Re-charge Fatigue › Beginners Yoga › 10 to 20 mins

  • Sofa Yoga17:11
    Sofa Yoga

    Jean Hall

    A beautifully calming yoga class, which is to be done with the help of a sofa. A perfect class for a sunday morning, or anytime you need to really chill, breathe deeply and take it easy. With the favourite pose of inversion over the back of the sofa. What's not to love. A great class to relax, for all abilities and mobilities.

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  • Gentle Bed Exercise19:07
    Gentle Bed Exercise

    Barbara Gallani

    A yoga sequence designed to be done in bed. Ideal if you are low on energy, recovering from illness or injury, but you want a gentle, relaxing practice which is also strengthening. Using somatics to gently strengthen the legs, you will need a rolled up blanket.

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  • Begin (again) 7: Day of Rest11:26
    Begin (again) 7: Day of Rest

    Adam Hocke

    When you're having a day off, it's great to have a more restful yoga class. Today's gentle yoga class is for when you've been stressed out or overwhelmed and when you need some rest. A very simple, gentle yoga class with some neck and shoulder stretches and a lovely, long yogic relaxation in savasana (not guided). You'll need a brick, block or bolster to sit comfortably. For beginners or refreshers.

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  • Gentle Yoga to Reset15:27
    Gentle Yoga to Reset

    Andrew McGonigle

    This short, gentle yoga class is a very relaxed and gentle wasy to ground and settle after a busy year allowing your mind to quieten and you to focus on the year ahead. Starting with a long relaxation to help you to ground into yourself, and with a long, supported child's pose, this class is perfect for gently connecting back to yourself as you start the year afresh. You will need a bolster.

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  • Breath and Peace13:13
    Breath and Peace

    Daniel Peppiatt

    A chilled and relaxing short breathing yoga class perfect for Christmas day, or whenever your life is busy and a bit overwhelming. With this class you'll be able to take some time out for yourself and return your breath back to a natural efficient pattern, preparing you for the challenges that the day and that the festive period can bring.

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  • Express Hamstrings13:39
    Express Hamstrings

    Andrea Kwiatkowski

    A class that takes place entirely on the wall for lengthening your hamstrings. Ideal if you've just had a day seated, travelling or at work, or after running or cycling, which can really shorten your hamstrings - poses which are ideal for lengthening the hamstrings, not if you have any hamstring injuries, but pefect for gentle lengthening and for relieving lower back pain. You will need two yoga bricks.

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  • Gentle Floor Flow15:19
    Gentle Floor Flow

    Zephyr Wildman

    A gentle, floor based yoga flow to gently re-invigorate and re-energise your body. Ideal for after a long day when you'd like to re-energise gently, or if you'd like a gentle start to your day. Thanks to Fabletics for their clothing.

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  • Mental Aspects - Exploring Mental Strength and Flexibility 18:39
    Mental Aspects - Exploring Mental Strength and Flexibility

    Daniel Peppiatt

    In this session of mindful movement explore the parameters and limitations of our own body with very gentle movements in a seated position with the eyes closed. More than anything else it is a misunderstanding of our mind and how it functions that causes us difficulties during asana practice. In this very gentle seated first practice we will explore some of the mind games that create resistance and how we might work through them. Watch in combination with Dan's Discussion Of The Mental Aspects Of Yoga.

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  • Radiant Face15:13
    Radiant Face

    Lucy McCarthy

    The first in our 3 part series designed to make you feel bright and fabulous both inside and out. Starting with super fun facial exercises, moving through gentle forward folds and finishing in a rejuvenating inversion, this flow will leave you not only with a radiant face but also ready to deal with stressful situations in general. You will need a block or thick book and a wall space for legs up the wall.

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  •  Peace and Breath17:20
    Peace and Breath

    Norman Blair

    A very quiet and gentle yoga class. All yoga poses are supine and held for a period, where the body is calmed and quieted and attention is turned inward. Then Norman leads a breath practice at sitting. You may need a cushion or block for sitting still. Great for times where you are looking to reduce stress/anxiety and perfect for before bed when you are looking to quiet the mind and gently stretch the body.

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