Ready for Bed › Beginners Yoga › 20 to 30 mins

  • Neck and Shoulders22:55
    Neck and Shoulders

    Clive Fogelman

    Most of us experience pain in our neck and shoulders. Perhaps it from from sitting for long periods, using mobile phones and laptops or sometimes pain in the neck and shoulders can be from stresses from dealing with the challenges that we expereince in our lives. This classes targets the neck and shoulder with a combination of 10 stretches and movements for releasing tension, creating mobility and openess. A great daily practise or something you can integrate a few times a week in addition to your other practices. Can be done from sitting or standing and practised anywhere!

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  • Relaxation For Great Sleep28:05
    Relaxation For Great Sleep

    Robin Watkins - Davis

    Get yourself ready to calm into the evening with this all-levels gentle hatha yoga class, perfect to wind down after a busy day. Move through a series of poses focusing on stretching hamstrings, back and shoulders and getting comfortable for a great night’s sleep. Breathing exercises help you slow down and activate the parasympathetic nervous system (rest and digest). Finishes with a long relaxation leaving you restored and calm. Ideal for everyone, but especially young people.

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  • Evening Floor Based Flow22:01
    Evening Floor Based Flow

    Jean Hall

    A mindfully paced, gentle, floor-based vinyasa to calm and relax you ready for a peaceful evening. Stretch out your hamstrings, give yourself relaxing neck and shoulder moves, stretch your upper back and shoulders and move with your breath. You will need a strap.

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  • Gentle Yoga For Stress Relief26:21
    Gentle Yoga For Stress Relief

    Andrew McGonigle

    A very gentle, all-levels class to bust stress whenever you may need it. With focus on mindful, gentle, breath-led movements, this class is ideal to restore your breath and body after a challenging day. You will need a blanket, strap and bolster.

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  • Quiet Mind, Deep Surrender23:10
    Quiet Mind, Deep Surrender

    Lucy McCarthy

    A meditative, peace-inducing practice to calm the busy mind and drop deeply into the body. Perfect for when there is inner chaos and a tired body. With a focus on breath-work, there are some standing poses to help harmonise body and breath and create an inner calm. A great class for before bedtime or towards the end of the day to start a peaceful evening. You will need a block & eye-bag.

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  • Relax Big, Sleep Deep26:01
    Relax Big, Sleep Deep

    Lucy McCarthy

    A sweet, nourishing and deeply relaxing sequence to help you drop away tension and stress. Moving through forward folds, this flow class is perfect for those challenged by sleep issues but also great stress release yoga class for practicing anytime. You will need two blocks.

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  • Warm Up, Cool down20:53
    Warm Up, Cool down

    Jean Hall

    The perfect 'bookend' class, which is beautiful for either side of the day, a lovely gentle, warm up, or a cool down and release the day. With long holds, deep twists and supported backbends, this is a really nourishing start of your day practice, or class to round off your day. For a weekend treat, we recommend following with Jean's Vinyasa class now your body is open. You will need a block.

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  • Relax and Soothe into the Evening25:28
    Relax and Soothe into the Evening

    Andrea Kwiatkowski

    This yin yoga class is entirely at the wall. This means that the wall will aid you to relax and deepen your positions, you can relax into the wall so that tension melts away. This class is the perfect antidote for after a busy day at work. Using a wall changes the bloodflow and improves circulation. You will need a bolster.

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  • Restorative Practice27:05
    Restorative Practice

    Lucy McCarthy

    This restorative class gives several variations of savasana (corpse pose) and will leave your body feeling deeply nourished, released and restored. You will need a yoga bolster, or cushions, a mat and some blocks.

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  • Release the day23:30
    Release the day

    Kate Walker

    After work: Wind down and de-stress with this short after-work sequence. Kate bases the practice around some delicious shoulder openers - perfect if you’ve spent hours in front of the screen.

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  • After work: Release & restore23:05
    After work: Release & restore

    Lucy McCarthy

    This wonderful nurturing practice introduces the idea of restorative practice ”“ constructive rest - often the very best thing to do after a hard day at work. Lucy guides a practice using the support of blankets and cushions and finishes with the legs against the wall ”“ the most effective poses to rest the body and settle the mind.

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