Sound Healing › Stress/Anxiety › Under 10 mins

  • Sound Healing: Heart Coherence05:36
    Sound Healing: Heart Coherence

    Kirsty Nazaré

    This short guided sound healing journey has the intention of returning us to the state of heart coherence. Done regularly, this heart coherence class helps to bring us out of a state of stress or overwhelm into a steady place of balance. This is a great asset to your day and can be done over and over again. This is a sound healing which can be done anytime feelings of anxiety or overwhelm threaten to overtake. This healing can also help to boost health and immunity. We recommend you sit or lie in a comfortable position, do not multi-task; be completely present to the healing. Wear good headphones for this journey and see where you are taken. Do not drive during any of these sound healing journeys.

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