Move into Confidence › Core Strength › All Levels

  • Healthy Hips: Functional Hips And Alignment For The Pelvis41:16
    Healthy Hips: Functional Hips And Alignment For The Pelvis

    Sally Parkes

    Did you know that to have a strong core, to have a strong and healthy lower back, we need to have healthy, mobile hips as well as a strong pelvic floor and good core muscles? Discover the interconnection of hips and core. This class is excellent for building hip core and lower back strength and mobility for healthy day to day function of the hips and pelvis. Movements will be practiced from standing, box position, side lying and lying supine. Build strength within the gluteal, abdominal, pelvic floor and lower back muscles.This movement class is slightly stronger and more challenging than previous classes, you may need to work with Sally's other hip classes first.

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  • Wake Up Body and Mind56:50
    Wake Up Body and Mind

    Lucy McCarthy

    This uplifting vinyasa yoga class takes us on a stimulating journey to Natarajasana, Royal Dancer. This standing balancing backbend peak invites a deep awakening in mind, body and spirit. This class builds steadily and progressively leading to a feeling of exaltation and expansion. Feel invigorated, ready for your day in this comprehensive, well rounded practice. You will need a block and a strap.

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  • REPLAY of Weekly Morning Yoga with Nadia - Week 444:55
    REPLAY of Weekly Morning Yoga with Nadia - Week 4

    Nadia Gilani

    Wake up, move and breathe with the MFML community. This is an all-levels Vinyasa class to start the day feeling energised, mobilised, vitalised, and open to the week ahead. This class is full of breath work, movement and relaxation. This is part 4 of a 4-part online series of live classes with Nadia Gilani

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  • Vinyasa Energy Boost19:24
    Vinyasa Energy Boost

    Lucy McCarthy

    Get energised and feel revitalised - even in a short time. Perfect for building heat in the winter, or whenever you're in need of some inner fire. This short, punchy vinyasa practice will give our whole being a big energy boost. Starting with Kapalabhati, to build heat, then building heat through the core, opening the spine with twists and build to a sweet lunge backbend.

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  • Prenatal Pilates - Strengthen and Energise your Core (for all levels, up until second trimester) 22:11
    Prenatal Pilates - Strengthen and Energise your Core (for all levels, up until second trimester)

    Vanessa Michielon

    Perfect for keeping strong in the first two trimesters of pregnancy, but a really great, and pretty tough, strengthening Pilates class for all of us. This is a pretty challenging class, so please do go at your own pace and modify and take rest when needed. Centered around core strength, this Pilates class incorporates a small Pilates ball , or you can equally use a small cushion or pillow, to support your back in some of the abdominal work sequences and to activate your inner thighs. Connectt deeply with your breath and move mindfully through Side Planks, Supported Planks and variations of High Curl that will challenge your stability and maintain your centre powerful, so you can reduce the risk of back pain and better support your growing baby. Suggested prop: a small Pilates ball or bolster or small cushion. If practicing pregnant please contact your healthcare provider to check the suitability of this class.

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  • Yoga for Back Care: Deep Core Muscles19:44
    Yoga for Back Care: Deep Core Muscles

    Sally Parkes

    The yoga for back care class is mostly either seated, on the back or on all fours and includes gentle, supported and floor-based movements to mobilise the shoulders, spine and pelvis. Combine mobilisation with conscious breathing and gentle stretching to release stiffness and increase the feeling of embodiment, really inhabiting and saying 'yes' to your body. Bring awareness to the entire body via the breath before bringing attention to the psoas, lower abdominal area and pelvic floor to practice how to activate and release these muscles, the deep core, in equal measures.

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  • Withstand the Pressure of Time50:19
    Withstand the Pressure of Time


    A really fun shaking and strengthening class with tons of wonderful core and naval strengthening work. Feel strong and centred, ready for anything that life might throw at you!! This Kundalini class starts with 15 minutes of shaking, then 5 strong navel exercises, followed by gong relaxation. Shaking is so freeing, the quickest way to release deep seated tension and trauma held in the body. Go wild with it! You'll feel so amazing afterward. Then the core exercises are followed by a lovely long savasana with some gong playing

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  • Yoga for Back Care: Enjoying Strength36:07
    Yoga for Back Care: Enjoying Strength

    Sally Parkes

    This Yoga for Back Care class focuses on strenthening the muscles which will help to keep your back strong. This class is stronger, suitable for intermediate yogis, moving more towards free standing movements now now to apply the principles learned in previous classes. This back care class is more fiesty, demanding a greater physical fitness and mobility, but with a focus on alignment and listening to the body and the information it feedbacks to us, should we choose to listen. You will need a yoga block, or book. And a sense of humility - if the posisitons in this class are too much, do go back to the other back care classes.

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  • Be Here Now31:21
    Be Here Now

    Andrea Kwiatkowski

    This Jivamukti yoga class focuses on presence and being in the moment. Get moving straight away with side-bends to warm up, then a fiesty vinyasa yoga class. There's no relaxation at the end, so we recommend you end this practice with a relaxation class! Have a strap ready for some fun variations.

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  • Yoga for Full Body Strength45:34
    Yoga for Full Body Strength

    Clive Fogelman

    This yoga class will strengthen your whole body. Join Clive for an levels class focusing on how we can use our yoga practise to develop strength around both the upper and lower body, covering all the major muscle groups. Perfect for anyone looking to work on building strength and a great complement to anyone who enjoys walking, running, cycling, working out in the gym and other physical activities. A great class for those of us who are moving through the decades to keep our physical strength to prevent osteoporosis.

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  • Full Body Tone01:03:33
    Full Body Tone

    Ava Riby-Williams

    An open level movement class to tone the full body, circulate the breath and energy body while connecting you to a meditative awareness. This class is playful and energetic offering poses such as crow and wheel, with variations for all abilities. You may need a block.

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  • 10 Minute Core Workout04:10
    10 Minute Core Workout

    Amy Holly

    Short and effective, this is the ideal abs workout class for a work break to help you feel strong and boost your energy. Your core will thank you for it! Try and do it everyday for a week - we promise you will feel stronger. You will need a blanket and a mat.

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  • Kundalini Abdominal Strengthening56:19
    Kundalini Abdominal Strengthening


    A Kundalini yoga class to strengthen the abdomen, the Kundalini way! This class is tough, with long holds and breathwork in each pose so go mindfully and rest or customise your practice to your own needs, if needed.

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  • Create a Steady & Strong Yoga Foundation49:07
    Create a Steady & Strong Yoga Foundation

    Zephyr Wildman

    Learn how to stay safe during your yoga class; how to be strong and engage the correct muscles when you do your yoga practice. This sequence breaks down some basic biomechanics; learn how to engage the glutes and core in your practice to stabilise your yoga.This is a slightly different way to practice a yoga class. It encourages a greater control while in yoga poses and more of an even distribution of work for the whole body. The results is a refinement of body, mind and energy. You will need a strap and a belt.

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  • Feet, Stability & Balance24:06
    Feet, Stability & Balance

    Zephyr Wildman

    This yoga class focuses on giving you a great connection to your foundation; your feet. Discover dexterity in refined movement of your yogi-feet and an energetic lift in how to move forward in life’s journey. The class takes place almost entirely on two blocks, great for feeling your feet and working on balance and stability. This is great for people who have previously sprained ankles, weak ankles and knees or want to improve their balance as well as proprioperception ( the subtle sense of the body’s movement and positioning without sight). You will need two blocks.

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  • Balance Challenge23:18
    Balance Challenge

    Adam Hocke

    A yoga class to help develop your strength and stability in balance postures by challenging yourself with your balance. We will use a brick to bring new life into tree and warrior three postures. Learn some muscular patterns and alignment methods to work these poses more efficiently.

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  • Tutorial on Chaturanga04:43
    Tutorial on Chaturanga

    Andrew McGonigle

    There's no 'right' or 'wrong' in any yoga pose, so long as movements are made slowly and in a controlled way, mindfully and with the breath, and of course so long as there is no pain or pre-existing injury! With that in mind, Chaturanga or low plank, is one of the hardest yoga poses to master. This short tutorial on the yoga pose Chaturanga shows the action needed for the pose. Do take heed, the pose needs a LOT of strength in the shoulders and abdomen, which you'll need to build separately and whilst you build that strength, or if the pose is not suitable for your body, do please practice with your knees to the ground, or simply do a high push up, rather than the low push of Chaturanga. Enjoy!

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  • New Mums Series (2): Motivate Me22:26
    New Mums Series (2): Motivate Me

    Kristi Rodelli

    Get motivated with this yoga class, ideal for mornings, which focuses on the core, upper body and legs with breathwork, core work and standing poses. You'll feel stronger, happier and more motivated. Ideal for post-natal strength or for any of us who like to feel motivated and stronger. You'll need a block and access to a clear wall for shoulder opening variations.

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