Stress/Anxiety › 45 to 60 mins › Lucy McCarthy

  • Wake Up Body and Mind56:50
    Wake Up Body and Mind

    Lucy McCarthy

    This uplifting vinyasa yoga class takes us on a stimulating journey to Natarajasana, Royal Dancer. This standing balancing backbend peak invites a deep awakening in mind, body and spirit. This class builds steadily and progressively leading to a feeling of exaltation and expansion. Feel invigorated, ready for your day in this comprehensive, well rounded practice. You will need a block and a strap.

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  • Elemental Flow: Calling In Vastness (Ether)54:13
    Elemental Flow: Calling In Vastness (Ether)

    Lucy McCarthy

    A spacious vinyasa flow yoga class that uses the breath and movement to cultivate a sense of expansion and space in mind, body and heart. Ideal for days when you're feeling overwhelmed or stressed, this vinyasa flow class starts with breathwork, then moves onto an all-levels soothing flow and ends with a long restorative version of legs up the wall savasana and a breath-work meditation to create a feeling of spaciousness and freedom. You may need a block.

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