Qigong › Improvers › 20 to 30 mins

  • Harmonising Effort and Ease – Yoga, Qigong and Mindfulness Meditation  29:27
    Harmonising Effort and Ease – Yoga, Qigong and Mindfulness Meditation

    Mimi Kuo-Deemer

    The Buddha emphsised using right effort in our actions and intentions in meditation and life. This practice looks at how we can approach strength building practices, especially in the legs, using right effort so that we create more space for awareness and less reactivity. We’ll also explore the idea in qigong of using intention, not force – or yong yi, buyong l – and apply it through a blend of yoga and qigong forms to explore how we can harmonise effort and ease.

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  • Take a Break: Yoga & Qigong Part1:  Exhale + Sooth 21:59
    Take a Break: Yoga & Qigong Part1: Exhale + Sooth

    Mimi Kuo-Deemer

    Take a short break from studies or your work. Much of our body’s tension is muscular, but actually, what the muscles and our body crave when we feel tight is deep, satisfying breaths.This short practice releases tension by focusing on exhaling fully and uses Burmese qigong, chest and shoulder openings and forward folds to calm and sooth the mind. Perfect for taking a break to release tension during the day, but also great after a hard day's work. Clothing by Rumi X.

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  • Qigong Flow23:32
    Qigong Flow

    Mimi Kuo-Deemer

    This qigong flow practice starts with some warmups for the joints, cultivation of qi between the hands, and then moves into what we think of as “water salutations” – fluid movements that feel like the equivalent of yoga’s sun salutations. It’s a practice that warms the body, actively stimulates, guides and moves the qi, and helps to quiet the mind. Enjoy!

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  • Winter Warmers: Yoga and Qigong for the Inner Fire part I: kindling the fire24:56
    Winter Warmers: Yoga and Qigong for the Inner Fire part I: kindling the fire

    Mimi Kuo-Deemer

    Yoga and QiGong for kindling the inner fire. Movement and circulation for warming the body in the cooler months. With Sun Salutations and twists for firing the spirit up. This class will do the trick for any time you feel like you need a little extra fire in your life and is perfect for morning time.

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