Women's Health › All Levels › Under 10 mins

  • Gratitude Visualisation07:12
    Gratitude Visualisation

    Petra Coveney

    Anhedonia or ‘loss of joy’ is a menopause symptom caused by low oestrogen. But we can reframe our thoughts to help change our feelings. Join Petra in this Gratitude guided visualisation to help you focus on what you feel grateful for and set an intention on something that brings you joy, everyday of your life.

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  • Second Spring: Opening Your Heart08:24
    Second Spring: Opening Your Heart

    Petra Coveney

    Embracing your menopause can foster a positive mindset, which may benefit our moods and mental health. Join Petra for this 5-10 restorative pose called Mountain brook that can help you to breathe more deeply by gently stretching across your chest, and open your heart to opportunities in post menopause Second Spring.

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  • Hot Flash Remedy04:39
    Hot Flash Remedy

    Petra Coveney

    A simple visualisation exercise to help to manage hot flashes often associated with the menopause. This yoga class is one simple pose, breathing deeply whilst lying in a constructive rest position. You can do this any time when experiencing uncomfortable feelings of heat. Expect a short demonstration of Petra’s Hot Flash Wave, with Ocean breathing and 3-part breath. If you practice this daily to reduce stress, you will also develop the simple skills for managing hot flashes, as you learn to allow the heat to flow calmly through you, rather than resisting it.

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  • All Trimesters: Shoulders & Spine07:07
    All Trimesters: Shoulders & Spine

    Sally Parkes

    A wonderful, gentle pregnancy yoga class suitable for all trimesters which is designed to stretch out the shoulders and lower back. Expect a selection of simple poses which will help to open up the chest, shoulders and the back of the body. This is a short sequence you can do anytime when you feel you need to stretch out and release these areas of the body. You will need a wall and a chair.

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  • Honour Your Cycle: Intro05:56
    Honour Your Cycle: Intro

    Uma Dinsmore Tuli

    Welcome to the Menstrual Cycle Seasonal Yoga Course! This introduction explains how the course will be run and how to use these cycle classes and how the seasons can relate to our menstrual cycle, and how we can nourish and support our body during the menstrual cycle.

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  • Five-Min Super Mum05:24
    Five-Min Super Mum

    Jean Hall

    This is a 5 minute instant re-charge for any time of day or night. Take 5 for yourself and relieve those tired shoulders and busy mind.

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