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You know yoga. We at Movement for Modern Life know and are passionate about yoga. We know how much it has helped us in our lives.

These videos will help you do more yoga in your own time. No more rushing to class. Phew!


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  • Spring Time Energiser: Dynamic Vinyasa Yoga31:24
    Spring Time Energiser: Dynamic Vinyasa Yoga

    Nadia Gilani

    Get energised and invigorated with this dynamic vinyasa class based on the Ashtanga sequence. A great morning yoga class for mobile and strong bodies.

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  • Ashtanga Yoga Hour 55:42
    Ashtanga Yoga Hour

    Nadia Gilani

    An Ashtanga-based yoga class. This class is an introduction to the Ashtanga practise, but does require considerable strength and mobility. Although there are always options and variations offered, we don't recommend this one for complete beginners or those who struggle with mobility. This class doesn't cover the full Primary Series but will give you a feel for the rhythm of the sequence (also includes how to get started with headstand!).

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  • Uplifting Vinyasa Yoga Flow28:52
    Uplifting Vinyasa Yoga Flow

    Vanessa Michielon

    This short but strong and effective Vinyasa practice invites you to lift your heart rate up, breathe more fully and generate heat in your body, so you can get a pleasant energy boost when you feel a bit sluggish. Begin with a mood boosting Pranayama, Breath of Joy, and slowly build intensity in a standing sequence that features Crescent Lunge, Reverse Warrior, Camel Pose and Malasana

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  • Yoga for Vitality39:04
    Yoga for Vitality

    Vanessa Michielon

    This invigorating and energising Vinyasa flow yoga class clears any lethargy away and reset energy through postures that activate your upper body and improve your balance. Flow through Sun Salutations, Backbends Skandasana and Wild Thing, enjoy a fiesty, challenging and dymanic vinyasa yoga class, then close with a guided relaxation.

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  • Jivamukti Yoga: Your Daily Practice29:29
    Jivamukti Yoga: Your Daily Practice

    Andrea Kwiatkowski

    This Jivamukti yoga class explores the power of repetition. Starting swiftly with Jivamukti sun salutations, this class focuses on how consistency and repetition of movements can have a transformational effect on the body, mind and spirit. Move through this dynamic vinyasa class, and explore the effect of repetition in your own body and mind. You may need a block.

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  • Barre Fitness Energy Flow35:34
    Barre Fitness Energy Flow

    Amy Holly

    A fabulous Barre class for all body strength and balance. This upbeat, and quite challenging Barre workout is strengthening muscles without increasing bulk and will improve stamina, balance and posture. The focus of this class is 'every move you make' because every move has to come from the core! Done regularly barre workouts will increase your bone density, which will help prevent conditions like osteoporosis.

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  • Kriya to Energise50:19
    Kriya to Energise


    You can do this seated or lying down. Join Kiranjot for energising class through Kundalini yoga body movements and breathwork. This uplifting class works on the ten bodies: the 10 bodies are the kundalini equlivalenet of the koshas, The Soul, Negative Mind, Positive Mind, Neutral Mind, Physical Body, Arc Line aka Halo, Aura, Pranic body, Subtle Body and Radiant Body. With a savasana, resting pose, at the end of the physical movements, then with chanting and mandra. This class is a fantastic all round tonic. No yoga mat needed, suitable for those with wrist issues, and suitable for most levels of mobility and strength (with modifications).

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  • Kundalini Yoga For Confidence10:39
    Kundalini Yoga For Confidence


    This Kundalini Meditation for self authority, a meditation which includes mudra and breath-work. You can enjoy this as a daily practise. Especially great for helping when life is particularly challenging.

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  • Full Body Tone01:03:33
    Full Body Tone

    Ava Riby-Williams

    An open level movement class to tone the full body, circulate the breath and energy body while connecting you to a meditative awareness. This class is playful and energetic offering poses such as crow and wheel, with variations for all abilities. You may need a block.

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  • Vinyasa Flow: Space Element01:13:57
    Vinyasa Flow: Space Element

    Zephyr Wildman

    This vinyasa yoga class weaves around yoga philosophy and the elements; this class works with the element of Space. Space, in Sanskrit is Akasha, the intergalactic medium that is said to be the container of all elements. It is the original element, likened to the Mother of all elements that everything came from and everything will return back to. Hatha Yogis figured out that if you create a lot of activity, you gain access to stillness in Space - that you create physical, energetic and mental effort and can abide in effortlessness on those levels. In practice we actively stretch this space and fill it with consciousness, light and awareness of awaking to the fullness of presence that is supporting us and carrying us.

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  • Vinyasa Flow: Air Element 01:04:48
    Vinyasa Flow: Air Element

    Zephyr Wildman

    This vinyasa yoga class weaves around yoga philosophy and the elements; this class works with the element of Air. The focus of this class is on the breath. Moving in a variety of standing poses using different Pranayama techniques to connect with the wind element and utilise the delivery of Prana, (life force to heal, inspire and transform our physical, energetic and mental forms) to find our way back home at our true centre, our heart.

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  • Vinyasa Flow: Fire Element01:14:02
    Vinyasa Flow: Fire Element

    Zephyr Wildman

    A vinyasa yoga class weaved around yoga philosophy and the elements; this class works with the element of Fire. Fire, Agni in Sanskrit, is one of the most powerful of the elements. When we tap into its energy, we bring alive a transformation within ourselves as we build and direct the heat to the attachments you want to burn through that don’t serve you any longer. Identify what your soul longs for, that burning heart’s desires and the vision of your future you want to create. Let’s build and direct this fire to give this practice more meaning and purpose.

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  • Vinyasa Flow: Find Strength and Space58:31
    Vinyasa Flow: Find Strength and Space

    Vanessa Michielon

    A comprehensive vinyasa flow yoga class with a focus on the space in-between positions and movements. Can you practice giving yourself and your body more space? See if you can become aware of finding space in between thoughts and everything that usually captures our attention. By allowing ourselves to slow down, we can make space for more to arise to our consciousness. The session begins and closes with a breathing practice and offers plenty of vinyasa yoga poses with opportunities and variations to open hips and release tension from hamstrings.

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  • Vinyasa Flow: Move With Awareness58:51
    Vinyasa Flow: Move With Awareness

    Vanessa Michielon

    An intermediate vinyasa flow which invites us to stay present and to notice without judgement any distractions we might encounter when moving on our mat, including the fear of failing or our need to achieve specific yoga pose goals. This yoga class is a comprehensive sequence which starts with a meditation and breath work practice, followed by a shoulder and chest opening warm up, then balances and twists, including fallen angel pose, to unlock your spine. You may need a block.

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  • Vinyasa Flow: Release the Neck and Shoulders53:14
    Vinyasa Flow: Release the Neck and Shoulders

    Vanessa Michielon

    This vinyasa flow yoga class invites us to let go of holding onto patterns that might create tightness in our chest. A great class for those who carry tension in the neck and shoulders, particularly from computer use; it will encourage the opening of the shoulders and the front of the body. Start with lovely chest, shoulder and neck releasing warm ups, the vinyasa flow then goes to explore different backbends creating length in the spine and challenging ourselves to approach our practice with an open and courageous mind.

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  • Mindful Flow and Conscious Breath15:05
    Mindful Flow and Conscious Breath

    Liz Lark

    A simple but intermediate flow to gently energise and work with your breath. Breathe consciousness, with intention, and nourish the energy body (pranamayakosha). A perfect work break where we breathe consciously through our pores, like butterflies, who breathe through tiny holes in their wings called spiroles.

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  • Pilates for Strength: Strong Spine in Spirals31:12
    Pilates for Strength: Strong Spine in Spirals

    Vanessa Michielon

    Wake up and mobilise your spine! This Pilates-inspired flow helps you strengthen your whole body with a focus on your obliques; part of your abdominal muscles these are the muscles that help your torso twist. Keep your spine strong, mobile and healthy by learning how to spiral through your spine in a safe way and move with grace and fluidity. You will need an elastic band or strap/belt.

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  • Jivamukti Yoga: Fly Like a Bird38:51
    Jivamukti Yoga: Fly Like a Bird

    Andrea Kwiatkowski

    A fun Jivamukti yoga class with a theme of bird poses! A fast and feisty vinyasa flow which explores Asana named after the crow, eagle heron and other birds. You might just learn how to fly! This intermediate Jivamukti shorter class sequences in the bird poses, but don't forget we have tutorials on each of the bird poses if you'd like to take your time exploring these poses

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