For Teachers › All Levels › Under 10 mins

  • Chants to the Goddesses05:45
    Chants to the Goddesses

    Andrea Kwiatkowski

    If you need strength in your life, it's time to chant to the goddessses! Join in chants of wonderful aspects of the divine feminine. These invocations are to the Goddess’s Durga the warrior goddess, Lakshmyai the bestower of wealth and generosity and Saraswati. the Goddess of knowledge and music, poetry and dance. These chants are said to connect us to the divine feminine, Mother Earth and these qualities. The chants are: Om Shri Durgayai namah Om Shri Maha Lakshmyai namah Om aim Sarasvatayi namah. Open your mind and enjoy!

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  • The Sixth Limb: Dharana08:50
    The Sixth Limb: Dharana

    Vidya Heisel

    Patanjali's sixth limb of yoga is Dharana, which means concentration. This limb is all about refining your ability to focus and concentrate, so your mind doesn't wander and resist the practice.

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  • Waterfall of Oms07:51
    Waterfall of Oms

    Lucy McCarthy

    A beautiful chant of Om repeatedly. This will let you steady, centre and invite deep peace and healing into mind, body and spirit. A simple yet powerful short practice suitable for all.

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  • The Second Niyama: Santosha07:02
    The Second Niyama: Santosha

    Vidya Heisel

    The second Niyama is Santosha, which means contentment. We can look at this Niyama in a couple of ways; to practice contentment with who we are and what we have, and to practice the Yama of Aparigraha, or freedom from greed.

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  • The Fifth Yama: Aparigraha09:43
    The Fifth Yama: Aparigraha

    Vidya Heisel

    The fifth and final Yama is Aparigraha, which means 'freedom from greed'. This is one of the key tenants of Buddhism; that we are suffering because we are full of desire. Our ego is always needing or craving something, but our true self is already whole. More things does not necessarily fulfil that hole inside of us!

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  • The Fourth Niyama: Svadyaya09:47
    The Fourth Niyama: Svadyaya

    Vidya Heisel

    The fourth Nimaya is Svadyaya, or study. Traditional it relates to the study of the scriptures which resonate with you. But it also means self-study; contemplating ones own mind, motivations and human nature.

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  • The Third Yama: Asteya08:12
    The Third Yama: Asteya

    Vidya Heisel

    The third Yama is Asteya, which is non-stealing. This means we should not be taking for oneself other people's time, objects and ideas. Vidya also explores the idea of not coveting what others have and being dissatisfied with what you do have, and how we can practice the opposite of that.

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  • Chant to Shiva06:23
    Chant to Shiva

    Andrea Kwiatkowski

    Are you at a time where you'd like to let go, shift your energy and move forward in life? Try this invocation to Shiva, who in Hindu tradition, represents our inner reality and inner strength. He transforms us out of a difficult and destructive time, allowing us to let go and move forward. He is a great meditator, clearing away old patterns and habits, breaking free of a cycle of painful emotions; chanting to him can free us. According to Hindu tradition, Shiva was the first teacher of yoga. Enjoy this tuneful chant: Om namah Shivaya.

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  • Raise Your Energy with Kapalbhati Breath Work07:25
    Raise Your Energy with Kapalbhati Breath Work

    Andrea Kwiatkowski

    A wonderful practice for first thing in the morning to raise your energy! This is a breath work class called Skull Shining Breath which is fantastic to improve our focus and energy and get ready for the day. Don't practice on a full stomach or if you're pregnant, and as with any class, don't force anything. Enjoy letting the energy flow!

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  • Chanting: Get to the Heart of Yoga09:30
    Chanting: Get to the Heart of Yoga

    Naomi Absalom

    This is a popular devotional song known as a bhajan, and is called Shri Krishna Govinda Hare Murare, Hey Nath Narayana Vasudevaa. This particular bhajan has a pacifying and soulful quality to it - it is a lovely route directly into the heart of yoga. Singing and drumming can help us release some of the charge of our nervous system. Focus on the vibration of sound, the slowness of your breath, the weaving of the melody.

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  • Simple Sleep Recovery Series (6): Marma Points for Relaxation09:48
    Simple Sleep Recovery Series (6): Marma Points for Relaxation

    Lisa Sanfilippo

    Marma points are two hand-pressure points from the Ayurvedic tradition of marma. When you find the right point, and combine these points with a long exhale, they drop you down into a relaxed state that restores your ability to de-stress and rest throughout the day, and can send you off into sweet dreams at night. Not suitable for pregnant women or those with low blood pressure. A great tool to use for anytime you need to relax and calm.

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  • Sleep Recovery Series (4): Simple Morning Wake Up06:47
    Sleep Recovery Series (4): Simple Morning Wake Up

    Lisa Sanfilippo

    Keep it simple with a set of simple exercises which can be done anywhere! This can be done in the office, kitchen or wherever you don't have space to lay out a yoga mat, and wake up happier and more focussed. Also great as a pick-me-up when you're at work, these poses and this breath focus will help you wake up easily, and can be done almost anywhere. You’ll clear your head, get your circulation going and feel more alert. Use this any time of day as a pick-me up.

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  • Sleep Recovery Series Introduction02:34
    Sleep Recovery Series Introduction

    Lisa Sanfilippo

    Do you struggle to fall asleep, have disturbed nights, or wake up feeling less than refreshed? You’re not alone. Poor sleep and lack of it can have a huge impact on our health, so, we have created a Sleep Recovery course to help make your pillow time as restful, relaxing and restorative as possible. Lisa Sanfilippo, a senior yoga teacher who specialises in sleep recovery and yoga therapy for insomnia, has carefully curated a selection of classes, from simple, relaxing sequences, to meditations and breath work, designed to help you get the most out of your bed time.

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  • Tune In Tune Up: The Third Eye05:22
    Tune In Tune Up: The Third Eye

    Andrea Kwiatkowski

    In the sixth class of Andrea's Tune In Tune Up series, we focus on the agnya chakra, or third eye. Develop your intuition with the posture of child's pose, using the sound of the third eye to tune into our humility.

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  • Tune In Tune Up: The Throat Centre06:32
    Tune In Tune Up: The Throat Centre

    Andrea Kwiatkowski

    This yoga class uses two poses which relate to our relationship with our self and communication. Often, we have obstacles of cynicism and mistrust in the way of developing a harmonious relationship with ourselves. Today's asana are shoulderstand and the plough, for those who practice these postures often. Otherwise, simply use the sound of the mantra.

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  • Tune In Tune Up: The Heart Centre05:00
    Tune In Tune Up: The Heart Centre

    Andrea Kwiatkowski

    If somebody has hurt us in our lives, this can be a wonderful opening class to help you with forgiveness. Open your heart with bow pose and the wheel. If the wheel is not accessible for you, you can try bridge pose instead.

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  • Tune In Tune Up: The Solar Plexus07:52
    Tune In Tune Up: The Solar Plexus

    Andrea Kwiatkowski

    If you are looking for confidence in your life, help with any anger and healing those who we have hurt, this yoga class will offer a posture and mantra to help you tune into your solar plexus chakra and connect with yourself and others.

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  • Tune In Tune Up: The Sacral Centre04:46
    Tune In Tune Up: The Sacral Centre

    Andrea Kwiatkowski

    For some creativity, or when you're struggling to let things go in your life, this is the perfect short yoga class. Just two simple, assessible postures combined with sound will help you to let go in your life.

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