Vinyasa Flow Yoga › Yoga for Athletes › Intermediate/Advanced

You know yoga. We at Movement for Modern Life know and are passionate about yoga. We know how much it has helped us in our lives.

These videos will help you do more yoga in your own time. No more rushing to class. Phew!


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  • Dynamic Vinyasa Yoga To Awaken The Core42:05
    Dynamic Vinyasa Yoga To Awaken The Core

    Vanessa Michielon

    This challenging, dynamic vinyasa class is a great full body length and stretch, but has the focus on core connection. Connect to the deep abdominals muscles to feel powerful and focused. Warm up with some planks and variations of boat pose, and progress through a dynamic standing sequence incorporating twists and challenging balances. Suggested prop: 2 Yoga bricks

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  • Morning Vinyasa to Awaken The Hips47:50
    Morning Vinyasa to Awaken The Hips

    Vanessa Michielon

    This dynamic Vinyasa yoga flow class is sequenced to create space in our hips and strengthen our lower body with powerful warrior poses and nourishing dynamic stretches. Your whole body will feel alivened, lengthened and stretched. Then class explores variations of Wide legged forward fold and a sequence of seated poses targeting our groin and glutes. Suggested props: 2 bricks.

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  • Dynamic Yoga To Awaken Our Shoulders44:59
    Dynamic Yoga To Awaken Our Shoulders

    Vanessa Michielon

    Strengthen and mobilise the shoulders and upper body with this challenging, dynamic Vinyasa flow. Feel more energised and spacious, especially in the upper body, whilst also mobilising and strengthening the whole body. This is a challenging class, go gently whilst exploring flexibility in the shoulders with binds whilst opening the chest through backbends, including Camel, Locust and Floor Bow Pose. Suggested prop: 1 belt.

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  • Glute Strengthening Workout 201:04:37
    Glute Strengthening Workout 2

    Sylvia Garcia

    Back by popular demand! Strengthen your glutes with this follow up to Sylvia's first fabulous glutes workout class. It's so important to have strong glutes for a healthy spine and lower back, and it's crucial to keep strong for our yoga practice. Learn some creative, fun and interesting ways to target the glutes helping to create stability and strength which will make hip opening and forward folding safer and more sustainable for a long term practice. This features a full warm up and layered options to suit all levels.

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  • Yoga to Ignite the Core38:00
    Yoga to Ignite the Core

    Clive Fogelman

    A yoga class which focuses on abdominal strengthening exercises to keep your abdominals and stomach strong. The class starts with an abs workout - get ready to feel the burn! Then class builds to a yoga flow with a range of sequences and poses to fire up the core and strengthen the rest of the body. Take this class at your own pace and build your practice over time.

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  • Positive Psychology Series (3): Resilience30:16
    Positive Psychology Series (3): Resilience

    Mercedes Sieff

    A fun, fast, feisty vinyasa yoga class where we learn to build grit; the ability to get back up when you fall. Expect new and creative ways of dynamic sequencing, arm balances and inversions infused into this power flow. A great class to try something new and challenging! You're not looking to achieve perfect poses here, but to try to do what your body is able to do, and build resilience in the process. Do listen to your body though! If class is too fast-moving and feisty, and goes to poses which aren't suitable for you, take rest pose or listen to your body and modify the pose to bespoke the practice for your own body and capabilities.

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