Yin Yoga › Wrist Free › Over 60 mins

  • Christmas Yin Yoga - Replay of Live Class01:29:04
    Christmas Yin Yoga - Replay of Live Class

    Andrea Kwiatkowski

    This is an extra special yin class, the perfect time of year for hibernating at home in our pyjamas and all our props. This class includes, breath work, a yin sequence to cultivate kidney energy during the winter season, soothing of the nervous system with warmth and relaxing meditation. You will need: Any props you have a home or things to use as props! A Bolster and blocks Hot water bottle ready to add warmth!

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  • Pigeon Pose Yin Yoga01:13:15
    Pigeon Pose Yin Yoga

    Dirish Shaktidas

    A slow yin yoga class for opening the hips. The hips can get very tight when we are sedentary or athletic, so this yoga class is perfect for the end of the day or after a long flight, hike or bike ride. This calming class includes a variety of poses that target the hip flexors, then moves into longer holds of various pigeon alternatives. You'll need two blocks and a blanket.

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