Vinyasa Flow Yoga › Move into Confidence › Life's Challenges

These classes are especially for you if you are going through times of change or if you would like to change things in your life and want a helping hand with tranformation. These yoga videos will give you and a helping hand in dealing with the highs and as well as lows of life.


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  • Prenatal Yoga - Nourish your Whole Body (for all levels and trimesters)41:53
    Prenatal Yoga - Nourish your Whole Body (for all levels and trimesters)

    Vanessa Michielon

    A beautiful prenatal yoga sequence to open your entire body with a slow and gentle sequence of seated and standing poses promoting mobility and strength, full of mindful variations to adjust your practice to what feels best to you today. Explore movements that help you create space in your pelvic floor and hips, such as Staff Pose, Dragonfly and Lizard Pose, and build safe stability with supported Side Plank and standing balances, such as Half Moon. You will close with a moment of contemplation and connection to your breath and your baby in a peaceful guided meditation. Suggested props: 2 bricks. If practicing pregnant please contact your healthcare provider to check the suitability of this class.

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  • Wake Up Body and Mind56:50
    Wake Up Body and Mind

    Lucy McCarthy

    This uplifting vinyasa yoga class takes us on a stimulating journey to Natarajasana, Royal Dancer. This standing balancing backbend peak invites a deep awakening in mind, body and spirit. This class builds steadily and progressively leading to a feeling of exaltation and expansion. Feel invigorated, ready for your day in this comprehensive, well rounded practice. You will need a block and a strap.

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  • REPLAY of Weekly Morning Yoga with Nadia - Week 245:13
    REPLAY of Weekly Morning Yoga with Nadia - Week 2

    Nadia Gilani

    Wake up, move and breathe with the MFML community. This is an all-levels Vinyasa class to start the day feeling energised, mobilised, vitalised, and open to the week ahead. This class is full of breath work, movement and relaxation. This is part 2 of a 4-part online series of live classes with Nadia Gilani

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  • Prenatal Pilates - Strengthen and Energise your Core (for all levels, up until second trimester) 22:11
    Prenatal Pilates - Strengthen and Energise your Core (for all levels, up until second trimester)

    Vanessa Michielon

    Perfect for keeping strong in the first two trimesters of pregnancy, but a really great, and pretty tough, strengthening Pilates class for all of us. This is a pretty challenging class, so please do go at your own pace and modify and take rest when needed. Centered around core strength, this Pilates class incorporates a small Pilates ball , or you can equally use a small cushion or pillow, to support your back in some of the abdominal work sequences and to activate your inner thighs. Connectt deeply with your breath and move mindfully through Side Planks, Supported Planks and variations of High Curl that will challenge your stability and maintain your centre powerful, so you can reduce the risk of back pain and better support your growing baby. Suggested prop: a small Pilates ball or bolster or small cushion. If practicing pregnant please contact your healthcare provider to check the suitability of this class.

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  • Prenatal Pilates - Arms and Back focus (for all levels and trimesters)27:58
    Prenatal Pilates - Arms and Back focus (for all levels and trimesters)

    Vanessa Michielon

    Strengthen the upper body, arms and back. Using an elastic band, or a long strap, or tins of beans work just fine too, this class targets your arms and back muscles. You will begin with standing arm exercises, such as biceps curls and triceps work, and explore further upper body focused patterns, including safe modified press-ups on your knees and triceps dips, with variations to suit your energy levels. The practice will help you improve your posture and strengthen your back, so that you can better accommodate the changes your body is going through, and reduce back discomfort and weakness. Suggested prop: long elastic band or tins of beans! If practicing pregnant please contact your healthcare provider to check the suitability of this class.

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  • Winter Wellbeing Flow45:04
    Winter Wellbeing Flow

    Jean Hall

    Vinyasa yoga to warm, energise and get back into alignment. Starting beautifully softly and slowly with gentle somatics. Then moving into a creatively sequenced, warming vinyasa class. Mindfully paced, with plenty of breath, this practice moves the body and breath, leaving us gently energised. Ending with some sneaky core work as well as more gentle floor-based somatics, for a really luscious feel. Perfect to start a winter's day.

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  • Yoga for Full Body Strength45:34
    Yoga for Full Body Strength

    Clive Fogelman

    This yoga class will strengthen your whole body. Join Clive for an levels class focusing on how we can use our yoga practise to develop strength around both the upper and lower body, covering all the major muscle groups. Perfect for anyone looking to work on building strength and a great complement to anyone who enjoys walking, running, cycling, working out in the gym and other physical activities. A great class for those of us who are moving through the decades to keep our physical strength to prevent osteoporosis.

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  • Full Body Tone01:03:33
    Full Body Tone

    Ava Riby-Williams

    An open level movement class to tone the full body, circulate the breath and energy body while connecting you to a meditative awareness. This class is playful and energetic offering poses such as crow and wheel, with variations for all abilities. You may need a block.

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  • New Moon Power Flow01:04:50
    New Moon Power Flow

    Dirish Shaktidas

    Get out of your head and into your body with powerful intentions and healing flows. This vinyasa yoga class blends movement, meditation, and breath work to cleanse your body, heart and mind. This classes is designed to quiet your mind and bring you back to peace through active, heated movement. Use this class to calm your headspace when you’re feeling anxious, stressed, or overwhelmed. Smooth out the waves, connect with your body, and become your own best intention. In this class, you will: relieve anxiety and stress; combine powerful movement, meditation, and breath work; create clarity and positive perspective. You may need two blocks.

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  • Flow through the Retrograde01:02:48
    Flow through the Retrograde

    Dirish Shaktidas

    Drop into the flow and tune into your body. This yoga class features a strong, restorative and fluid yoga practice with an emphasis on twisting to help you enter the flow state - a meditative state of energised focus. You will sweat out the stress of the day and ride the waves of your breath through a challenging, creative sequence which will help you fully embody each pose and bring presence to your practice. When you spend more time in the flow state, you will experience greater release, creativity, and ease in daily life. The flow will be followed by some restorative poses to end the sequence. In this class, you will: open and strengthen your body, improve your focus and body awareness, learn to let go through challenging times, challenge and deepen your yoga practice, surrender and shift your awareness to your balance energy.

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  • Flow for Enthusiasm43:37
    Flow for Enthusiasm

    Adam Hocke

    This all-round vinyasa flow yoga class will help you work with the concept of enthusiasm so that you have the fuel to power your practice. Expect to find your personal source of inspiration and then physically connect to joyful practices of rolling around, hip strengthening, accessible arm balances, and more that will get you going no matter what your starting point is. Where does the energy for practice come from? How can you get energised when all you want to be is lazy? You will need two bricks.

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  • Slow Flow for Patience45:04
    Slow Flow for Patience

    Adam Hocke

    This mindfully-paced all-around vinyasa flow yoga class practice helps us to work with the concept of patience to be able to sit with restlessness and emotional reactivity in your body and mind both on and off the mat. Expect to practice in a slower way than you might be used to, to slow down your practice to physically connect to your breath by first opening up space in the side body and then developing the pause between inhalation and exhalation as we move in rhythm. How can you learn to press the pause button? How do you create a space to pause between action and reaction, so that we can act with greater wisdom and patience with one another as well as with ourselves?

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  • Wake Up & Glow34:53
    Wake Up & Glow

    Kristin Campbell

    Take agency over how you want to feel today and cause an effect on your life. Are you living in reaction to life? It is all too tempting to live up in our heads, entertained by our busy minds only to be reduced to our thoughts. Our thoughts effect our feelings and our feelings cause an affect on our thoughts. We don’t get to choose what happens to us in a day, but we can choose how we react or respond to what is happening. How do you want to feel today? How do you want to influence life today? How do you want to celebrate life today? You are the artist of your day, set yourself up for success by taking agency over how you want to feel today, rather than leaving it up to the outer world to decide for you. This is living from the inside out. “Happiness is an inside job.” – William Arthur Ward Suggested props: 2 same sized blocks – are always my go to for having under my hands to minimize compression in the soft tissues of my hips in some of the lunge shaped poses.

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  • Master Of Energy, Master Of Awareness01:04:26
    Master Of Energy, Master Of Awareness

    Leila Sadeghee

    Become a master of energy with this full-length prana-fuelling yoga class. Perfect for when life is challenging and you're looking for a deeper awareness to help you navigate. In these practices we're building a vessel to expand our awareness, so we can engage with life in a vibrantly creative way. This is a luscious and soulful practice that incorporates visualisation with the yoga. With plentiful planks and many long holds, you'll find your core fired up and your strength will be challenge! This is a challenging class but simply do your best to work on your personal power!

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  • Vinyasa: Journey Into Ourselves01:04:10
    Vinyasa: Journey Into Ourselves

    Mollie McClelland Morris

    This vinyasa yoga class is a journey into our true authenticity, ourselves. It is a process of inquiry and curiosity in the opening of our hearts to the world. A fun, but not fast-moving vinyasa yoga class which explores playfulness and the true expression of what it is to be.

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  • Lift Your Spirits 41:46
    Lift Your Spirits

    Aoife Kane

    This vinyasa yoga class will get your heart moving and lift your spirits through a fast pace right from the very start and focusing on backbends. This class is a light-hearted way to start the day and will get you moving. Accessible for beginning intermediates with modifications, you will need a block.

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  • Yoga Through Life's Transitions47:25
    Yoga Through Life's Transitions

    Clare Beagley

    This yoga class teaches us how to transition through change in life, big life changes or the changes which touch us in every day life. This class will have you surfing on your ocean breath and enjoying moving through and greeting change head on. This class is dynamic, but you are encouraged to spend time in transitions and enjoy the process of transitioning, rather than the destination. A strong hip focus and plenty of creative, fun variations on the usual poses. You will need a rolled up mat or a block and a strap.

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  • Compassion through Slow Flow55:22
    Compassion through Slow Flow

    Bridget Woods-Kramer

    In this mindfully slow-flow vinyasa yoga class, Bridget explores the theme of compassion to ourselves. Class starts with a 10 minute discussion reminding us the importance of being compassionate to ourselves. The asana is a slow flow which focuses on the hips, with plenty of lunging work and variation. There is an opportunity for a handstand suppported by the wall or a partner and class finishes with a long, nourishing guided relaxation. You may need a belt, a wall and a partner could be handy too!

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