Travel SOS › All Levels › 20 to 30 mins

  • Yoga Flow to Free your Shoulders 35:02
    Yoga Flow to Free your Shoulders

    Margi Young

    A relaxed, contentment-inducing flow, perfect for anytime of day. Focus of the class is on shoulder and neck releases. Try this class after a busy day's work, after a long drive or travel, or to start the day feeling relaxed and open in the heart and shoulders. This class begins reclined over two blocks to begin the process of opening the front of the shoulders, lungs and heart. Move into some neck releases and twists, all with an emphasis on freedom of the shoulder area. After a few standing poses, the class ends with a supported inversion and hip opener. Props: 2 Blocks and a strap

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  • Ease into your Morning: Side Bends and Breathwork26:15
    Ease into your Morning: Side Bends and Breathwork

    Margi Young

    A luscious, evenly-paced slow flow vinyasa flow which is the perfect way to start the day. Full body stretches focusing on side bends and breathwork. A great class for after driving, travelling, or just to awaken and enliven the whole body. BKS Iyengar said, “if you open your armpits you won’t get depressed” and I believe it! In this sidebending class we open the armpits and stretch the whole side body. Including side bends lying down, seated and standing, your side body and lungs will be ready for some gentle breathwork. This is a soothing, feel good practice- one Margi's personal favourites! You may need a strap, block and blanket.

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  • The Yang Within The Yin30:24
    The Yang Within The Yin

    Norman Blair

    This Yin Yoga class has more of a yang feel to it. The holds are shorter, and we move off the ground. It's a great class to unravel a tight body in the morning, or as a mid-afternoon stretch break. Starting with dangling forward bend, then moving into squat and gentle movements to gently awaken the body. Then moving to gentle and mindful lunges, this is a Yin yoga class with more of a yang flavour. Perfect to gently unravel at any time of day. You'll need blocks (or a book), a strap.

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  • Pilates for Shoulder Stability and Neck Relaxation27:26
    Pilates for Shoulder Stability and Neck Relaxation

    Vanessa Michielon

    A Pilates class for the shoulders and neck to build strength and mobility to help you find full range of movement to prevent injury. It will also help create more space and relaxation in your neck and stabilise your shoulders as you move. We will both clarify the upper body alignment of some common Pilates exercises (planks, shoulder bridges, the Roll up) and use an elastic band (or a sock!) to create deeper connection in the side body and upper back muscles, so that your neck and head can move more freely and without excess tension. A great class to refine technique, as well as for those of us who spend time at our desk or travelling.

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  • Your Daily Hips Practice21:44
    Your Daily Hips Practice

    Adam Hocke

    This short yoga class helps to mobilise, strengthen and relax the hips through their full range of motion. Practise this class regularly as a preparation for your time on your mat or simply to feel good in your body. A perfect class for after long sedentary periods, either working at a desk or travelling. You may need a couple of bricks and a blanket.

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  • Work Break Yoga28:09
    Work Break Yoga

    Ava Riby-Williams

    A simple and practical toolkit of creative movement to remedy unhelpful sitting positions. It is especially good as a break from work, sitting on the sofa, and after travel to bring relief to tension headaches, sore necks and backs. This is a hatha style yoga class to stimulate your energy and cool your nerves and it contains loads of tips and tricks to use in any moment where you need to refresh, re-energise and relieve aches from being stationary for too long. You will need access to a wall.

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  • Get Grounded Prep Class21:55
    Get Grounded Prep Class

    Jonelle Lewis

    Find some lovely tools to put in your toolkit to get grounded, rooted and present to your life. A perfect warm up class to earth mandala flow, or any class. Starting with foot mobility and stability exercises - open up the feet, ground to earth, use myofascial release to massage your feet using a tennis ball. A really useful exercise to keep the feet mobile and pain free, but also to keep a sense of connection with the earth. Qigong poses help you to keep the energy grounded followed by some Yin Supine hamstring stretches and then grounding breath-work.You will need a tennis ball, bricks and a strap.

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  • Love Your Neck, Shoulders & Upper Back22:33
    Love Your Neck, Shoulders & Upper Back

    Kristin Campbell

    A simple yoga class, perfect as a bookend as a warm up or wind down to the beginning or end of a practice, even perfect as a post-athletic stretch out, or a break during the day. With a focus on with poses that open your shoulders, hips, hamstrings and lower back. You will be doing some seated poses so if you have tender knees or ankles, I recommend having a block for under your pelvis. We use the wall in this practice, so you'll need to be near a wall as a prop. You may want a bolster for legs up the wall, our closing posture, it feels great under the pelvis, it really helps to support hamstring lengthening. You wil need a block and a belt handy.

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  • Gentle Yoga For Travel23:55
    Gentle Yoga For Travel

    Catherine Annis

    This all-levels, gentle yoga class is perfect class to relax and ground you, whilst gently mobilsing your joints to help you to recover from travel and is wonderful for sorting the body and mind to help combat the effects of jet lag, but the class is also a perfect antidote for any long periods of sitting, and when you just need deep nourishment. Perfect if you’ve travelled, or if you’ve had a long day at a desk, this class stretches your spine and hips, decompressing your lower back, stretching your hamstrings, You will need a bolster and access to a chair or any furniture you can put your feet on!

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  • Soothe Your Soul21:46
    Soothe Your Soul

    Kirsty Nazaré

    A gentle, nourishing way to start or end the day. A steady hatha yoga hip opener with focus on the breath, especially for moving into calm and to release any tension and anxiety. Perfect for post-travel, or after work unravelling of the body and mind.

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  • Post Run Stretch25:33
    Post Run Stretch

    Clive Fogelman

    A hip and hamstring focused lengthening yoga class. A fantastic class after a workout or a run, or even perfect for after you've been travelling to lengthen your hamstrings and hips and feel a deep release. Part of this class is near a wall.

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  • Ready Steady Ski Part 328:39
    Ready Steady Ski Part 3

    Lucy McCarthy

    The perfect practice to prepare you for the slopes. Focusing on building strength in the legs, opening the hips and feet. You may need 2 blocks.

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  • Ready Steady Ski Part 124:16
    Ready Steady Ski Part 1

    Lucy McCarthy

    The perfect yoga practice to prepare you for the slopes. Focusing on building strength around the ankles, knees and thighs. You'll need a block (or a book) and a tennis ball. This class features French Olympic Skier Anais Caradeux as Lucy's student. Your thighs will feel this one!

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  • Apres Ski Aperitif20:18
    Apres Ski Aperitif

    Lucy McCarthy

    A short, warm down sequence after a day on the slopes to help lengthen muscles, release tension and boost recovery so you are ready for the slopes again tomorrow! This class focuses on stretching out the thighs, feet and shoulders.

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