Healthy Hips › Beginners Yoga › 10 to 20 mins

  • Easy Hips: 211:00
    Easy Hips: 2

    Leila Sadeghee

    In this second practice, Leila offers 4 simple poses that open the hips, backs of the legs, calves and feet to relieve tension in the hips and lower back. Take this easy series with Leila and benefit from this easy to follow straightforward routine. Easy and effective pain relief and maintenance for those of you who are new to yoga, who are working with injuries or those with very limited time. Props: Blanket or thick towel to roll.

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  • Everybody Flows: Happy Hips & Hamstrings18:42
    Everybody Flows: Happy Hips & Hamstrings

    Adam Hocke

    This yoga class helps to mobilise and feel your hamstrings and the full circumference of your hips, especially if you feel tight or restricted in these regions. To make this class more accessible if you feel inflexible, we will spend a good portion of the practice supine on our backs. You can use this as a preparation for standing poses or to stretch areas of the body which might feel tight after travel, spending long times seated or after running or cycling. You will need a strap, a yoga block or a folded blanket.

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  • Permission To Play (2): Bolster Olympics11:33
    Permission To Play (2): Bolster Olympics

    David Kam

    A simple game in which we stand on the bolster and perform the 'olympics'! This challenges your balance and fires up your feet, in turn strengthening your legs particularly your ankles. A great workout for the hips, too. Find out what happens when the surface you stand on is not what you’re used to in this fun, playful movement class. You'll need a bolster.

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  • Floor Yoga Hip Release18:23
    Floor Yoga Hip Release

    Andrew McGonigle

    This gentle, floor-based level class is perfect for those of you who struggle with tight hips. Practice this sequence at any time of the day to release tension and increase mobility in your hip joints. You will need a bolster or a block and a blanket.

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  • Happiness Toolkit Part (2): Hip Openers19:59
    Happiness Toolkit Part (2): Hip Openers

    Sylvia Garcia

    The second part of the Happiness Toolkit are poses to lift your mood. The focus here is on hip-opening, perfect if you have a sedentary job or have been travelling a lot, or are an athlete and have been working on your strength. This flexibility class gives strong hamstring stretches, forward bends, and hip opening in pigeon pose. An all levels class. Beginners will need to be disciplined and not explore the 'edges' of all the modifications. Intermediates have plenty of modifications to keep their flexibility challenged!

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  • Embrace Your Essence (1): Patience18:12
    Embrace Your Essence (1): Patience

    Kirsty Nazaré

    Our hips are said to hold our history. No wonder they feel so sensitive. With this sequence we’ll mindfully ease the tension out to gracefully release that which holds us back freeing up the hips as we go. We will take our time using equal breath so your body can really let go and you’ll feel lighter afterwards.This is a nice and easy hips class, great after a long day to release and unwind with patience. You will need a belt.

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  • Slow it down hatha14:43
    Slow it down hatha

    Kirsty Nazaré

    A lovely, short yin-inspired hatha yoga class, superb for settling down after a long day's work. With a focus on releasing tension, especially held in the hips, this is wonderful to unwind tension after sitting all day or before bed to feel nourished and restored. You will need a belt.

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  • Joint Mobility10:11
    Joint Mobility

    Lizzie Reumont

    A short yoga class to give you mobility in your joints. Perfect if you're recovering from a bout of illness and want to ease yourself back into movement, or if you're recovering from a big work or running marathon. Thanks to Wellicious for their beautiful clothes!

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  • Tight Hips Recovery11:44
    Tight Hips Recovery

    Lizzie Reumont

    This short yoga class takes place supine, so it is great for those recovering from injuries or for after a really long walk, run or cycle-ride. Also great for after a long day at the office or for after travel to ease your hips back to health. Plenty of very accessible stretches to take the strain out of hips which tighten from exercise or from sitting still for a really long time. Thanks to Wellicious for their beautiful clothes!

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  • Yoga for Desk-Bound Backs 218:30
    Yoga for Desk-Bound Backs 2

    Lucy McCarthy

    This class focuses on releasing tension often held in the shoulders if we sit at a desk for prolonged periods as well as unravelling tension held in the hips, another frequently tight area for those desk jockeys out there. Great for unwinding the effects of prolonged sitting. This class is great to take as a break in the course of the day, or at the end of the day. You will need a strap.

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  • Yoga for Desk-Bound Backs18:29
    Yoga for Desk-Bound Backs

    Lucy McCarthy

    This gentle, hatha class gives the back and neck some simple releases for those of us who have been stuck at a desk, on a train, plane or behind the wheel all day. You will find that you have new, oxygenated bloodflow to the spine and feel a million times better after these simple poses. You may need a block.

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