Women's Health › Improvers › 45 to 60 mins

  • Pilates: Full Body Glow 45:25
    Pilates: Full Body Glow

    Vanessa Michielon

    This is a wonderful Pilates class for all round strength, for any body, as well as being a prenatal pilates class (up until second trimester). This class integrates a variety of safe Pilates exercises to engage the full body to maintain optimal mobility and stability through the joints. Enjoy different abdominal strengthening exercises in a variety of position, to target all the core muscles without uncomfortable crunches. Also activate hamstrings and build up strength in the glutes with side laying leg patterns focusing on internal and external rotation in your hip joints. This is a complete and balanced Prenatal Pilates practice to practice a couple of times a week to uplift your mood and maintain wellbeing during pregnancy, but also for all of us at any time the body needs to be given a full body glow! If practicing pregnant please contact your healthcare provider to check the suitability of this class.

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  • Pregnancy Yoga: Stay Strong47:25
    Pregnancy Yoga: Stay Strong

    Lucy McCarthy

    A pregnancy yoga class for the second trimester, suitable for those who had an active yoga practise pre-pegnancy and are feeling well, healthy and mobile. This class focuses on strengthening and stabilisation in the hips. It is also a powerful practice to help cultivate strength and steadiness in body, mind and heart to take us through pregnancy, birth and motherhood, empowered from the inside out. You will need two blocks and a bolster, if you have one, for final relaxation.

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  • Pelvic Floor Awakening57:32
    Pelvic Floor Awakening

    Mollie McClelland Morris

    Everyone needs to take care of their pelvic floor. The first 10 minutes is a tutorial to bring about deep awareness and understanding of this area. Gentle supine movements eventually build to a stronger standing flow working core stability and balance, all with a focus on caring for your pelvic floor. Gentle, slow paced and extremely beneficial for everyone. You may like to have blocks or a bolster ready for support during the final relaxation.

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  • Lunar Practice50:00
    Lunar Practice

    Zephyr Wildman

    This nourishing yoga class is great for when our bodies are crying for extra nourishment and support. Perfect for the day after the night before, the day after a big athletic event, for that time of the month or for when you need to settle the nervous system. The perfect spa for body, mind and soul. Props: bolster or pillows.

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