Hatha Yoga › Improvers › 10 to 20 mins

  • Blossoming into Joy11:34
    Blossoming into Joy

    Lizzie Reumont

    A short, gentle hatha yoga class, perfect to start the day, or for whenever you need a short burst of rejuvenation. You're planing new seeds of joy and lightness into your day. With a focus on long, steady breaths, and holding the poses, you'll find rejuvenation throughout your cells to help you to blossom into lightness and joy, fully refreshed.

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  • Physical Aspects: Moving Mindfully To Explore Your Body16:03
    Physical Aspects: Moving Mindfully To Explore Your Body

    Daniel Peppiatt

    An exporation of your hands, wrists, shoulders, this flow is great for those of us who spend a lot of time at computers, have a strong asana practice or any other activity that builds repetitive strain. Working on all fours this flow moves on from the exploration of our bodies limits and begins to prepare the physical self for the demands of more challenging postures. Preparing the core and basic all round flexibility, this class works well as a stand alone sequence for the mornings or as a lovely warm up for stronger classes. Watch in combination with Dan's Discussion Of The Physical Aspects Of Yoga.

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  • (6) Insight & Intuition: The 3rd Eye Chakra19:32
    (6) Insight & Intuition: The 3rd Eye Chakra

    Lucy McCarthy

    A meditative class to awaken the higher mind, quieten the internal chatter and stimulate your intuitive abilities. Starting with quieting eye movements, and then with gentle poses with a block to rest on your third eye chakra. Suitable for doing before bed, or in the morning, enabling you to act with insight and intuition throughout the day. You will need a block and an eye mask.

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  • Prepare For Your Day19:29
    Prepare For Your Day

    Andrew McGonigle

    Start your day right with this warming all-levels sequence from Dr Yogi. Stretching out all the main body parts and setting a positive mindset, this class is ideal to use every morning.

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  • New Year Refreshing Sequence15:11
    New Year Refreshing Sequence

    Mimi Kuo-Deemer

    A short sequence that will leave you refreshed and energised. Includes twists, stretches, side plank for strengthening and backbends to open your heart and help you look forward.

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  • Embodying The Warrior12:10
    Embodying The Warrior

    Liz Lark

    A creative sequence distilling the essence of the warrior to empower the body and focus the mind.

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  • Inversions For Fearlessness13:50
    Inversions For Fearlessness

    Zephyr Wildman

    Face your fears in this short but sweet class. Try some challenging inversions but always with the safety of the wall and plenty of time to recover inbetween. Ends with a gorgeous and well deserved relaxation.

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  • Detox, Breathe And Energise16:15
    Detox, Breathe And Energise

    Lucy McCarthy

    A breath-work (pranayama) and twisting class designed to get sluggish digestive systems working. Great to help detox, or eliminate stagnant energy as well as for improving the circulation, this class is great for simple explanations of breath-work techniques. Perfect for after travel or for during a cleansing/detox programme.

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  • Radiance 3: The Heart17:04
    Radiance 3: The Heart

    Lucy McCarthy

    A gentle, heart opening class starting with a supported chest opener. Feel a luminous energy, soften your heart and open your chest ready to be radiant in the world. These exercises are brilliant for opening the upper back and shoulders if you've had a deckbound day too, and great for increasing happiness. You will need a bolster and two blocks.

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  • Radiance 2: Kick Ass Core17:44
    Radiance 2: Kick Ass Core

    Lucy McCarthy

    The second class in Lucy's series to help you feel radiant, inside and out. This class will help you shine from your very centre. A punchy, ab oriented sequence to get your digestive system stoked, so you are feeling radiant from your very core. Starting with breathing exercises to get your internal fire going, class moves onto some abs work and finishing with twists. Enjoy your new found radiance!

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  • Good Morning Core17:07
    Good Morning Core

    Aoife Kane

    This class is ideal for mornings, or anytime you want to spark up vibrancy and energy to your core. Some Forrest yoga techniques for strong and healthy core as well as plank variations and the boat pose for optimum core health. Fire up your centre and fire up your life! You will need a block.

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  • Side Crow Tutorial17:11
    Side Crow Tutorial

    Emma Henry

    This short tutorial is a beautiful short sequence to prepare the body for side crow. There is plenty of twist and core work before Emma leads us into the Jivamukti Style of Side Crow and teaches how to straighten the opposite arm during side crow. You may appreciate two blocks to help your side crow.

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  • Free the Spine14:56
    Free the Spine

    Lucy McCarthy

    Free the Spine - the mind will follow! This short practice will give your back the welcome break it needs from hunching, rounding and slouching all day at your desk or in your car. Simple exercises give your spine and shoulders opening and length. I was at least 10 foot tall after doing this practice. All you need is a block or something to sit on.

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  • After work - Energiser16:48
    After work - Energiser

    Lucy McCarthy

    This is the perfect class if you’ve been sat at a desk all day and want to move off the day. Lucy leads a nice simple practice to release the shoulders, spine and hips.

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  • Before Bed15:43
    Before Bed

    Lucy McCarthy

    We wouldn't say that this is the most fun that you could have in a bedroom but this practice will help you to calm down before sleep. This will help with any insomnia or sleeplessness you may be experiencing. Lucy has two students with her to show this sleepy practice which is for just before bed to calm your nervous system to prepare for a deep restful sleep. You'll need a strap or belt for hamstring stretches.

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