Gentle Yoga › Back and Shoulders › 20 to 30 mins

  • Hatha Yoga to Feel Invigorated25:09
    Hatha Yoga to Feel Invigorated

    Clive Fogelman

    This hatha yoga class is all about using our practise to invigorate the body and mind. We will explore some side bending, twisting and strengthening movements to activate and open up the body. Leave the class feeling energised, uplifted and ready to tackle the day ahead.

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  • Yoga Flow to Free your Shoulders 35:02
    Yoga Flow to Free your Shoulders

    Margi Young

    A relaxed, contentment-inducing flow, perfect for anytime of day. Focus of the class is on shoulder and neck releases. Try this class after a busy day's work, after a long drive or travel, or to start the day feeling relaxed and open in the heart and shoulders. This class begins reclined over two blocks to begin the process of opening the front of the shoulders, lungs and heart. Move into some neck releases and twists, all with an emphasis on freedom of the shoulder area. After a few standing poses, the class ends with a supported inversion and hip opener. Props: 2 Blocks and a strap

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  • Ease into your Morning: Side Bends and Breathwork26:15
    Ease into your Morning: Side Bends and Breathwork

    Margi Young

    A luscious, evenly-paced slow flow vinyasa flow which is the perfect way to start the day. Full body stretches focusing on side bends and breathwork. A great class for after driving, travelling, or just to awaken and enliven the whole body. BKS Iyengar said, “if you open your armpits you won’t get depressed” and I believe it! In this sidebending class we open the armpits and stretch the whole side body. Including side bends lying down, seated and standing, your side body and lungs will be ready for some gentle breathwork. This is a soothing, feel good practice- one Margi's personal favourites! You may need a strap, block and blanket.

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  • Strengthen the Knees and Back22:41
    Strengthen the Knees and Back

    Norman Blair

    This thereapeutic gentle yoga class helps to strengthen the back and knees to help prevent injury. Starting in constructive rest, then butterfly, the rest of the class is somatics to gently strengthen. But all done subtly and gently. After the lying down practice, at the beginning, there are standing exercises to strengthen the backs and knees. This class really is highly recommended for those with knee issues, to gently stretch the hips and tighten the knees. You may need blocks and a brick.

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  • Prenatal Pilates - Arms and Back focus (for all levels and trimesters)27:58
    Prenatal Pilates - Arms and Back focus (for all levels and trimesters)

    Vanessa Michielon

    Strengthen the upper body, arms and back. Using an elastic band, or a long strap, or tins of beans work just fine too, this class targets your arms and back muscles. You will begin with standing arm exercises, such as biceps curls and triceps work, and explore further upper body focused patterns, including safe modified press-ups on your knees and triceps dips, with variations to suit your energy levels. The practice will help you improve your posture and strengthen your back, so that you can better accommodate the changes your body is going through, and reduce back discomfort and weakness. Suggested prop: long elastic band or tins of beans! If practicing pregnant please contact your healthcare provider to check the suitability of this class.

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  • Neck and Shoulders22:55
    Neck and Shoulders

    Clive Fogelman

    Most of us experience pain in our neck and shoulders. Perhaps it from from sitting for long periods, using mobile phones and laptops or sometimes pain in the neck and shoulders can be from stresses from dealing with the challenges that we expereince in our lives. This classes targets the neck and shoulder with a combination of 10 stretches and movements for releasing tension, creating mobility and openess. A great daily practise or something you can integrate a few times a week in addition to your other practices. Can be done from sitting or standing and practised anywhere!

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  • Gentle Yoga to Unwind29:04
    Gentle Yoga to Unwind

    Sally Parkes

    A gentle yoga class of floor based movements for when we're low on energy and needing a gentle boost. Keeping low to the ground, and with few poses which use wrists, this yoga class uses gravity to unwind the spine, open the chest and shoulder area, helping our heart centred energy to flow more freely. A perfect class if you're suffering from PMT or you're on your period. Many of our day to day movement patterns can create a rigidness to the spine and rib cage that negatively affects our respiration and levels of tension throughout the chest, shoulder and neck area. But by moving in a flowing and ‘softer’ way, working with gravity as opposed to against it, we can begin to release these areas of tightness to become more free in our body. This sequence of predominantly floor based Hatha Yoga asana will work to unravel the upper body, especially the chest area, to create increased synchronicity between the upper skeletal system, breath and ultimately the heart space. You may need a block and bolster.

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  • Move Gently to Reconnect with your Body24:39
    Move Gently to Reconnect with your Body

    Barbara Gallani

    This session allows you to connect with your body and to explore gently and mindfully your range of movement following illness. When our bodies are fatigued, movement can feel demanding. This sequence focuses on stabilising the shoulders and finding space in the front and back of the body while feeling grounded and supported. Although we recommend you take very gentle movements when you’re not feeling great, please seek your doctor’s advice if you are in any doubt.

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  • Functional Back Care: Slinky Spine21:24
    Functional Back Care: Slinky Spine

    Mollie McClelland Morris

    A class to move and articulate the spine in unusual ways. This class will bring awareness to different spinal movements, and help you loosen up, and feel better in your spine. This standing up class can be used as a warm up for other practices, a tune up for your spine, or an energetic way to start your day. Mollie explains the anatomy of the spine, where you will find most movement in the spine and then explore your mobility, range of movement of the spine from standing. No mat or props needed - take these movements out to the park and integrate them into your daily movement practice to keep healthy, pain-free back and shoulders.

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  • Healthy Back (1) Spinal Warm Up25:08
    Healthy Back (1) Spinal Warm Up

    Lizzie Reumont

    The first class in our spinal health class is an all-levels movement class to help to understand our relationship with the spine. First of all, we learn the anatomical principles of keeping the spine healthy and then move on energetic jumping to feel how the body moves, and then a focus on the feet, to help us ground down, so we can stand taller. The feet are absolutely crucial to spinal health! With gentle, fluid movements to open the hips and side stretch, this class is a crucial first step in keeping your spine fluid and mobile (note that this series is not for you if you have back problems). You will need two blocks and a strap and a rolled up mat or swimming aid noodle.

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  • Cancer Survivors (4): Range of Movement24:39
    Cancer Survivors (4): Range of Movement

    Barbara Gallani

    This session allows you to connect with your body and to explore gently and mindfully your range of movement following surgery or cancer treatment. The sequences focus on stabilising the shoulders and finding space in the front and back of the body while feeling grounded and supported.

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