Beginners Yoga › 20 to 30 mins › Lucy McCarthy

  • Ease into Your Day23:24
    Ease into Your Day

    Lucy McCarthy

    This gentle hatha yoga classes eases us into the day, but is great for any time of day. This class will gently and slowly allow us to feel integrated and grounded, ready for the day. With plenty of supine hip openers, some standing and balancing poses and closing with a calming savasana, ready for the day.

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  • Yoga for Beginners: Yoga Flow33:03
    Yoga for Beginners: Yoga Flow

    Lucy McCarthy

    In the fourth class of the yoga for beginners course, we will start to flow through half sun salutations and learn how the foundation poses can be sequenced together to create a simple yoga flow. Expect twists, lunges, backbends, meditation, breath work and savasana.

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  • Quiet Mind, Deep Surrender23:10
    Quiet Mind, Deep Surrender

    Lucy McCarthy

    A meditative, peace-inducing practice to calm the busy mind and drop deeply into the body. Perfect for when there is inner chaos and a tired body. With a focus on breath-work, there are some standing poses to help harmonise body and breath and create an inner calm. A great class for before bedtime or towards the end of the day to start a peaceful evening. You will need a block & eye-bag.

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  • Relax Big, Sleep Deep26:01
    Relax Big, Sleep Deep

    Lucy McCarthy

    A sweet, nourishing and deeply relaxing sequence to help you drop away tension and stress. Moving through forward folds, this flow class is perfect for those challenged by sleep issues but also great stress release yoga class for practicing anytime. You will need two blocks.

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  • Healthy Morning Hatha24:24
    Healthy Morning Hatha

    Lucy McCarthy

    A steady, calm but strengthening class with a focus on standing poses and keeping fluidity through the movements. This class is perfect if you have shoulder or wrist issues and you want to keep your fluid practice going, but with no vinyasa. Feel grounded and steady in this beautiful, mindful movement practice.

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  • Restorative Practice27:05
    Restorative Practice

    Lucy McCarthy

    This restorative class gives several variations of savasana (corpse pose) and will leave your body feeling deeply nourished, released and restored. You will need a yoga bolster, or cushions, a mat and some blocks.

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  • Yoga For Jet Lag25:00
    Yoga For Jet Lag

    Lucy McCarthy

    A gentle, rejeuvenating hatha yoga class ideal for getting your jet-lagged body back to form. With poses great for assisting circulation, reducing swelling and unravelling the hips after long periods of sitting, this yoga class is perfect for grounding after travel. You will need blocks and access to a chair or support to prop the feet up on.

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  •  Support Yourself During The Change22:01
    Support Yourself During The Change

    Lucy McCarthy

    A yoga class to restore, soothe and calm hormone imbalances which may be occuring during menopause, with some cooling breath-work. You'll need a chair but it's possible to work with a sofa nearby. You will also need blankets and possibly bolsters and cushions as well.

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  • After work: Release & restore23:05
    After work: Release & restore

    Lucy McCarthy

    This wonderful nurturing practice introduces the idea of restorative practice ”“ constructive rest - often the very best thing to do after a hard day at work. Lucy guides a practice using the support of blankets and cushions and finishes with the legs against the wall ”“ the most effective poses to rest the body and settle the mind.

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