Healthy Hips › All Levels › 30 to 45 mins

  • Pilates: Glutes, Legs and Mobile Hips 33:09
    Pilates: Glutes, Legs and Mobile Hips

    Vanessa Michielon

    This Pilates class is great for everybody, pregnant or non-pregnant bodies will love this strengthening class. Build strength in the lower body and maintaining mobility in the hips. Feel your glutes burning with strong glute strengthening exercises and with safe exercises from side laying positions and all 4s. This is a complete lower body work that will leave you feeling stronger, energised and refreshed (and aware that maybe your glutes need some more love!). This class is particularly recommended for those who drive a lot, for after travel, or who have a more sedentary lifestyle as your lower back will love you after these strong strengthening and mobiliising exercises. If practicing pregnant please contact your healthcare provider to check the suitability of this class.

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  • Hip Opening Yoga Flow41:38
    Hip Opening Yoga Flow

    Vanessa Michielon

    Our hips can suffer if we live a sedentary life, if we drive a lot, or we're athletic. This gentle, all-levels hip-opening slow flow is perfect for a prenatal practice (in any trimester), or for any of us with hips! This beautiful class gently mobilises and opens the hips and strengthens the lower body with wide legged forward bend, goddess pose and poses to open, strengthen and stabilise the hips, wonderful for pregnancy and for all of us. Suggested props: 2 bricks. If practicing pregnant please contact your healthcare provider to check the suitability of this class.

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  • Feel Good Yoga Flow: Margi’s Top Hits!42:33
    Feel Good Yoga Flow: Margi’s Top Hits!

    Margi Young

    This feel good yoga flow sequence is great for any time of day. A mindfully paced, thoughtfully sequenced vinyasa. A lovely way to start the day! Roll out your mat and start on the ground with some hip opening and twists and work your way up to a delicious standing pose sequence. End with pigeon, a twist, and a guided savasana.

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  • Healthy Hips: Functional Hips And Alignment For The Pelvis41:16
    Healthy Hips: Functional Hips And Alignment For The Pelvis

    Sally Parkes

    Did you know that to have a strong core, to have a strong and healthy lower back, we need to have healthy, mobile hips as well as a strong pelvic floor and good core muscles? Discover the interconnection of hips and core. This class is excellent for building hip core and lower back strength and mobility for healthy day to day function of the hips and pelvis. Movements will be practiced from standing, box position, side lying and lying supine. Build strength within the gluteal, abdominal, pelvic floor and lower back muscles.This movement class is slightly stronger and more challenging than previous classes, you may need to work with Sally's other hip classes first.

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  • Building Focus39:50
    Building Focus


    A perfect way to start your day leaving you feeling gently energised, stronger and a sense of clarity and focus. This Kundalini yoga class uses the Surya Kriya. This gentle yoga class practice starts with right nostril sun breathing. Mostly gentle and accessible postures (if you need something quite gentle, just give the frog sequence a miss) are done with a beautiful backdrop of music, mantra and drumming. There’s some drumming, chanting and it ends in 1 minute silent mediation.

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  • Healthy Hips: Recovering The Hips After Surgery30:38
    Healthy Hips: Recovering The Hips After Surgery

    Sally Parkes

    This class is suitable for those who are recovering from hip injury or after hip replacement, after you have had the go-ahead from your healthcare provider (usually around 10 weeks after surgery). This sequence will work through a selection of gentle movements for the hips keeping it simple by using body weight to engage the muscles surrounding the joints of the hips and pelvis. Movements will be small and repetitive to get some flow in the joints. Movements will be seated on a chair, then up to standing, over to the wall and sitting/lying down (supine) followed by a gentle stretch. This class will be considerate of hip and lower back injury making it accessible to all.

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  • Healthy Hips: Strength for the Hip Joints44:23
    Healthy Hips: Strength for the Hip Joints

    Sally Parkes

    Pilates and Yoga for healthy, mobile and strong hip joints. If you're a regular yoga practitioner, or you sit for long periods, you may have weaker muscles in the areas surrounding the hips. This class uses Pilates and yoga moves to strengthen the hips by moving the body in different planes of motions and at different speeds. A great class for most of us who have weaker hip and glute muscles. You may use an exercise band, if you have one, but it's not necessary for the class, and some exercises are done next to the wall.

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  • Healthy Hips: Gentle Hip Stretches for After Running/Hiking/Travelling32:01
    Healthy Hips: Gentle Hip Stretches for After Running/Hiking/Travelling

    Sally Parkes

    This gentle yoga class is ideal for when your hips are feeling a bit tighter. A great way to warm up the body on a chilly morning, or ideal for after running, cycling or hiking, after long journeys in the car or if you've just been that little bit sedentary and need to keep your hips mobile. This gentle stretch class is a slow and gentle stretch for the whole hip, pelvic, thigh and lower back area, giving a feeling of space in the pelvis and elongation in the lower back area. The session will start with gentle mobility work to prepare the body for deeper progressive stretches. The aim of this class is to gain a good range of motion in the body so that when we apply the strength work, strengthening the body whilst in a healthy postural position.

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  • The Human Method: Somatic Movement: Pelvis33:20
    The Human Method: Somatic Movement: Pelvis

    Nahid de Belgeonne

    This somatics class is an exploration to clarify the movements of the pelvis. This class takes place entirely on the back and is a very subtle exploration into the workings of the pelvis. It is a class for the curious and those who wish to explore subtle movements. The pelvis connects the upper body to the lower body. When we are clearer on our understanding of how your individual parts interact, your whole self becomes clarified. You do not need a yoga mat, just a carpeted floor to lie on and wear clothes that keep you warm and allow you to move around.

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  • Prenatal Yoga - Hip Opening Flow (for all levels and trimesters)41:38
    Prenatal Yoga - Hip Opening Flow (for all levels and trimesters)

    Vanessa Michielon

    Our hips can suffer if we live a sedentary life, if we drive a lot, or we're athletic. This gentle, all-levels hip-opening slow flow is perfect for a prenatal practice (in any trimester), or for any of us with hips! This beautiful class gently mobilises and opens the hips and strengthens the lower body with wide legged forward bend, goddess pose and poses to open, strengthen and stabilise the hips, wonderful for pregnancy and for all of us. Suggested props: 2 bricks. If practicing pregnant please contact your healthcare provider to check the suitability of this class.

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  • Be Here Now31:21
    Be Here Now

    Andrea Kwiatkowski

    This Jivamukti yoga class focuses on presence and being in the moment. Get moving straight away with side-bends to warm up, then a fiesty vinyasa yoga class. There's no relaxation at the end, so we recommend you end this practice with a relaxation class! Have a strap ready for some fun variations.

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  • Yoga for Every Body: Hips and Legs 32:35
    Yoga for Every Body: Hips and Legs

    Kate Walker

    Targeting the hips in every direction, this inclusive yoga class will help the hips and legs will feel freer. The class is entirely floor-based and opens the front, back, sides and inner hips so is great to wind-down after a long day. You will need blocks, bricks and a strap.

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  • Yin Yoga: Close to the Ground34:09
    Yin Yoga: Close to the Ground

    Norman Blair

    In this Yin yoga class, all the poses are very close to the ground. We begin in constructive rest and we end in constructive rest. In between those places, we access the hips and stretch the thighs. This class is great for when you need to restore your energy levels, or at the end of the day when you're encouraging calm and preparing for sleep. You might need blocks, a strap and a blanket.

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  • Stretch & Strengthen: Legs & Bums37:51
    Stretch & Strengthen: Legs & Bums

    Clive Fogelman

    This well-rounded yoga and mindful movement class has a focus on stretching and strengthening the glute muscles, and features plenty of standing balancing poses. This yoga class is ideal for those who walk regularly, run, cycle or do other physical sports or activities as strong glutes are vital for maintaining hip and lower back health. Strong, lifted and well stretched glutes also help to prevent injury, and are especially important for those of us who lead more sedentary lives.

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  • Yoga Step by Step 340:29
    Yoga Step by Step 3

    Kate Walker

    Get ready to progress your practice. In the third class in this Step by Step hatha yoga series, you’ll find additions to the first and second classes including sunbathing pigeon, plank pose, high lunge, tree with side bend, seated twist pose, double pigeon and rolling bridge.

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  • Slow Flow Yoga35:07
    Slow Flow Yoga

    Clive Fogelman

    A beautiful, well-rounded slow flow yoga class. The focus is particularly on a feeling of length and openness in the lower body. This gentle sequence focuses on the hamstrings and hips, taking time to really hold the poses to create a feeling of strength and openness in this area of the body.

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  • Restorative Yoga: Pause to Feel43:00
    Restorative Yoga: Pause to Feel

    Adrianna Zaccardi

    This restorative yoga class is designed to cultivate awareness through the pelvis, lower belly and sacral plexus; the home of the creative energy centre (Svadhishthana). Poses in this yoga class focus on the back, the lower belly and the legs, and are intended to create space to allow the energy to flow fluidly through this energy centre. It starts with low lunges, moving to a restorative child’s pose and then you'll need a clear wall for ‘legs up the wall’ pose.

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  • Yin for Ankles, Knees and Hips32:18
    Yin for Ankles, Knees and Hips

    Andrea Kwiatkowski

    The perfect yin yoga class for those of us who spend a lot of time in shoes, standing up or sitting at a desk. It is equally great after a long day's hiking! Use this class to regain mobility in your feet and ankles and nourish your knees and hips. Yin yoga involves long holding of the poses; stay so long as you are comfortable but, as ever, if you feel any discomfort, do come out of the pose. You will need a block.

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