Vinyasa Flow Yoga › Intermediate/Advanced › Over 60 mins

  • Nurturing Practice - Grief01:07:16
    Nurturing Practice - Grief

    Leila Sadeghee

    Take this grounding practice to nurture the body in times of grief or heartbreak. Steady and progressive standing sequence leading to hip-openers.

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  • Vinyasa Flow: Space Element01:13:57
    Vinyasa Flow: Space Element

    Zephyr Wildman

    This vinyasa yoga class weaves around yoga philosophy and the elements; this class works with the element of Space. Space, in Sanskrit is Akasha, the intergalactic medium that is said to be the container of all elements. It is the original element, likened to the Mother of all elements that everything came from and everything will return back to. Hatha Yogis figured out that if you create a lot of activity, you gain access to stillness in Space - that you create physical, energetic and mental effort and can abide in effortlessness on those levels. In practice we actively stretch this space and fill it with consciousness, light and awareness of awaking to the fullness of presence that is supporting us and carrying us.

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  • Vinyasa Flow: Air Element 01:04:48
    Vinyasa Flow: Air Element

    Zephyr Wildman

    This vinyasa yoga class weaves around yoga philosophy and the elements; this class works with the element of Air. The focus of this class is on the breath. Moving in a variety of standing poses using different Pranayama techniques to connect with the wind element and utilise the delivery of Prana, (life force to heal, inspire and transform our physical, energetic and mental forms) to find our way back home at our true centre, our heart.

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  • Vinyasa Flow: Fire Element01:14:02
    Vinyasa Flow: Fire Element

    Zephyr Wildman

    A vinyasa yoga class weaved around yoga philosophy and the elements; this class works with the element of Fire. Fire, Agni in Sanskrit, is one of the most powerful of the elements. When we tap into its energy, we bring alive a transformation within ourselves as we build and direct the heat to the attachments you want to burn through that don’t serve you any longer. Identify what your soul longs for, that burning heart’s desires and the vision of your future you want to create. Let’s build and direct this fire to give this practice more meaning and purpose.

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  • Vinyasa Flow: Water Element 01:11:17
    Vinyasa Flow: Water Element

    Zephyr Wildman

    A vinyasa yoga class weaved around yoga philosophy and the elements; this class works with the element of water. This mindful flow class will use a variety of standing poses to connect to the water element within you. Connecting to the many rivers and streams within the body carrying with it Prana – this light of intelligence that is healing, inspiring and transformative. We will flow like water, following the flow of breath in as we feel the swell of the body rise like a wave, and then the flow of the breath roll out like a wave returning to the vast ocean.

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  • Menopause Yoga: Finding Ease01:01:16
    Menopause Yoga: Finding Ease

    Petra Coveney

    This gentle vinyasa yoga class is designed as a moving meditation to calm your mind and nervous system to help you prepare for rest. It is followed by Petra’s ‘disappear from the world’ restorative yoga poses, Max Strom’s ‘Mind Meets the Breath’ meditation and breath work, before ending with a relaxation practice, seated meditation and a mantra. You will need a strap or belt, a bolster, a cushions, 2 blankets, 2 blocks and 1 cork yoga brick or weighted eye pillow (or equivalent). NB - Modifications: hip and knee injuries take care. If you experience hot flushes, keep your head level with your heart. Osteoporosis: avoid flexion rounding your back in forward folds; keep your spine straight. Claustrophobia: avoid placing the blanket over the head. Headaches: avoid placing weight on the head. Trauma and previous experience of panic attacks: breathe at your own pace and pause the practice when needed.

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  • Energising Yoga Flow01:06:16
    Energising Yoga Flow

    Katarina Rayburn

    This dynamic vinyasa yoga class is the perfect pick me up, easing you in with a short pranayama (breath exercise), some mobility and stretching. Then expect a strong, vinyasa flow covering all areas of tension and tightness in the body. It’s a full mind and body experience; it is fast and invigorating, yet will leave you feeling calm and energised. Modifications will be offered for those who want to soften or advance the practice.

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  • Back & Core Strengthening Yoga01:03:56
    Back & Core Strengthening Yoga

    Sylvia Garcia

    This really fun, strengthening yoga and movement class creatively works the back and core. Expect a full warm up and workout with options for all abilities. In this challenging class, you'll focus on the posterior muscle chain of the body (the back) and learn how to engage and recruit these muscles and then balance things out by working on the core to help create stability as we move.

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  • Glute Strengthening Workout 201:04:37
    Glute Strengthening Workout 2

    Sylvia Garcia

    Back by popular demand! Strengthen your glutes with this follow up to Sylvia's first fabulous glutes workout class. It's so important to have strong glutes for a healthy spine and lower back, and it's crucial to keep strong for our yoga practice. Learn some creative, fun and interesting ways to target the glutes helping to create stability and strength which will make hip opening and forward folding safer and more sustainable for a long term practice. This features a full warm up and layered options to suit all levels.

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  • Forrest Yoga Ceremony 1: May the Rainbow Always Touch Your Shoulder01:56:09
    Forrest Yoga Ceremony 1: May the Rainbow Always Touch Your Shoulder

    Ana Forrest & Jose Calarco

    A really wonderfully feisty two hour Forrest yoga class which moves the body and nurtures the spirit. This Forrest Yoga intensive includes a B series with standing poses, spiced with strategically placed hand balances and inversions. This class begins & ends with sacred song & Cherokee prayer. During Savasana Jose transports us into the Dreamtime with his original virtuoso music.

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  • Forrest Yoga Ceremony 2: Walkabout01:46:17
    Forrest Yoga Ceremony 2: Walkabout

    Ana Forrest & Jose Calarco

    Reason and intellect can only take us so far, there comes a time when we need to go Walkabout. Walkabout is an ancient ritual of the Australian Aborigines. This is the deliberate action of physically moving (using yoga poses) to release worries and distractions. . This Forrest Yoga class is a luxurious two hour backbend sequence that includes standing poses deliciously interwoven with therapeutic backbends, musical sun salutations, and some exciting apex poses. We culminate this ceremonial Forrest yoga class with a dreamy savasana, where José takes us on an internal journey through our own mystery.

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  • Forrest Yoga Class and Ceremony 3: Path of the Ancestors01:59:59
    Forrest Yoga Class and Ceremony 3: Path of the Ancestors

    Ana Forrest & Jose Calarco

    A profound and innovative Yoga class like no other. This class includes sacred songs; Ana calling in the powers of the four directions on a beautiful mountain top, Brahmari through the Chakras using musical keys and a series of skilfully sequenced hip and shoulder opening poses. This Forrest yoga class concludes with an innovative music healing that incorporates ancient Indigenous techniques woven into Jose’s own methodology. Path of the Ancestors includes some informative tutorials, including a brief history of Ceremony, smoke blessing, using musical instruments in healing, taking care of your electromagnetic field, and using shamanic tools and prayers in your daily life.

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  • New Moon Power Flow01:04:50
    New Moon Power Flow

    Dirish Shaktidas

    Get out of your head and into your body with powerful intentions and healing flows. This vinyasa yoga class blends movement, meditation, and breath work to cleanse your body, heart and mind. This classes is designed to quiet your mind and bring you back to peace through active, heated movement. Use this class to calm your headspace when you’re feeling anxious, stressed, or overwhelmed. Smooth out the waves, connect with your body, and become your own best intention. In this class, you will: relieve anxiety and stress; combine powerful movement, meditation, and breath work; create clarity and positive perspective. You may need two blocks.

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  • Flow through the Retrograde01:02:48
    Flow through the Retrograde

    Dirish Shaktidas

    Drop into the flow and tune into your body. This yoga class features a strong, restorative and fluid yoga practice with an emphasis on twisting to help you enter the flow state - a meditative state of energised focus. You will sweat out the stress of the day and ride the waves of your breath through a challenging, creative sequence which will help you fully embody each pose and bring presence to your practice. When you spend more time in the flow state, you will experience greater release, creativity, and ease in daily life. The flow will be followed by some restorative poses to end the sequence. In this class, you will: open and strengthen your body, improve your focus and body awareness, learn to let go through challenging times, challenge and deepen your yoga practice, surrender and shift your awareness to your balance energy.

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  • Rocket Happy Hour01:06:33
    Rocket Happy Hour

    Katarina Rayburn

    This dynamic vinyasa yoga class is Rocket Yoga - an energetic and invigorating practice which has its roots in Ashtanga vinyasa. Expect something similar to Ashtanga, but with more flight, more variety and perhaps a little more fire than you'd get from a primary series class. This class is fast moving, after sun salutes you'll have the opportunity to get into crow pose, and then plenty of more advanced postures such as arm balances and inversions but modifications will be given. Linking breath and movement, this dynamic class will leave you with a sense of play, fun and you'll certainly feel it. Come with an open and playful mind; leave your ego behind and don't be afraid to fly or fall! You will need two bricks.

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  • Advanced Splits Flow Sequence01:15:35
    Advanced Splits Flow Sequence

    Sylvia Garcia

    A fiesty, dynamic yoga class suitable for very mobile, strong yogis which works on the splits(hamunasana). This class flows through vinyasas with the focus on rotation, balance, strength and length to split. Expect strong hip opening and plenty of hamstring stretches, as well as glute strengthening. We recommend you do the glute strengthening class alongside this one, as you need strength as well as flexibility to remain strong and healthy.You will need a strap and may need two cork bricks.

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  • Master Of Energy, Master Of Awareness01:04:26
    Master Of Energy, Master Of Awareness

    Leila Sadeghee

    Become a master of energy with this full-length prana-fuelling yoga class. Perfect for when life is challenging and you're looking for a deeper awareness to help you navigate. In these practices we're building a vessel to expand our awareness, so we can engage with life in a vibrantly creative way. This is a luscious and soulful practice that incorporates visualisation with the yoga. With plentiful planks and many long holds, you'll find your core fired up and your strength will be challenge! This is a challenging class but simply do your best to work on your personal power!

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  • Water Mandala Vinyasa 01:32:46
    Water Mandala Vinyasa

    Jonelle Lewis

    A beautiful, well rounded feisty Vinyasa yoga class. This is a watery, fluid mandala yoga class, where you'll move from back to front of the mat and building your flow with a focus on the hips. Includes advanced level options of arm-balances, headstand and forearm balance - but of course you can be as gentle as you'd like, taking child's pose whenever you need to. You may need a strap, two bricks and maybe a block.

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