Yoga Nidra › Beginners Yoga › 10 to 20 mins

  • Relax into the Big Day17:52
    Relax into the Big Day

    Lucy McCarthy

    This second part of preparation for the Big Day, also known as Yoga for When you Matter is about visualising techniques to prepare the body and mind for success in whatever it is that you are preparing for. The second part includes visualisation techniques whilst relaxing, a form of yoga nidra. Yoga nidra is an extremely powerful technique for re-wiring your brain and body when you need to really be on form. After taking this class, you will have the confidence to take your big day by storm.

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  • Yoga Nidra for Fertility & First Trimester16:04
    Yoga Nidra for Fertility & First Trimester

    Uma Dinsmore Tuli

    A Yoga Nidra class which is great for improving fertility and for nurturing the body, especially during the first trimester of pregnancy. The Yoga Nidra is a form of awareness, in this class awareness is brought the body, nourishing and nurturing. This is a wonderful, very powerful and healing practice. Absolutely essential to all who wish to look after their menstrual health and their baby during pregnancy. You will need cushions and blankets to support yourself during the practice.

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  •  Pre-menstrual Yoga Nidra19:46
    Pre-menstrual Yoga Nidra

    Uma Dinsmore Tuli

    This yoga nidra is a fantastic practice to give your body permission for deep release and nurture. This practice is highly recommended before your period, but it's a great releasing practice for any time of the month. You will need to have your legs supported by a chair, sofa or bolsters.

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