Wrist Free › Beginners Yoga › 20 to 30 mins

  • Blissful Awareness29:11
    Blissful Awareness

    Ava Riby-Williams

    An open level meditation practise to balance the soothing and intense energies within you. Using this mediation, we invite you to rest in the peaceful ground of being, getting under all the layers of your personality and lived experience to discover your blissful stillness. This space is the ground of your consciousness and your true identity. You may wish to sit on a cushion or in a chair with a blanket for support during this practice.

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  • Release Tension29:17
    Release Tension

    Joo Teoh

    A qi gong and yoga fusion sequence to release feelings of being stuck, feeling tense, or just when you’re not in your flow. With some chair variations to make all the practices more accessible, this sequence uses qi gong and yoga to clear out stagnation and shift your tension. A chair can be used in this practice to make the class accessible to all.

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  • Functional Back Care: Slinky Spine21:24
    Functional Back Care: Slinky Spine

    Mollie McClelland Morris

    A class to move and articulate the spine in unusual ways. This class will bring awareness to different spinal movements, and help you loosen up, and feel better in your spine. This standing up class can be used as a warm up for other practices, a tune up for your spine, or an energetic way to start your day. Mollie explains the anatomy of the spine, where you will find most movement in the spine and then explore your mobility, range of movement of the spine from standing. No mat or props needed - take these movements out to the park and integrate them into your daily movement practice to keep healthy, pain-free back and shoulders.

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  • Focus The Mind23:52
    Focus The Mind

    Joo Teoh

    Easily distracted? Do you frequently find your monkey mind wandering? Regain laser-like focus with this yoga/qi gong fusion class to help you to calm the mind, sharpen your focus and increase your capacity to concentrate with qi gong to clear tension and balancing poses to regain your poise. You will need a chair handy.

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  • Rebalance Yourself24:24
    Rebalance Yourself

    Joo Teoh

    A gentle sequence to calm and rebalance your emotions after a stressful time. There are times when we can be knocked off our centre, maybe something as simple as someone has said something that has shocked us, or we are needing to rebalance after grief. This mixture of calming yoga, qi-gong and breath-work practices will calms and quieten your jangled nerves after a shock or stressful moment. These rebalancing classes are gentle and many poses may be done in a chair.

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  • Stoking the Fire 29:21
    Stoking the Fire

    Joo Teoh

    Great for mornings, if you're lethargic or you have cold feet or hands. A gently awakening qi-gong and yoga fusion class designed to raise the body heat if you’re feeling cold or lethargic, perfect for getting moving on cold wintery mornings. Using a chair to increase accessibility. With fluid and heating qi gong poses to gently increase strength, stability and balance and yoga to increase flexibility. You will need a chair.

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  • Open to Nourishment and Support22:25
    Open to Nourishment and Support

    Zephyr Wildman

    A nourishing and supportive class in which you will be asked to lean into the space you feel in your body. A lovely class to practice at the end of the day, with back and shoulder opening postures all on the back, also including shoulder stand and plough pose to help you to relax and release into the experience of your body.

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  • Wind Down Floor Flow24:43
    Wind Down Floor Flow

    Zephyr Wildman

    A lovely, calming, floor-based yoga class. Perfect for winding down at the end of the day, or for a very gentle wake up, or for when you're just not feeling your best. This class will have you feeling calmed, restored and gently re-invigorated with a focus on hip and hamstring stretches.

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  • Qigong Flow23:32
    Qigong Flow

    Mimi Kuo-Deemer

    This qigong flow practice starts with some warmups for the joints, cultivation of qi between the hands, and then moves into what we think of as “water salutations” – fluid movements that feel like the equivalent of yoga’s sun salutations. It’s a practice that warms the body, actively stimulates, guides and moves the qi, and helps to quiet the mind. Enjoy!

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  • Warm Up, Cool down20:53
    Warm Up, Cool down

    Jean Hall

    The perfect 'bookend' class, which is beautiful for either side of the day, a lovely gentle, warm up, or a cool down and release the day. With long holds, deep twists and supported backbends, this is a really nourishing start of your day practice, or class to round off your day. For a weekend treat, we recommend following with Jean's Vinyasa class now your body is open. You will need a block.

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  • Protect and Strength for Wrist and Shoulders21:51
    Protect and Strength for Wrist and Shoulders

    Andrea Kwiatkowski

    This short jivamukti yoga class will help to protect and strengthen your wrists and shoulders. These delicate sometimes suffer from wrist pain whilst doing yoga, people who use computers and older folks. Try to do this practice twice a week to strengthen these key areas.

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  • Moving Meditation: Qigong Basics 322:45
    Moving Meditation: Qigong Basics 3

    Mimi Kuo-Deemer

    This third part of the QiGong basics series begins to move the qi through the body. Inspired by the crane and the bear, which represent aspects of yin and yang respectively, the movements begin circulating qi through the body. Movements in qigong are generally slow, circular, repetitive, graceful and flowing. Its power is in its simplicity.

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  • Moving Meditation: Qigong Basics 223:23
    Moving Meditation: Qigong Basics 2

    Mimi Kuo-Deemer

    This second part of the Qigong basics series is aimed at purifying and cleansing the qi in the body. The qi, like any transportation system, can often be stuck, stagnant, overactive or diseased. These practices work to cleanse the body of toxic qi and fill it with healthy, vibrant qi. You finish feeling as though you have had a good internal wash that leaves you feeling more purified and nourished.

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  • Moving Meditation: Qigong Basics 120:44
    Moving Meditation: Qigong Basics 1

    Mimi Kuo-Deemer

    This first part of the QiGong basics series focuses on standing meditation and breathing practices, both central to the qigong tradition. QiGong is a Chinese energy practice that works with the principle of “xing ming shuang xiu” ”“ meaning “the spirit and body are equally refined and cultivated.” It is designed to bring the qi, or life energy, into the body and encourage it to flow without blockage. Founded on the virtues of trust, integrity, wisdom, and compassion, QiGong practices help create a feeling of inner and outer peace, energy, and wellbeing.

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  • Gentle Spine: Soothe the shoulders20:30
    Gentle Spine: Soothe the shoulders

    Jean Hall

    Aching tired shoulders? Sore neck? Tense face? Let Jean help you release it all with this calming practice. Smooth, flowing movements will release the shoulders and lubricate the joints, easing out tension. This yoga class especially for your spine and shoulders will bring spacious to yours spine leaving you feeling like new. Props: A strap or belt

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