All Levels › 10 to 20 mins › Daniel Peppiatt

  • Play the Game: Joint Articulation10:05
    Play the Game: Joint Articulation

    Daniel Peppiatt

    This free movement exploration class is a really playful way to learn to articulate your joints. So often our joints can be stiff, and this class will help you to move within your own range of motion, but using really fun, playful moves. Dan demonstrates one way of playing with joint articulation, and this is a tool which you can use to express your own movements, in your own time, as he gives ideas for ways to move, rather than demonstrating what you can do right here right now. His demonstration may be more mobile than many of our own movements can be, just check out this fun tutorial and get some ideas for ways you can play with keeping your own joints mobile. You will need a tennis ball.

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  • Breath Challenge (6): Slowing the Breath Slowing the Mind17:21
    Breath Challenge (6): Slowing the Breath Slowing the Mind

    Daniel Peppiatt

    There is an old saying that we all have the same number of breaths in our lifetime, so we'd better slow our breaths to extend our lives! A rapid breath tells the brain that we are under stress and it reacts correspondingly. In this class you'll learn how to regulate the speed of your breath and why we'd want to do that!

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  • Breath Challenge (5): The Complete Effortless Breath16:37
    Breath Challenge (5): The Complete Effortless Breath

    Daniel Peppiatt

    Learn to breathe fully with this exercise in which you'll learn how to fully empty and fill the lungs to capacity with the Complete Breath Pump Breath. As with all of the breathing exercises, please don't do these if you feel any discomfort or dizziness at all, and this exercise is not appropriate for pregnancy.

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  • Breath Challenge (4): Effortless Breath pt.2 Finding Space in the Ribcage and Upper Chest14:29
    Breath Challenge (4): Effortless Breath pt.2 Finding Space in the Ribcage and Upper Chest

    Daniel Peppiatt

    The second of a two part series in finding space for the breath - learn to free up the ribcage and upper chest today. Explore effortless breath and space in the ribcage and upper back with today's practices.

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  • Breath Challenge (3): Effortless Breath Pt 118:49
    Breath Challenge (3): Effortless Breath Pt 1

    Daniel Peppiatt

    This is the first part of a two part series in finding space for the breath. Today's practice finds space for the breath in your belly. Learn how to relax your belly, strengthen your diaphragm and find breath in your belly in today's class.

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  • Breath Challenge (2): Understanding Your Breathing Habits18:38
    Breath Challenge (2): Understanding Your Breathing Habits

    Daniel Peppiatt

    We can't fix the problem until we know what it is! In this class, the second of our breathwork course, we look at understanding chest breathing, hyperventilation and breath holding, using the mouth to breathe and accessory muscles which we shouldn't use and how this relates to stress. Note down your daily habits. From 10 minutes, we include breathing exercises from the Russian system, Systema.

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  • (10) Fun With Feral Movements17:54
    (10) Fun With Feral Movements

    Daniel Peppiatt

    Prepare with Spaciousness: The Warm Up Sequence and then get rid of your mat for this class, finding freedom in animal movements which will liberate your yoga practice. Among other moves discover a duck walk, bunny hops, sneaky ape, creeping beast, jumping crows and finally crawl like a lizard. Some of the moves in this class can be quite challenging, so feel free to adapt or skip postures to make the class suitable for your body.

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  • (9) Ground Based Free Movement10:15
    (9) Ground Based Free Movement

    Daniel Peppiatt

    A more guided class, with some really unusual movements. You’ll need to prepare with Spaciousness: The Warm Up Sequence, as some of these movements are fairly strong in the shoulders and wrists. Mostly floor based, you’ll find yourself moving fluidly, like water.

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  • (7) Spontaneity10:57
    (7) Spontaneity

    Daniel Peppiatt

    A class to move the body away from mechanical repetitive movement patterns and into spontaneous, organic and intuitive freedom. Before you do this class, you will need to warm up your body with Spaciousness: The Warm Up Sequence. Then you will be ready to get creative, spontaneous and free, finding entirely new ways to move. You will begin in a moving plank exercise, finding balance in a variety of ways, using different parts of the anatomy. And then we go onto our back to explore how movement feels there. Enjoy!

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  • (5) Moving From Squat10:45
    (5) Moving From Squat

    Daniel Peppiatt

    A range of exercises in and around the squat from the simple to the really challenging. If you have a squat these exercises are great. Be careful with your knees in this class, if you feel your knees are uncomfortable in any way in this class, give this class a miss, this isn’t for you, and see if you can go back to Learning the Squat.

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  • (4) Find Your Squat10:15
    (4) Find Your Squat

    Daniel Peppiatt

    A tutorial exploring the squat, right and wrong ways to do it and how to build it up for those who don’t squat easily. You may need a low block or a folded blanket/towel and a couple of regular sized blocks.

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  • (3) Integration: Find Your Balance11:42
    (3) Integration: Find Your Balance

    Daniel Peppiatt

    A workshop style class, all in standing, to find the body’s centre of gravity and how we can move from this in an integrated, efficient way. To some, this might all seem a bit “easy” but it’s all about getting the fundamental foundations right before moving on with the course.

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  • (2) Grounding And Awareness18:22
    (2) Grounding And Awareness

    Daniel Peppiatt

    A gentle class to establish awareness of the body and mind with the overall intention to free up your movements and let you go with your own flow. Includes an intuitive movement exercise for grounding and a somatics type practice in savasana to build awareness of the body.

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  • Yoga Like Water Does Meditation13:27
    Yoga Like Water Does Meditation

    Daniel Peppiatt

    If you have decided that you would like to try meditation or are still getting to grips with it then this is a simple way to take your first steps. Dan guides you through some easy techniques including using the breath, the body and the senses to develop focus and a calmer, less scattered mind.

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  • Crow (1) Understanding the Forgotten Handstand12:17
    Crow (1) Understanding the Forgotten Handstand

    Daniel Peppiatt

    Crow (or Bakasana) is a handstand, although not many of us every consider this! It forms the basis of all hand balances and in this session we take look at the many factors that make crow a challenging position and how we might overcome these and refine our crow pose if we already have one. You may need 2 blocks.

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  • Alignment Aspects - Micro Flow To Discover Balance11:58
    Alignment Aspects - Micro Flow To Discover Balance

    Daniel Peppiatt

    This class is mostly from a simple standing position where you learn how to flex, fold and balance with our eyes closed in an attempt to connect our full awareness to our bodies and understand how we can create and maintain balance in all our poses. Working with simple positions in distribution of weight helps to understand the more complex poses. Watch in combination with Dan's Discussion Of The Alignment Aspects Of Yoga.

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