For Teachers › All Levels › 45 to 60 mins

  • Full Body Tone01:03:33
    Full Body Tone

    Ava Riby-Williams

    An open level movement class to tone the full body, circulate the breath and energy body while connecting you to a meditative awareness. This class is playful and energetic offering poses such as crow and wheel, with variations for all abilities. You may need a block.

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  • Buddha's Teachings: Yoga for Equanimity55:35
    Buddha's Teachings: Yoga for Equanimity

    Mimi Kuo-Deemer

    This gently flowing yoga and Qi Gong class explores the fourth of the brahmavihārās, or boundless states, known as upekkha, or equanimity. This fourth abode is often the most misunderstood, as equanimity can easily be written off as indifference and not caring. The Buddha’s teachings suggest this is far from the truth. His description of upekkha is that it is a perfect, unshakable balance of heart and mind, rooted in insight. When we cultivate equanimity, we cultivate a state of being even minded and calm. In this state, we learn to trust, meet and respond to life in ways that let us care deeply and fully about what truly matters. We make room for joy, pain, sorrow and challenges. We learn to meet life in ways that neither opposes nor demands more from it, and can remain steady, trusting and open to whatever grim corners we may turn in life.

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  • Liberate Your Hips: A Yin/Yang Flow47:57
    Liberate Your Hips: A Yin/Yang Flow

    Jonelle Lewis

    This yoga class is a mix between yin and yang to increase mobility in the hip joint. Starting with yin yoga and Qigong, it then gently flows towards some more yang poses to work the inner and outer hips and to free up the spine for a lovely balanced way to liberate the whole body. This class is perfect for a slightly gentler morning choice or in the evening if you've spent the day seated or standing. Working with the water element, it brings softness and a sense of letting go. You will need two bricks and a strap.

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  • Create a Steady & Strong Yoga Foundation49:07
    Create a Steady & Strong Yoga Foundation

    Zephyr Wildman

    Learn how to stay safe during your yoga class; how to be strong and engage the correct muscles when you do your yoga practice. This sequence breaks down some basic biomechanics; learn how to engage the glutes and core in your practice to stabilise your yoga.This is a slightly different way to practice a yoga class. It encourages a greater control while in yoga poses and more of an even distribution of work for the whole body. The results is a refinement of body, mind and energy. You will need a strap and a belt.

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  • Yoga For Happiness (3): Patience48:57
    Yoga For Happiness (3): Patience

    Nikita Akilapa

    In this yoga class, Nikita will take you through a slow vinyasa flow with a focus on patience. If you are able to see with honesty where you are, you are able to grow from this point of awareness. But growth doesn't necessarily happen quickly. Expansions will happen a a rate and pace that feels appropriate to the body, the heart, the mind. When we rush, when we push too far too fast, we can often be met with some form of shut-down. Without any harsh judgement of yourself, consider the ways that you could be more patient. It could be moving more slowly on the commute, it could be by allowing your loved ones to do things in their own way at their own pace. Where can you afford to introduce some more patience to your life? You may need a brick.

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  • Scaravelli Style Pelvic Balance Workshop46:29
    Scaravelli Style Pelvic Balance Workshop

    Catherine Annis

    A beautiful Scaravelli workshop style yoga class, for you to deepen your practice, your knowledge and to increase your body awareness. This class focuses on finding balance in the hip and pelvic area. Not so much a movement yoga class, more an exercise in developing sensitivity to, and finding balance and stability in your pelvis, hips and sacrum with very subtle, small movements and exercises in weight distribution.

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  • Scaravelli Workshop: Shoulders and Upper Back48:44
    Scaravelli Workshop: Shoulders and Upper Back

    Catherine Annis

    We all love a good shoulder massage. Join this workshop-style Scaravelli class to focus on creating more awareness in your upper back and shoulder area. Learn to relax the arms, let go of the shoulders, and find some more space and ease in your upper spine. You will need a bolster, two blocks and a strap.

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  • The Psoas: A Workshop53:54
    The Psoas: A Workshop

    Catherine Annis

    The psoas muscles are among the deepest muscles in our bodies. They are involved in almost every movement - from walking and running to sitting, and throughout our yoga practice. However, we often find it difficult to consciously feel them, or even know where they are within us. Join this class to learn where they are and some simple approaches to help with accessing this key area, and give it time and space to release. Working the Psoas be helpful for those with lower back pain, or who are feeling tired and lacking in energy. You will need a bolster and a belt.

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  • Wake up your Feet!51:08
    Wake up your Feet!

    Catherine Annis

    Our feet are our connection to the earth – they are our roots. We rely on them for balance and for carrying us from place to place, and yet they are often overlooked and underappreciated. During this Scaravelli yoga workshop, give them some love – explore how to release tight joints to reveal softer, more responsive feet, that elevate even the most simple yoga poses into an almost magical experience. Begin to open from the ground up; stretch and expand through your feet and see how, by waking your feet, you wake up your whole being! You will need a strap which is tied to help a toe-stretch.

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