Healthy Hips › 10 to 20 mins › Lucy McCarthy

  • Yoga for Desk-Bound Backs 218:30
    Yoga for Desk-Bound Backs 2

    Lucy McCarthy

    This class focuses on releasing tension often held in the shoulders if we sit at a desk for prolonged periods as well as unravelling tension held in the hips, another frequently tight area for those desk jockeys out there. Great for unwinding the effects of prolonged sitting. This class is great to take as a break in the course of the day, or at the end of the day. You will need a strap.

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  • Yoga for Desk-Bound Backs18:29
    Yoga for Desk-Bound Backs

    Lucy McCarthy

    This gentle, hatha class gives the back and neck some simple releases for those of us who have been stuck at a desk, on a train, plane or behind the wheel all day. You will find that you have new, oxygenated bloodflow to the spine and feel a million times better after these simple poses. You may need a block.

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