Hatha Yoga › Back and Shoulders › Improvers

  • Fun Forrest Inspired Yoga for Strength50:23
    Fun Forrest Inspired Yoga for Strength

    Ash Bond

    This strong, hatha yoga class is inspired by Forrest yoga; it is strengthening and really great fun! Start with abdominal work and strengthening goddess pose, then explore how to lean into support: support of the props; of our experience; of our deep, considered breath. If you have dipped your toe into the Forrest Yoga pool already, this class is a chance to play with some arm balances and some stronger hamstring work. You will need two blocks, a blanket and a bolster (if you have one) for our exploration of splits and frog over a bolster.

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  • Fiery Forrest Yoga Inspired Class48:14
    Fiery Forrest Yoga Inspired Class

    Ash Bond

    This strong, hatha yoga class is inspired by Forrest yoga and designed to ignite the light inside of us. Forrest yoga focuses on releasing a stiff neck and strengthening the shoulders. This yoga class has a particular focus on opening the back and hips with some powerful work to fire up the core and unlock our shoulders. The perfect class as an antidote to sedentary modern life! There is an intention to bring awareness to our breath and to soften, even in intensity. You will need a rolled up blanket and a towel for our abdominals.

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  • Hit The Wall Hatha31:00
    Hit The Wall Hatha

    Adam Hocke

    A complete hatha yoga class at the wall with alignment focus. The wall is a fabulous prop to give us support and give us feedback on our alignment, so move your mat to the wall for this fun and revealing complete practice. As you use the wall's support and feedback, you will learn much about the way you transmit force through your body and where there may be imbalances and inefficiencies in your alignment. Additionally, you will have the opportunity to invert, twist, and stretch with more leverage and depth. Meet your new favourite prop! You will also need a chair.

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  • Transformation Through Tapas01:09:27
    Transformation Through Tapas

    Kristin Campbell

    A strong and empowering, spiritually uplifting, intelligently sequenced, alignment-based Hatha yoga class which will leave you feeling balanced, grounded and calm. With plenty of backbends, as well as balances and twists, this is a wonderful class to explore the full spectrum of a hatha yoga, whilst retaining aligment. Also wrist-free options. You may need a block.

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  • Progress Your Practice: Backbends48:27
    Progress Your Practice: Backbends

    Vidya Heisel

    The third class in progressing your practice series, this beginners yoga class focuses on backbends. Backbends help to keep the back and shoulders open after days hunched over a computer or smartphone and are essential to keep the back and spine healthy. With some slow flow and twists to counterbalance your backbending class. You will need a blanket, rolled up and two bricks.

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  • Cultivating Our Inner Light42:26
    Cultivating Our Inner Light

    Mimi Kuo-Deemer

    A beautiful flow to open the heart, warm the back and still the mind. In the Yoga Sutra, the busy mind is described as quieting down through a number of ways: lengthening the breath, concentration on objects, or on experiences in deep sleep or dream states. It is also suggested that the mind can be quieted by concentration on the ever-present source of light that is believed to dwell inside the human heart. This light grows brighter when we do practices – like polishing a jewel that begins to shine and reflects the light all around it. We’ll look at ways to work with sunlight and moonlight in this fluid vinyasa-based sequence, and help awaken the source of light within each of us.

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  • Morning Backbend Espresso27:26
    Morning Backbend Espresso

    Naomi Absalom

    A short and sweet flow to kick start your day the right way. This practice focuses on building and moving energy around the system to get your whole body and mind zinging for the day ahead. Just over 20 minutes long but every second is dedicated to helping you feel nothing short of glorious!

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  • Twist, Rinse & Wring it out30:09
    Twist, Rinse & Wring it out

    Naomi Absalom

    A pretty tough spicy, twisty flow with some core work to lead to parsva bakasana and ashtavakrasana. For when you need to channel a little bit of energy and strength to your core and upper body. You will need two blocks.

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  • Warm Up, Cool down20:53
    Warm Up, Cool down

    Jean Hall

    The perfect 'bookend' class, which is beautiful for either side of the day, a lovely gentle, warm up, or a cool down and release the day. With long holds, deep twists and supported backbends, this is a really nourishing start of your day practice, or class to round off your day. For a weekend treat, we recommend following with Jean's Vinyasa class now your body is open. You will need a block.

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  • Free the Upper Body01:01:00
    Free the Upper Body

    Zephyr Wildman

    A beautiful hatha yoga class to release the shoulder girdle, open up the connective tissues around the neck, arms, shoulders and jaws. An expansive class, suitable for all levels and featuring some wonderfully innovative stretches to help us to nurture the tissues around these areas. Highly recommended for all of us who spend a long time at computers, seated, after travel or after driving. You will need a yoga belt.

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  • Yoga for Cyclists: Hamstrings20:38
    Yoga for Cyclists: Hamstrings

    Lucy McCarthy

    Lucy gives us some wonderful simple stretches for the backs of the legs, hamstrings, hips, shoulders and lower back - areas which can tighten up with a lot of cycling. With stretched muscles, you'll find you can go so much further...Try these stretches if you're a regular cyclist, if you're preparing for a cycling holiday or after a big ride. Props: Strap or belt.

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  • Free the Spine14:56
    Free the Spine

    Lucy McCarthy

    Free the Spine - the mind will follow! This short practice will give your back the welcome break it needs from hunching, rounding and slouching all day at your desk or in your car. Simple exercises give your spine and shoulders opening and length. I was at least 10 foot tall after doing this practice. All you need is a block or something to sit on.

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  • Release the day23:30
    Release the day

    Kate Walker

    After work: Wind down and de-stress with this short after-work sequence. Kate bases the practice around some delicious shoulder openers - perfect if you’ve spent hours in front of the screen.

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  • Hips and Spine unwind28:11
    Hips and Spine unwind

    Jean Hall

    This is a beautiful , relaxing, floor-based practice for when you need to chill as much as you need to move. Nourishing and rejuvenating flow with the breath. Perfect as a rainy-day practice or when you need a little extra TLC.

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  • After work - Energiser16:48
    After work - Energiser

    Lucy McCarthy

    This is the perfect class if you’ve been sat at a desk all day and want to move off the day. Lucy leads a nice simple practice to release the shoulders, spine and hips.

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  • After work: Release & restore23:05
    After work: Release & restore

    Lucy McCarthy

    This wonderful nurturing practice introduces the idea of restorative practice ”“ constructive rest - often the very best thing to do after a hard day at work. Lucy guides a practice using the support of blankets and cushions and finishes with the legs against the wall ”“ the most effective poses to rest the body and settle the mind.

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