Core Strength › Improvers › 30 to 45 mins

  • REPLAY of Weekly Morning Yoga with Nadia - Week 346:05
    REPLAY of Weekly Morning Yoga with Nadia - Week 3

    Nadia Gilani

    Wake up, move and breathe with the MFML community. This is an all-levels Vinyasa class to start the day feeling energised, mobilised, vitalised, and open to the week ahead. This class is full of breath work, movement and relaxation. This is part 3 of a 4-part online series of live classes with Nadia Gilani

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  • Barre Fitness Energy Flow35:34
    Barre Fitness Energy Flow

    Amy Holly

    A fabulous Barre class for all body strength and balance. This upbeat, and quite challenging Barre workout is strengthening muscles without increasing bulk and will improve stamina, balance and posture. The focus of this class is 'every move you make' because every move has to come from the core! Done regularly barre workouts will increase your bone density, which will help prevent conditions like osteoporosis.

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  • Embracing Your Personal Power45:39
    Embracing Your Personal Power


    A personal power Kundalini Yoga Kriya (a set of Kundalini Practises), known as Nabhi Kriya. This class works directly on your navel chakra, the seat of your personal power. Expect strong abdominals work, breahwork and repetitions. Mostly done on the back, no need for a yoga mat, this is a great practice to increase confidence.

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  • Be Here Now31:21
    Be Here Now

    Andrea Kwiatkowski

    This Jivamukti yoga class focuses on presence and being in the moment. Get moving straight away with side-bends to warm up, then a fiesty vinyasa yoga class. There's no relaxation at the end, so we recommend you end this practice with a relaxation class! Have a strap ready for some fun variations.

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  • Everyday Essentials30:05
    Everyday Essentials

    Lucy McCarthy

    This vinyasa yoga class is a real 101 of the essential yoga poses for a healthy, balanced, daily yoga practice. This class has the main staples in a balanced yoga practice. This class opens the spine in all the different directions, perfect for essential, daily health and wellbeing. Explore the full range of motion from side bending to twists, backbends to forward bends. This class may leave you feeling strong, open and uplifted. You will need a block.

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  • Mandala Salutations: Fiery Flanks34:00
    Mandala Salutations: Fiery Flanks

    Katarina Rayburn

    This is a swift-moving mandala salutation vinyasa yoga class. If you only have a spare half hour, it’s a sure and fast way to get you flowing and sweating. This power yoga class focuses on stretching and strengthening through your side body. Expect lots of lovely twists, plank variations and (optional) inversions. The mandala practice moves 360 degrees around your mat, so perhaps watch the first couple of flows to find out where Katarina takes you, or listen intently, as you won't always be able to see the screen. This change of perspective is a perfect way to change the way you look at life, getting insight from new ways of seeing things. The class focuses on igniting Agni (internal fire) and bringing awareness to Manipura chakra, our source of willpower and transformation. This class is the pure-flow for those who just need to move but if you want to extend this practice we recommend taking a supine twist to wake up the target area.

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  • Pilates for Strength: Ankle Stability for Balance31:18
    Pilates for Strength: Ankle Stability for Balance

    Vanessa Michielon

    This Pilates-inspired flow focuses on improving the range of motion and creating more strength and mobility in the ankle joints. Good ankle stability and mobility reduces back pain and risk of injuries, and the core work improves strength and is great for back health. You will need an elastic band and a block/book.

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  • Yoga to Ignite the Core38:00
    Yoga to Ignite the Core

    Clive Fogelman

    A yoga class which focuses on abdominal strengthening exercises to keep your abdominals and stomach strong. The class starts with an abs workout - get ready to feel the burn! Then class builds to a yoga flow with a range of sequences and poses to fire up the core and strengthen the rest of the body. Take this class at your own pace and build your practice over time.

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  • Pilates for Strength: Healthy Knees33:58
    Pilates for Strength: Healthy Knees

    Vanessa Michielon

    This well-rounded Pilates-inspired flow class helps to connect to the inner thighs and strengthen the muscles supporting your knees. This is vital to sustain your practice and prevent injuries. Expect a challenging flow for stronger inner thighs muscles as well as working the abdominal muscles. You will need a towel.

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  • Pilates for Strength: Strong Spine in Spirals31:12
    Pilates for Strength: Strong Spine in Spirals

    Vanessa Michielon

    Wake up and mobilise your spine! This Pilates-inspired flow helps you strengthen your whole body with a focus on your obliques; part of your abdominal muscles these are the muscles that help your torso twist. Keep your spine strong, mobile and healthy by learning how to spiral through your spine in a safe way and move with grace and fluidity. You will need an elastic band or strap/belt.

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  • Pilates for Strength: Abdominals & Glutes39:18
    Pilates for Strength: Abdominals & Glutes

    Vanessa Michielon

    This Pilates-inspired flow class strengthens and lengthens the side body, so expect a lovely strong workout for your abdominals, especially your lateral abdominals and your glutes. These are muscles which can be weak in many of us who live a sedentary lifestyle, but it's so necessary to have strength and length for the health of your spine, and feel more spacious in the joints and well balanced in your posture. You might need an optional blanket to pad your knees and an optional chair for your balance.

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  • Barre legs and core class39:45
    Barre legs and core class

    Amy Holly

    This strength-building Barre class introduces new positions and more complex choreography. Built on the foundations of Barre conditioning, this Barre sequence explores controlled body weight training, core strengthening and intense leg work making it a total body challenge. This workout should leave you feeling powerful and grounded in body and mind.

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  • Barre Energy Flow35:34
    Barre Energy Flow

    Amy Holly

    Feel positive, optimistic and full of energy! This lively Barre class will boost your strength and your fire. This class is full of positivity and is a total body workout; expect to feel your thighs, glutes, abdominals, arms and calves. It is great for working towards building strength to avoiding injury in your other practises and every day life. This is a challenging workout to make you sweat and move your energy.

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  • Pilates for Strength: Strong Hamstrings41:02
    Pilates for Strength: Strong Hamstrings

    Vanessa Michielon

    Get strong with this Pilates-inspired workout with a focus on the core and strengthening the hamstrings. In a world where a sedentary lifestyle leaves many of us are weak in the hamstrings, this class helps us to achieve better pelvic alignment and counterbalances the overworking of the thighs and front body. Expect a challenging and strong Pilates class. You will need a rolled towel and an elastic band or strap/belt you can pull.

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  • Building strength for arm balances44:18
    Building strength for arm balances

    Kristin Campbell

    This strong yoga practice will take you through a sequence of poses which will help strengthen and warm up the body ready for arm balances. Expect hip openers, core work, wrist strengthening and shoulder stabilisation. Follow this practice with some arm balance tutorials such as crow and flying pigeon, then a well deserved savasana! You may need two blocks.

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  • Positive Psychology Series (3): Resilience30:16
    Positive Psychology Series (3): Resilience

    Mercedes Sieff

    A fun, fast, feisty vinyasa yoga class where we learn to build grit; the ability to get back up when you fall. Expect new and creative ways of dynamic sequencing, arm balances and inversions infused into this power flow. A great class to try something new and challenging! You're not looking to achieve perfect poses here, but to try to do what your body is able to do, and build resilience in the process. Do listen to your body though! If class is too fast-moving and feisty, and goes to poses which aren't suitable for you, take rest pose or listen to your body and modify the pose to bespoke the practice for your own body and capabilities.

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  • Hit The Wall Hatha31:00
    Hit The Wall Hatha

    Adam Hocke

    A complete hatha yoga class at the wall with alignment focus. The wall is a fabulous prop to give us support and give us feedback on our alignment, so move your mat to the wall for this fun and revealing complete practice. As you use the wall's support and feedback, you will learn much about the way you transmit force through your body and where there may be imbalances and inefficiencies in your alignment. Additionally, you will have the opportunity to invert, twist, and stretch with more leverage and depth. Meet your new favourite prop! You will also need a chair.

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  • Glute and Core Strength32:00
    Glute and Core Strength

    Zephyr Wildman

    A strengthening workout for the glutes, pelvic area and core, perfect for yogis who are often over-mobile - this sequence will help to prevent injury. Great for those who those of us who sit all day who have weak or under-used glutes, we really do need this class to strengthen and prevent back pain. Also a great class for those with diastasis recti from pregnancy and/or weak piriformis/glutes (which is most of us!) -but be ready for the burn. This sequence is focused on the hip stabilisers and core muscle relationship providing a stable base for the spine to advance in asana.

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