Yoga for Work › Beginners Yoga › 30 to 45 mins

  • Yoga Step by Step 441:35
    Yoga Step by Step 4

    Kate Walker

    The fourth and final class in the Step by Step series builds on the previous three classes. You should be feeling familiar with the poses and sequences, so this simple and clearly cued hatha yoga class creates more of a flow and includes new poses such as navasana (boat pose), ardha chandrasana (half moon) and bridge pose.

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  • Yoga Step by Step 340:29
    Yoga Step by Step 3

    Kate Walker

    Get ready to progress your practice. In the third class in this Step by Step hatha yoga series, you’ll find additions to the first and second classes including sunbathing pigeon, plank pose, high lunge, tree with side bend, seated twist pose, double pigeon and rolling bridge.

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  • Yoga Step by Step 238:44
    Yoga Step by Step 2

    Kate Walker

    The second in a series of progressive steps to building a hatha yoga practice. You will find classic yoga postures throughout this class, starting with supine stretches for the hamstrings and hips (perfect to combat too much desk work or travelling), then spine mobilisation and standing poses to build strength and balance in your yoga practice. Class ends with seated forward bends and twists. Enjoy the ease found from a spacious spine and deeper breaths.

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  • Hips and Hamstrings For All36:14
    Hips and Hamstrings For All

    Clive Fogelman

    An athlete's class and also wonderful for those who have just been driving, on a flight or been sitting for too long. The hips and the hamstrings are targeted in relaxing, supine stretches. This class is wonderful for your lower back and will give you spaciousness back in your spine and hips from the hamstring stretches.

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  • Rest and Digest35:19
    Rest and Digest

    Andrea Kwiatkowski

    A Yin Yoga class to calm and aid the digestive system at the end of the day. This class is perfect for after a stressful day at work, after travelling (especially long-haul flights) and if you want to detox to aid your digestive system. This is not suitable for pregnancy or if you have an existing stomach condition.

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  • A Restful End to the Day31:45
    A Restful End to the Day

    Andrea Kwiatkowski

    This yin practice will sooth the nervous system after a busy day, or one spent at a desk. With great postures for relieving a tired back, tight hamstrings, this is also a great practice for during menstruation. This class is fantastic for de-stressing the adrenals focuses on releasing stress and fatigue. You will need a bolster and a block.

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  • Your Intelligent Body for Beginners: The Back30:13
    Your Intelligent Body for Beginners: The Back

    Leila Sadeghee

    First in Your Intelligent Body Series: a sequence designed for beginners and those with inflexible spines to open up their back body - great for those with tight hamstrings, tight upper back or shoulders. This may work for those new to yoga, but also if you're an athlete or spend the day desk-bound. We recommend that you practice this sequence every day until you feel more freedom and release in your spine. You will need a couple of blocks, blankets or cushions and a chair/sofa handy.

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