Back and Shoulders › Improvers › 20 to 30 mins

  • Flying Plank: Strengthening Yoga 22:01
    Flying Plank: Strengthening Yoga

    Clive Fogelman

    Join Clive for this strengthening yoga class: a progressive sequence of flying plank for developing arm and core strength. Starting from all fours and including variations from downward dog, high plank and forearm plank. There are 5 sequences in total. Build it up over time and go at your own pace. Leave the class feeling energised and motivated for the rest of the day. Great standalone practise or an add on to your other classes and movement practises.

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  • Mandala Salutations: Hamstrings & Inversions27:19
    Mandala Salutations: Hamstrings & Inversions

    Katarina Rayburn

    A dynamic, swift-paced mandala sun salutation based vinyasa yoga class. Mandala salutations move 360 degrees around the mat, this flow focuses on hamstrings and working towards inversions. Class gets started straight away, you'll find plenty of hamstring-opening poses to get you stronger and prepare you for your inversion practice. This class is tough, fast and fun. We recommend you do a warming up practice and a relaxation practice afternwards, but this one is the pure-flow for those who just need to move! This class is inspired by my self practice, when i'm away teaching my retreats, and only have a spare half hour to make the most of! You will need two bricks.

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  • Playful Movement: Upper Body Focus29:11
    Playful Movement: Upper Body Focus

    David Kam

    The first in the Athletic Artist Series. An empowering, creative movement sequence to mobilise the upper body from the neck and shoulders down the entire arm line. Particularly suitable as a morning practice to get your day off to a blazing start.

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  • Pilates Series (5)27:32
    Pilates Series (5)

    Sally Parkes

    The final class in Sally's Pilates Series will challenge even regular practitioners! This class is the strongest of this progressive series. Enjoy increased strength and tone, a more stable and stronger core and longer abdominal muscles with this fabulous finale of our Pilates series.

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  • Pilates Series (3)22:23
    Pilates Series (3)

    Sally Parkes

    The third in our Pilates series, this is an intermediate Pilates class building your abdominal strength.

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  • Upward Dog Upgrade22:33
    Upward Dog Upgrade

    Charlie Taylor-Rugman

    Open up all along your spine and learn the correct sensations in your abdomen and shoulders for the perfect upward dog. Ashtanga yogis will be in upward dog up to 60 times a day, so it's worth mastering this posture. You will need up to 3 yoga blocks and an extra, rolled up mat.

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  • Morning Backbend Espresso27:26
    Morning Backbend Espresso

    Naomi Absalom

    A short and sweet flow to kick start your day the right way. This practice focuses on building and moving energy around the system to get your whole body and mind zinging for the day ahead. Just over 20 minutes long but every second is dedicated to helping you feel nothing short of glorious!

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  • Warm Up, Cool down20:53
    Warm Up, Cool down

    Jean Hall

    The perfect 'bookend' class, which is beautiful for either side of the day, a lovely gentle, warm up, or a cool down and release the day. With long holds, deep twists and supported backbends, this is a really nourishing start of your day practice, or class to round off your day. For a weekend treat, we recommend following with Jean's Vinyasa class now your body is open. You will need a block.

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  • Transitioning Your Core Vinyasa29:04
    Transitioning Your Core Vinyasa

    Naomi Absalom

    A vinyasa class which gets going swiftly and focuses not just on poses but the movement between them. This gives a very thorough, but soulful core workout. A great class for strengthening the upper body, as well as lengthening.

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  • All About Your Core24:05
    All About Your Core

    Naomi Absalom

    A lovely slow flow which won't let you forget your strong core. With variations for beginners and advanced core-travellers this flow is ideal for creating strength and stability in the lower back as the abs strengthen.

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  • More Core Less Time24:59
    More Core Less Time

    Kristi Rodelli

    Although Forrest yoga always has a core focus, this class is a short core boost. Suitable for all levels, although you will certainly challenge yourself, beginners and improvers should stay with their own level. A great yoga class for when energy needs a bit of a boost or for when you need to feel stronger from the inside. You will need a rolled up mat, or a cushion can be used.

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  • Gentle Spine: Soothe the shoulders20:30
    Gentle Spine: Soothe the shoulders

    Jean Hall

    Aching tired shoulders? Sore neck? Tense face? Let Jean help you release it all with this calming practice. Smooth, flowing movements will release the shoulders and lubricate the joints, easing out tension. This yoga class especially for your spine and shoulders will bring spacious to yours spine leaving you feeling like new. Props: A strap or belt

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  • Yoga for Cyclists: Hamstrings20:38
    Yoga for Cyclists: Hamstrings

    Lucy McCarthy

    Lucy gives us some wonderful simple stretches for the backs of the legs, hamstrings, hips, shoulders and lower back - areas which can tighten up with a lot of cycling. With stretched muscles, you'll find you can go so much further...Try these stretches if you're a regular cyclist, if you're preparing for a cycling holiday or after a big ride. Props: Strap or belt.

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  • Release the day23:30
    Release the day

    Kate Walker

    After work: Wind down and de-stress with this short after-work sequence. Kate bases the practice around some delicious shoulder openers - perfect if you’ve spent hours in front of the screen.

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  • Hips and Spine unwind28:11
    Hips and Spine unwind

    Jean Hall

    This is a beautiful , relaxing, floor-based practice for when you need to chill as much as you need to move. Nourishing and rejuvenating flow with the breath. Perfect as a rainy-day practice or when you need a little extra TLC.

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  • After work: Release & restore23:05
    After work: Release & restore

    Lucy McCarthy

    This wonderful nurturing practice introduces the idea of restorative practice ”“ constructive rest - often the very best thing to do after a hard day at work. Lucy guides a practice using the support of blankets and cushions and finishes with the legs against the wall ”“ the most effective poses to rest the body and settle the mind.

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