Yoga Pose Tutorials › Healthy Hips › 10 to 20 mins

  • Tutorial: Healthy Hips and Back10:59
    Tutorial: Healthy Hips and Back

    Lizzie Reumont

    The hips and lower back connect us to the earth via our legs, and to our vitality and movement through the organs and spine. This experiential yoga tutorial explains the mechanics of hip movement and how it can help the body move in a more balanced and healthy way. It also explores the hips in relation to back pain and how their positioning can both contribute to and help ease back pain.

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  • Permission To Play (2): Bolster Olympics11:33
    Permission To Play (2): Bolster Olympics

    David Kam

    A simple game in which we stand on the bolster and perform the 'olympics'! This challenges your balance and fires up your feet, in turn strengthening your legs particularly your ankles. A great workout for the hips, too. Find out what happens when the surface you stand on is not what you’re used to in this fun, playful movement class. You'll need a bolster.

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  • Step By Step Into Flying Pigeon16:20
    Step By Step Into Flying Pigeon

    Vidya Heisel

    A tutorial to show you the best way to approach, work toward and a step by step guide into Flying Pigeon, or Eka Pada Galavanasara. With preparation poses to help to improve your hip flexibility and balance and then showing you how to arrive into Flying Pigeon both from the ground, and as an advanced variation, from headstand. You will need a folded blanket. Practise with care!

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  • Step By Step Into Flying Splits14:37
    Step By Step Into Flying Splits

    Vidya Heisel

    A tutorial to show you the best way to approach, work toward and a step by step guide into the Flying Splits, or Eka Pada Koudinyasana I. Starting with plank for building arm strength (we recommend daily plank for strength building), then some hamstring and hip warm-ups. We move via hanumanasana (the splits) and into first the modified pose, and then into the full version of the pose. You will need 2 bricks and a folded blanket.

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  • Butt Conditioning to Ease Back and Hip Pain12:10
    Butt Conditioning to Ease Back and Hip Pain

    Andrew McGonigle

    This short yoga class brings awareness and strength to the glute muscles which can ease tight hips and help ease lower back pain by strengthening and toning the Gluteal muscles, therefore creating more balance and support across this hips and pelvis. Practice this twice a week to support your yoga practice. You will need a block and a cushion.

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