All Levels › 10 to 20 mins › Lizzie Reumont

  • Alternative to Sun Salutations19:44
    Alternative to Sun Salutations

    Lizzie Reumont

    This yoga class is a wonderful all body warm up or stand alone practice with infinite variations and difficulty levels. It can be used to substitute sun salutations to avoid pressure or weight-bearing on the shoulders and wrists - so no downward dog or chaturanga. It can also be built upon and offers a chair or wall as an option for helping balance.

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  • Tutorial: How Downward Dog Works15:13
    Tutorial: How Downward Dog Works

    Lizzie Reumont

    This yoga tutorial shows the classic yoga pose, downward dog, in detail. In particular, you'll see how the action of downward dog engages the whole body and how we can make the pose more efficient. Plus, explore how it can be modified using a chair or blocks to make the pose more accessible and safer.

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  • Tutorial: Healthy Hips and Back10:59
    Tutorial: Healthy Hips and Back

    Lizzie Reumont

    The hips and lower back connect us to the earth via our legs, and to our vitality and movement through the organs and spine. This experiential yoga tutorial explains the mechanics of hip movement and how it can help the body move in a more balanced and healthy way. It also explores the hips in relation to back pain and how their positioning can both contribute to and help ease back pain.

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  • Tutorial: How The Shoulders Work12:22
    Tutorial: How The Shoulders Work

    Lizzie Reumont

    This yoga tutorial looks at how the arms and shoulders help to support movement, expression, circulation and spinal health. Learn how to move and open your shoulders for greater connection to your body. This is also a great tutorial to help counter the effect on the shoulders of chaturanga and to support those with previous injuries to their shoulder such as tennis elbow, frozen shoulder or bursitis. No need for a yoga mat, this tutorial can be done anywhere!

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  • Tutorial: Explore Standing Yoga Poses19:28
    Tutorial: Explore Standing Yoga Poses

    Lizzie Reumont

    A short yoga tutorial using a chair/wall as an option for support while exploring warrior one, warrior two, triangle pose and extended side angle. These poses are very common in a yoga class, but they are actually very complex. Explore these poses and discover versions which work best and feel good for your body so you can take them into future yoga classes.

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  • Tutorial: Intelligent Body 17:51
    Tutorial: Intelligent Body

    Lizzie Reumont

    Learn to be more sensitive to your body and enrich your practice in this experiential yoga tutorial. We invite you to explore your body from the feet up and give you tools to take with you into whatever movement practice you have, whether that be yoga, walking, running, cycling, dancing or the other million ways our human bodies like to move. This yoga class also asks us what are the components of an intelligent body? When we become more sensitive to our body's intelligence, we can work and move with our own body in a safer and subtler way. We can make more grounded, more embodied decisions.

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  • Meditation: Being Embodied 09:23
    Meditation: Being Embodied

    Lizzie Reumont

    This meditation will help you to understand how the various ‘parts’ of the body relate to one another, and how they respond to gravity. Bring your awareness to the body to help you to ground and feel present to this moment. A great meditation to do when you're on the move, feeling anxious or overwhelmed to reconnect with yourself and this moment. Also a really great meditation to do when you’re choosing what class to practise. Tune into your body and find out what your body is asking for.

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  • Meditation: Body Intelligence 11:19
    Meditation: Body Intelligence

    Lizzie Reumont

    A lying down guided meditation class on the concept of body intelligence. This practice also invites some subtle movements during the meditation to help connect with the whole body and be receptive to how it feels in the present moment.

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  • Learn Safe Alignment14:12
    Learn Safe Alignment

    Lizzie Reumont

    This is a crucial, in-depth yoga class for all of us to learn how to practice safely. It is especially good for those coming back into their yoga practice after injury of the ribs, shoulders, arms and hands. Learn how to practice in an integrated way, how to be balanced, and the correct orientation of the head and neck to the arms and torso. A really great yoga tutorial as well for all of us to learn correct arm, shoulder movements in poses like Eagle Pose.

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  • Healthy Back (4) The Middle Spine16:41
    Healthy Back (4) The Middle Spine

    Lizzie Reumont

    The middle spine is often overlooked in our back care. This yoga class uses twists and standing poses to gently mobilise the middle spine. You will need two yoga bricks.

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  • Healthy Back (3) Supine hips and lower back17:06
    Healthy Back (3) Supine hips and lower back

    Lizzie Reumont

    A lovely and gentle class all on the back, to create space in the hips and lower back. A perfect class for winding down and getting ready for bed, as well as for when travelling, after a day at the desk, or for when you've had to be seated for long periods.

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  • Healthy Back (2) Hips and Lower Back18:25
    Healthy Back (2) Hips and Lower Back

    Lizzie Reumont

    Experiment with exactly how your pelvis sits in your daily movement. Learn how to position your pelvis and experiment with the effect on the lower back. This gentle yoga class uses standing as well as supine poses to focus on creating space and freedom in the hips and the lower back. Perfect for those of us who spend large portions of our day seated! You will need a block. (note, this healthy back series are maintenance back health class, they are not suitable for those with ongoing back problems).

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  • Yoga Poses for Anxiety13:23
    Yoga Poses for Anxiety

    Lizzie Reumont

    Sometimes life is just overwhelming and we just need 10 minutes to move into calm. These 8 yoga poses are known to release anxiety through the body. These yoga poses for anxiety include headstand which is deeply calming for those who can, and if you're not comfortable in headstand, take downward dog or child's pose.

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  • Supine Twists16:03
    Supine Twists

    Lizzie Reumont

    A gentle supine yoga class to keep the hips, torso and spine healthy, mobile and strong. Suitable for beginners and those with limited mobility and anybody looking to gently keep their spine healthy. The whole class is floor-based.

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