Vinyasa Flow Yoga › Ready for Bed › All Levels

  • Yoga to Calm and Ground36:09
    Yoga to Calm and Ground

    Margi Young

    This hatha class is great for when we're feeling tired or overwhelmed, to calm the nervous system and ground the body. Class begins with lying on the ground with a short body scan. Then we have a wonderful antidote to overwhelm and anxiety with supported forward folds, to clear the brain. After a foot massage, practice rooting standing and balancing poses. Feel the ground as a way of letting go of anxiety and find stability within. You may need 2 blocks (or books) and a blanket.

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  • Yin Yang Equinox Yoga Flow24:15
    Yin Yang Equinox Yoga Flow

    Dirish Shaktidas

    A yoga class for the equinox or whenever you need to find balance. This class mixes Kundalini-style breath work and yoga poses which build strength and heat, balanced with yin yoga poses. Class starts with a special chakra cleansing technique to build inner vibrancy and clarity, followed by a gentle warm up, and invigorating back bends. You may need a blanket to sit on and perhaps a bolster.

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  • Flow and Restore 338:42
    Flow and Restore 3

    Clive Fogelman

    The third in Clive's popular Flow and Restore series, this yoga class is the perfect mix of activity with relaxation. Class starts with a creative flowing vinyasa yoga sequence, featuring some standing balances. Then enjoy some more restorative yoga stretches with longer holds on the floor to relax and calm. The perfect balance and a wonderful way to create harmony in body and mind.

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  • Flow and Restore 244:08
    Flow and Restore 2

    Clive Fogelman

    This nourishing yoga class starts with a gentle warm up, followed by vinyasa yoga flow to stretch, strengthen and move the body in order to prepare for stillness. The second part of the class is very nourishing and supportive restorative yoga. This yoga class is a wonderful opportunity to strike balance between movement and stillness, challenge and softness, effort and effortlessness. Check out Clive’s first Flow & Restore class.

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  • Liberate Your Hips: A Yin/Yang Flow47:57
    Liberate Your Hips: A Yin/Yang Flow

    Jonelle Lewis

    This yoga class is a mix between yin and yang to increase mobility in the hip joint. Starting with yin yoga and Qigong, it then gently flows towards some more yang poses to work the inner and outer hips and to free up the spine for a lovely balanced way to liberate the whole body. This class is perfect for a slightly gentler morning choice or in the evening if you've spent the day seated or standing. Working with the water element, it brings softness and a sense of letting go. You will need two bricks and a strap.

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