Beginners Yoga › 10 to 20 mins › Lucy McCarthy

  • Love Yourself First14:42
    Love Yourself First

    Lucy McCarthy

    A gorgeous short, sweet practice to embrace yourself. Encouraging a celebration of self, embracing all that you are through this fluid and uplifting sequence. Connect to your self, step into your highest potential. You will need 2 blocks. Clothing by Shanti Sundays.

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  • 20 Minute Morning Magic19:07
    20 Minute Morning Magic

    Lucy McCarthy

    The perfect way to start your day if you're short on time and want to kickstart your day on the right foot. This short yoga class will get your body awake and fluid, clear the mind and open the heart. A sweet, gentle flow that builds smoothly. This practice will open your spine, shoulders and side body.

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  • Yoga Detox And Energise17:26
    Yoga Detox And Energise

    Lucy McCarthy

    A nice and easy class if you're feeling a little sluggish, or your energy is low. Can yoga detoxify you? Most likely not. But with plenty of twists wringing out your digestive system, breath work to get rid of any stagnant energy this class is guaranteed to pep up those who feel they need a little twisty, wringing energy in their day. You will need a block.

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  • Hangover Yoga12:09
    Hangover Yoga

    Lucy McCarthy

    This short class will restore your body to wellness after any time you feel you have been treating it badly. This gentle class will stimulate your liver and kidneys and relax your nervous system with very gentle yoga and breathing techniques. You will need a block. Thanks to Asquith London for their clothing!

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  • Radiance 3: The Heart17:04
    Radiance 3: The Heart

    Lucy McCarthy

    A gentle, heart opening class starting with a supported chest opener. Feel a luminous energy, soften your heart and open your chest ready to be radiant in the world. These exercises are brilliant for opening the upper back and shoulders if you've had a deckbound day too, and great for increasing happiness. You will need a bolster and two blocks.

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  • Radiant Face15:13
    Radiant Face

    Lucy McCarthy

    The first in our 3 part series designed to make you feel bright and fabulous both inside and out. Starting with super fun facial exercises, moving through gentle forward folds and finishing in a rejuvenating inversion, this flow will leave you not only with a radiant face but also ready to deal with stressful situations in general. You will need a block or thick book and a wall space for legs up the wall.

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  • Beginners Brand New You12:07
    Beginners Brand New You

    Lucy McCarthy

    This class is great for starting out on your yoga journey and has been devised for those new to yoga, or who want a gentle, shorter class. A beginners dream, this class will grow your spine, deepen your breath and leave you wanting for more! You'll need a chair handy for our beginner's introduction to downward dog.

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  • Big Day 3 - The Power Poses18:10
    Big Day 3 - The Power Poses

    Lucy McCarthy

    A series of poses to give you the inner vibrancy to give you the confidence which will give you your inner power back. This is the third part in Lucy's Big Day series - this short video is great for the day before the Big Day, be that your wedding, a presentation, a job interview, or anytime when YOU matter. Lucy shows you some poses which you can strike just before you go in for the big event. Enjoy this fun class, and you may be surprised at how powerful you have become!

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  • Relax into the Big Day17:52
    Relax into the Big Day

    Lucy McCarthy

    This second part of preparation for the Big Day, also known as Yoga for When you Matter is about visualising techniques to prepare the body and mind for success in whatever it is that you are preparing for. The second part includes visualisation techniques whilst relaxing, a form of yoga nidra. Yoga nidra is an extremely powerful technique for re-wiring your brain and body when you need to really be on form. After taking this class, you will have the confidence to take your big day by storm.

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  • Yoga for Desk-Bound Backs 218:30
    Yoga for Desk-Bound Backs 2

    Lucy McCarthy

    This class focuses on releasing tension often held in the shoulders if we sit at a desk for prolonged periods as well as unravelling tension held in the hips, another frequently tight area for those desk jockeys out there. Great for unwinding the effects of prolonged sitting. This class is great to take as a break in the course of the day, or at the end of the day. You will need a strap.

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  • Yoga for Desk-Bound Backs18:29
    Yoga for Desk-Bound Backs

    Lucy McCarthy

    This gentle, hatha class gives the back and neck some simple releases for those of us who have been stuck at a desk, on a train, plane or behind the wheel all day. You will find that you have new, oxygenated bloodflow to the spine and feel a million times better after these simple poses. You may need a block.

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  •  Yoga for When You Matter15:11
    Yoga for When You Matter

    Lucy McCarthy

    This is a helpful toolkit for any time you are facing a big challenge, be that a presentation at work, a job interview or even your Big Day! Lucy offers some simple steps to help you get calm and focussed. You'll work with deepening the breath, releasing tension held in the neck and belly and throat. The perfect antidote for those big day nerves.

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  •  Take it Easy19:13
    Take it Easy

    Lucy McCarthy

    This sequence of supported yoga poses is ideal for all levels and for when you need to let go, relax and take it easy. These poses are especially beneficial for easing PMT; symptoms of the menopause or for anyone who needs to release stress and strain. You will need some blocks.

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  •  Keep Grounded Through Change18:46
    Keep Grounded Through Change

    Lucy McCarthy

    This is a slow, easy class for when you need to move just a little bit, and will help you to keep centred or grounded in times of change. This is especially important during the menopause and can really help you go through life's biggest change, but it's also an awesome class to take during your period or if you're going through any periods of disruption and you just need some slow, gentle moving support. You will need a block.

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  • Free the Spine14:56
    Free the Spine

    Lucy McCarthy

    Free the Spine - the mind will follow! This short practice will give your back the welcome break it needs from hunching, rounding and slouching all day at your desk or in your car. Simple exercises give your spine and shoulders opening and length. I was at least 10 foot tall after doing this practice. All you need is a block or something to sit on.

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  • After work - Energiser16:48
    After work - Energiser

    Lucy McCarthy

    This is the perfect class if you’ve been sat at a desk all day and want to move off the day. Lucy leads a nice simple practice to release the shoulders, spine and hips.

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  • Before Bed15:43
    Before Bed

    Lucy McCarthy

    We wouldn't say that this is the most fun that you could have in a bedroom but this practice will help you to calm down before sleep. This will help with any insomnia or sleeplessness you may be experiencing. Lucy has two students with her to show this sleepy practice which is for just before bed to calm your nervous system to prepare for a deep restful sleep. You'll need a strap or belt for hamstring stretches.

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  • Yoga for Cyclists: Quads12:28
    Yoga for Cyclists: Quads

    Lucy McCarthy

    This short beginner-level class focuses on the quads which can get really tight after a lot of cycling. You will need access to a wall for some really deep quad-stretching. This practice will also be useful for many sports which requires strength of quads, including running, ski-ing, horse-riding and many games such as football, rugby and even tennis.

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