Move into Happiness › Stress/Anxiety › Improvers

  • Wake Up Body and Mind56:50
    Wake Up Body and Mind

    Lucy McCarthy

    This uplifting vinyasa yoga class takes us on a stimulating journey to Natarajasana, Royal Dancer. This standing balancing backbend peak invites a deep awakening in mind, body and spirit. This class builds steadily and progressively leading to a feeling of exaltation and expansion. Feel invigorated, ready for your day in this comprehensive, well rounded practice. You will need a block and a strap.

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  • Winter Wellbeing Flow45:04
    Winter Wellbeing Flow

    Jean Hall

    Vinyasa yoga to warm, energise and get back into alignment. Starting beautifully softly and slowly with gentle somatics. Then moving into a creatively sequenced, warming vinyasa class. Mindfully paced, with plenty of breath, this practice moves the body and breath, leaving us gently energised. Ending with some sneaky core work as well as more gentle floor-based somatics, for a really luscious feel. Perfect to start a winter's day.

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  • Kriya to Energise50:19
    Kriya to Energise


    You can do this seated or lying down. Join Kiranjot for energising class through Kundalini yoga body movements and breathwork. This uplifting class works on the ten bodies: the 10 bodies are the kundalini equlivalenet of the koshas, The Soul, Negative Mind, Positive Mind, Neutral Mind, Physical Body, Arc Line aka Halo, Aura, Pranic body, Subtle Body and Radiant Body. With a savasana, resting pose, at the end of the physical movements, then with chanting and mandra. This class is a fantastic all round tonic. No yoga mat needed, suitable for those with wrist issues, and suitable for most levels of mobility and strength (with modifications).

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  • Everyday Essentials30:05
    Everyday Essentials

    Lucy McCarthy

    This vinyasa yoga class is a real 101 of the essential yoga poses for a healthy, balanced, daily yoga practice. This class has the main staples in a balanced yoga practice. This class opens the spine in all the different directions, perfect for essential, daily health and wellbeing. Explore the full range of motion from side bending to twists, backbends to forward bends. This class may leave you feeling strong, open and uplifted. You will need a block.

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  • Yoga For Happiness (2): Gratitude34:30
    Yoga For Happiness (2): Gratitude

    Nikita Akilapa

    Adopting an attitude of gratitude is a game-changer for journeying into joy. Gratitude for your breath and your body; gratitude for your relationships and experiences; gratitude for who you are and what you bring to the world; gratitude for the opportunity to see yourself clearly and non judgementally. This beautifully paced and sequenced vinyasa flow yoga class has shoulder and upper back opening focus, great to release tight shoulders and stiffness in the upper back and perfect to open the heart to gratitude. This class is about shifting from our habitual responses. You will need two bricks.

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  • Radiance 3: The Heart17:04
    Radiance 3: The Heart

    Lucy McCarthy

    A gentle, heart opening class starting with a supported chest opener. Feel a luminous energy, soften your heart and open your chest ready to be radiant in the world. These exercises are brilliant for opening the upper back and shoulders if you've had a deckbound day too, and great for increasing happiness. You will need a bolster and two blocks.

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  • Twilight YINyasa31:39
    Twilight YINyasa

    Liz Lark

    Enjoy this beautiful yin class when you need a bit of a luxurious, supported pick-me-up, for your moon time or just before bed. A fantastic practice if you've had a tough day and you need a bit of TLC. Plenty of ease-ful, supportive poses - all supine or seated, no standing poses for added YIN-tastic vinyasa.

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  • Big Day 3 - The Power Poses18:10
    Big Day 3 - The Power Poses

    Lucy McCarthy

    A series of poses to give you the inner vibrancy to give you the confidence which will give you your inner power back. This is the third part in Lucy's Big Day series - this short video is great for the day before the Big Day, be that your wedding, a presentation, a job interview, or anytime when YOU matter. Lucy shows you some poses which you can strike just before you go in for the big event. Enjoy this fun class, and you may be surprised at how powerful you have become!

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  •  Yoga for Anxiety38:32
    Yoga for Anxiety

    Leila Sadeghee

    This is a yoga class for when your head is a 'swiling thought mess'. Class starts with some energetic jumping lunges (feel free to give these a miss if you're not up to them!) - then the class intersperses asana to open and release the hips with calming breath exercises. Suitable for all levels, although not everyone may be able to keep up with Leila's energy levels at the start of class, but persevere if you can! The remaining 30 minutes of yoga and breath-work is much more peaceful and bound to see your anxiety levels to calm and managable levels.

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  • Compassion through Slow Flow55:22
    Compassion through Slow Flow

    Bridget Woods-Kramer

    In this mindfully slow-flow vinyasa yoga class, Bridget explores the theme of compassion to ourselves. Class starts with a 10 minute discussion reminding us the importance of being compassionate to ourselves. The asana is a slow flow which focuses on the hips, with plenty of lunging work and variation. There is an opportunity for a handstand suppported by the wall or a partner and class finishes with a long, nourishing guided relaxation. You may need a belt, a wall and a partner could be handy too!

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  • Energising Flow01:09:19
    Energising Flow

    Mimi Kuo-Deemer

    Mimi weaves QiGong practices with a slow and steady flow. Join her in this smooth and meditative practice building to some gentle backbends. Guaranteed to leave you feeling balanced and refreshed.

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  • After work - Energiser16:48
    After work - Energiser

    Lucy McCarthy

    This is the perfect class if you’ve been sat at a desk all day and want to move off the day. Lucy leads a nice simple practice to release the shoulders, spine and hips.

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  • Forrest Yoga: Release & Transform17:20
    Forrest Yoga: Release & Transform

    Ana Forrest & Jose Calarco

    Forrest Yoga's creatrix Ana Forrest introduces a revolutionary new way to move. She shows the Forrest yoga methods of releasing tension in the neck and shoulders, soothing stressed minds, building core strength and improving lower back strength. All in this short practice. Curious? We were and were blown away with Ana’s sequence.

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  • Supported Practice for Slow Days31:32
    Supported Practice for Slow Days

    Liz Lark

    A restorative sequence featuring passive inversions to relax the brain. Attention is turned inward and focus turned on the breath to calm and restore the nervous system. This practice will be perfect for relaxing you before bed, but also great practice if you've done your exercise or 100 sun salutations and just want the yoga to work its magic. You will need access to a wall, blocks and a bolster.

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