run Stretch

    Clive Fogelman

    A hip and hamstring focused lengthening yoga class. A fantastic class after a workout or a run, or even perfect for after you've been travelling to lengthen your hamstrings and hips and feel a deep release. Part of this class is near a wall.

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  • Trimesters 2 & 3: Dynamic hips 29:17
    Trimesters 2 & 3: Dynamic hips

    Zephyr Wildman

    A dynamic, supportive vinyasa for pregnancy focusing on hip opening and pelvic strengthening. In this class, Zephyr gives some lovely shoulder and side body opening and release poses. Props: A bolster or a cushion

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