Gentle Yoga › Life's Challenges › 20 to 30 mins

  • Healthy Hips: Movement for Hip Recovery23:42
    Healthy Hips: Movement for Hip Recovery

    Sally Parkes

    Gentle mobility and strengthening Functional movement for the hips, plus core to support the pelvis and hip joints made accessible. Use a chair to help support your practice for days when you could do with some support, or when you're recovering from illness or injury. With some poses adapted and suitable for recovery from hip replacement. You will need a chair, a yoga belt and a block.

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  • Vagus Nerve Practices for Anxiety Relief21:05
    Vagus Nerve Practices for Anxiety Relief

    Gabriella Espinosa

    Anxiety is nervous system’s way of keeping us safe and out of danger. Due to the hormonal fluctuations in peri-menopause and menopause, women often begin to experience anxiety for the first time impacting the ability to cope with everyday life. This class is mostly seated and also includes a restorative yoga pose. The class encourages us to lean into our anxiety from a place of curiosity and compassion to listen and learn how and why it’s trying to protect us. The first part of the class is seated, and we use touch based somatic exercises to soothe our nervous system. In the second part of the class we simply lie on our backs with legs over a chair or sofa, to down regulate your nervous system and shift into a sense of feeling at ease and safe in your body. Props needed: Chair, yoga mat and blanket.

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  • Calming Anxiety and Overwhelm26:23
    Calming Anxiety and Overwhelm

    Petra Coveney

    Low oestrogen affects ability to produce the hormones that make us feel happy and calm, and causes low brain energy that affect our mental focus, memory and make us feel overwhelm. Join Petra for this simple class to calm anxiety and overwhelm. It includes gentle movement to improve vagal nerve tone, Ocean breath with sound to soothe your nervous system, a restorative Supported Child’s pose with the option to ‘retreat from the world,’ and two breathing and meditation practices: Mind Meets The Breath and Ladder Breath.

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  • Prenatal Pilates - Strengthen and Energise your Core (for all levels, up until second trimester) 22:11
    Prenatal Pilates - Strengthen and Energise your Core (for all levels, up until second trimester)

    Vanessa Michielon

    Perfect for keeping strong in the first two trimesters of pregnancy, but a really great, and pretty tough, strengthening Pilates class for all of us. This is a pretty challenging class, so please do go at your own pace and modify and take rest when needed. Centered around core strength, this Pilates class incorporates a small Pilates ball , or you can equally use a small cushion or pillow, to support your back in some of the abdominal work sequences and to activate your inner thighs. Connectt deeply with your breath and move mindfully through Side Planks, Supported Planks and variations of High Curl that will challenge your stability and maintain your centre powerful, so you can reduce the risk of back pain and better support your growing baby. Suggested prop: a small Pilates ball or bolster or small cushion. If practicing pregnant please contact your healthcare provider to check the suitability of this class.

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  • Prenatal Pilates - Arms and Back focus (for all levels and trimesters)27:58
    Prenatal Pilates - Arms and Back focus (for all levels and trimesters)

    Vanessa Michielon

    Strengthen the upper body, arms and back. Using an elastic band, or a long strap, or tins of beans work just fine too, this class targets your arms and back muscles. You will begin with standing arm exercises, such as biceps curls and triceps work, and explore further upper body focused patterns, including safe modified press-ups on your knees and triceps dips, with variations to suit your energy levels. The practice will help you improve your posture and strengthen your back, so that you can better accommodate the changes your body is going through, and reduce back discomfort and weakness. Suggested prop: long elastic band or tins of beans! If practicing pregnant please contact your healthcare provider to check the suitability of this class.

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  • Ease into Your Day23:24
    Ease into Your Day

    Lucy McCarthy

    This gentle hatha yoga classes eases us into the day, but is great for any time of day. This class will gently and slowly allow us to feel integrated and grounded, ready for the day. With plenty of supine hip openers, some standing and balancing poses and closing with a calming savasana, ready for the day.

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  • Protect & Recover 1: Lower Body26:43
    Protect & Recover 1: Lower Body

    Lizzie Reumont

    When you're recovering from illness or injury, start slow. Work through a very gentle recovery in this series from the ground up. This first class looks at the feet, ankles, knees and hips. Learn to understand how your body works and find and explore your own movement. This is perfect for those in the beginning stages of recovery or looking to strengthen weaknesses from past injury or illness. Warm up and move through stiff joints and bring overall awareness to the interconnectedness of the feet through the legs to the hips. This class takes place mostly seated in a chair and is accessible to most bodies.

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  • Haven for the Heart28:44
    Haven for the Heart

    Joo Teoh

    In this audio class, Joo leads you through a Qi Gong sequence to create a haven for the heart. This gentle class is perfect for those days when things get a little too much to handle, or you feel vulnerable or shaken up. Use this slow flow to retreat to a safe space and reconnect with yourself to rediscover what it important and true for you; learn to trust your innate wisdom. This audio class is ideal for taking your practice outside to the garden or park. You may wish to grab a blanket as the class starts laying down.

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  • Sleep Recovery Series (3): Restorative Pick Me Up20:28
    Sleep Recovery Series (3): Restorative Pick Me Up

    Lisa Sanfilippo

    This yoga class teaches the set up of restorative yoga poses to bring you into the mental and physical states which repair your ability to sleep at night, whilst helping to replenish energy during the day. These gentle restorative yoga poses will gently energise you, perfect for a midday pause or great as a gentle way to start the day. Poses include legs up the chair pose, lying down goddess pose and child's pose. After you've learnt the set up for these poses we recommend you learn the set up and stay in position for a minimum of 3 minutes for each pose. You'll need a chair or a sofa, a blanket, a belt and two bolsters or sofa cushions. Lisa talks us through the set up of these props, and how to use sofa cushions for a comfortable restorative goddess pose.

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  • Sleep Recovery Series (2): Deeper Sleep Sequence28:41
    Sleep Recovery Series (2): Deeper Sleep Sequence

    Lisa Sanfilippo

    This sleep yoga class ritual is perfect for evening time to slow you down to get ready for bed, or remedy for middle-of-the-night wakeups. This class is for those who like some deeper yoga poses, and have more mobility. Featuring deeper hip, thigh, hamstring, and twisting poses, as well as seated forward bends. Breath using ‘the drop’ which lowers physical tension, decreases your heart rate, and dissipates the stress hormones in your body, to prepare you for deep rest. Also good for those who want to prepare for a restorative practice at any time of day. You will need a cushion, pillow or yoga brick.

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  • Feel Better Flow27:20
    Feel Better Flow

    Adam Hocke

    The perfect class for when you are not feeling your best and you want to move into a better feeling. This class is great for when your immunity levels are low, you might be recovering from illness or injury or you just feel you need to improve your self-confidence gently. This is a beautiful self-care practice of self-massage, breathwork, gentle movements, and a supported inversion. These gentle practices will stimulate your immune system and then the flow is very gentle, perfect for slower days. Additionally, we will work with the power of intention and visualisation to bring wellness to your physical body.

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  • Key Kundalini21:59
    Key Kundalini


    This short Kundalini yoga class, explains a couple of key practices of Kundalini to newcomers but also makes a complete short Kundalini class that incorporates movement, breath work and meditation that will relax and release the spine, charge up our energy, and soothe the mind. A grounding practice, very helpful particularly for anxiety and depression.

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  • Yoga for Exam Stress (6):Moving Through Stress28:34
    Yoga for Exam Stress (6):Moving Through Stress

    Robin Watkins - Davis

    This the practice for when your feeling in the heat of stress. Start by writing everything down that is on our mind, then moving into invigorating movement to let out some adrenaline and frustration. You'll need a pen and paper to write your stresses down before you start. As the video comes to end, we wind down, transforming out state of stress to a state of calm

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  • Chair-based Yoga for Lymphatic Flow 27:05
    Chair-based Yoga for Lymphatic Flow

    Barbara Gallani

    A chair-based class accessible to all, to stimulate lymphatic flow. This sequence is ideal for those recovering from a cold or flu or illness or injury, or if you have a sedentary life or those who are recovering from surgery (especially following breast cancer). Working with twists and mobilising the ankles, as lymphatic flow can be associated with stiff joints.

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  • Cancer Survivors (4): Range of Movement24:39
    Cancer Survivors (4): Range of Movement

    Barbara Gallani

    This session allows you to connect with your body and to explore gently and mindfully your range of movement following surgery or cancer treatment. The sequences focus on stabilising the shoulders and finding space in the front and back of the body while feeling grounded and supported.

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  • Cancer Survivors (2): Joint Mobilisation26:52
    Cancer Survivors (2): Joint Mobilisation

    Barbara Gallani

    Gentle movement benefits people affected by cancer by reducing some side effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy, which often include joint stiffness. The sequences in this session aim to mobilise every joint in the body starting from the toes, feet and ankles and moving gradually up to bring gentle and soothing movement into the hips, spine, shoulders and hands.

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  • Cancer Survivors (1): Lymphatic Flow26:01
    Cancer Survivors (1): Lymphatic Flow

    Barbara Gallani

    The focus of this session is to stimulate lymphatic flow through slow movements of the arms and legs and gentle twists, in combination with deep and regular breathing. As the lymphatic system as no organ to pump the lymph around the body, it is important to use movement and breathing to keep the immune system active.

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