Yoga Pose Tutorials › Beginners Yoga › Under 10 mins

  • Everybody Flows: Sun Salutes For Everybody09:59
    Everybody Flows: Sun Salutes For Everybody

    Adam Hocke

    This yoga class offers us a few quick fixes and options to modify sun salutes and chaturanga dandasana for those new to the practice or who feel challenged by the strength and flexibility demands of these postures. You will learn three different options for practising chaturanga dandasana that you can bring back to your personal practice.

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  • Downward Dog Tutorial04:49
    Downward Dog Tutorial

    Catherine Annis

    A tutorial on the yoga pose downward dog to help you find alignment and ease in this classic yoga pose.

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  • Paschimottanasana Tutorial03:06
    Paschimottanasana Tutorial

    Andrew McGonigle

    This tutorial takes you step by step into Paschimottanasana (seated forward fold), an introspective asana that encourages length in the back body and helps to quieten the mind. You may need a strap for this asana.

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  • Tree Pose (Vriksasana) Tutorial03:01
    Tree Pose (Vriksasana) Tutorial

    Andrew McGonigle

    This tutorial takes you step by step into Tree Pose, a wonderful asana to help you to develop focus, build core strength and find the balance between effort and ease in your practice. This tutorial takes you step by step into Vriksasana, a great asana to build strength in your legs, length in your side body and improve mobility and length in your spine.

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  • Eagle Pose Tutorial02:56
    Eagle Pose Tutorial

    Andrew McGonigle

    This tutorial takes you step by step into Eagle Pose, a fantastic asana to help you to develop focus, build core strength and find the balance between effort and ease in your practice.

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  • Sun Salutation Tutorial03:59
    Sun Salutation Tutorial

    Sylvia Garcia

    This is a fantastic tutorial dedicated to Sun Salutations, which appear in varying forms throughout many different styles of yoga, especially Vinyasa Flow sequences. With specific focus on precision and alignment, Sylvia will guide you on how to perfect this pose which can be very useful for your future practice.

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  • Vinyasa SOS: Beginners04:25
    Vinyasa SOS: Beginners

    Lucy McCarthy

    A short tutorial for beginners, people new to vinyasa flow and those with any lower back issues.  Find here the how and what the sequence of a 'vinyasa' is and how to modify it with integrity and alignment.

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  • All About the Knee03:31
    All About the Knee

    Andrew McGonigle

    A short tutorial brought to you by our Dr Yogi on the workings of the delicate knee joint and how to protect the knee in some key yoga postures.

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  • Find Your Feet03:23
    Find Your Feet

    Andrew McGonigle

    All about the Feet. In this short tutorial, Andrew, Dr Yogi, talks about the role of the feet and their impact on the whole body. Focusing on collapsed arches, Dr Yogi has some tips for building the arches, which will also help with pronation issues.

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  • Chaturanga Tips03:37
    Chaturanga Tips

    Kirsty Nazaré

    A short tutorial to help you with low-plank or Chaturanga. Although Chaturanga is used in many sequences as part of vinyasa, it's a really tricky pose to get right! If done incorrectly, low plank can cause shoulder issues, but if done right, it is an amazing strengthener. You'll need 2 blocks. Thanks to Wellicious for their lovey clothes for this!

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  • Tutorial: Unlocking the Shoulders05:14
    Tutorial: Unlocking the Shoulders

    Kristi Rodelli

    This short tutorial shows us in detail the action which is required by the instruction 'unlock the shoulders', a common Forrest yoga instruction. This is also a really useful exercise for those of us with tight shoulders.

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  • Tutorial: Wrapping the Shoulders01:46
    Tutorial: Wrapping the Shoulders

    Kristi Rodelli

    Wrapping the shoulders using shower on the wall. A great alternative to turbo dog, and brilliant for those with shoulder injuries.

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  • Kapala Bhati  Breath04:46
    Kapala Bhati Breath

    Mimi Kuo-Deemer

    In this short class, Mimi shows the energising Kapala Bhati breath which is an invigorating tool for energising the body and clearing the mind of negative emotions.

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  • Alternate Nostril Breath06:55
    Alternate Nostril Breath

    Clare Beagley

    Alternate nostril breath is a great reliver for agitation, anxiety or insomia. It also gently uplifts if you are low on energy. Take this class on it's own to clam your nerves or add to your class before relaxation.

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  • Vinyasa Tutorial 02:40
    Vinyasa Tutorial

    Dylan Ayaloo

    This short but sweet tutorial slows down and shows us the constituants of the 'vinyasa', the moving sequences between poses which features in the HPY Power Yoga sequences, but also in other practices. A very useful breakdown of a familiar sequence.

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  • Ujaii Breath Tutorial04:59
    Ujaii Breath Tutorial

    Dylan Ayaloo

    A tutorial step by step explanation of how to practice Ujaii breath - the practice used throughout yoga classes, including the Hot Power Yoga classes and explains its benefits including how the breath keeps us safer thoughout our practice.

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  • Meditation: Sitting comfortably01:30
    Meditation: Sitting comfortably

    Graham Burns

    If you are new to meditation and are a bit daunted by the look of those cross-legged comfortable yogis, fear not! Here Graham gives you alternative ways to sit for meditation.

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  • Easy Headstand with Feetup03:00
    Easy Headstand with Feetup

    Zephyr Wildman

    Always wanted to master headstand but afraid of falling? Stopped by neck issues, lack of core strength or simply have not mastered the technique? Let Zephyr guide you through this suported headstand with the revolutionary new FEETUP support. Learn how to practice a safe, steady inversion where you can receive the full benefits of a headstand, often called the ”˜King of Poses’.

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