Wrist Free › Carlene Bogues

This is the place to find a selection of videos that work for folks with weak or injured wrists or those that just don't like sun salutes! You'll also find some short classes to help build up, protect and strengthen those carpal muscles. We also recommend checking out our Yin and Restorative Section for more classes that are easy on the wrists.


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  • Joint Mobilisation Warm Up13:17
    Joint Mobilisation Warm Up

    Carlene Bogues

    A perfect, short yoga class to take anytime, anywhere - no mat needed, perfect for when you only have limited space. This class will help to loosen the joints and release some tension as a warm up before your regular class or work out, or as a standalone class for a break from work. This practice is a mobility flow that focuses on circular movements and some qigong warm ups to create more space and ease in the body.

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  • We Rise Meditation07:34
    We Rise Meditation

    Carlene Bogues

    A beautiful meditation class which includes mantra. This meditation is for when we need to connect back to ourselves in a busy and often overwhelming world. It is inspired by Maya Angelou’s poem ‘Still I Rise’ and is a reminder of what can arise within us for the good. Whenever you are feeling a sense of disconnect, when you feel frazzled and overwhelmed, we really recommend this meditation practice. We use the mantra ‘We Rise and I am connected’ and hand gestures to connect back to our bodies and ourselves.

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