Move into Confidence › Re-charge Fatigue › Vanessa Michielon

We're so sorry you are feeling tired but you have come to the right place for a pick me up. These classes are for when it is almost to much to even roll out your mat. Whether you’re recovering from injury or illness, you are differently abled, you have a low energy syndrome, you’re getting on a bit or you’re just a bit tired right now, these classes will provide a gentle way to move, included some seated yoga classes. We promise these videos will not ask too much of you physicaly or mentally and when you are done you will feel better, warmer, glad that you came.  Remember that our Yin and Restorative Section might be a good option for you today and that Breath-work is available to all bodies as is Meditation and Show more


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  • Uplifting Vinyasa Yoga Flow28:52
    Uplifting Vinyasa Yoga Flow

    Vanessa Michielon

    This short but strong and effective Vinyasa practice invites you to lift your heart rate up, breathe more fully and generate heat in your body, so you can get a pleasant energy boost when you feel a bit sluggish. Begin with a mood boosting Pranayama, Breath of Joy, and slowly build intensity in a standing sequence that features Crescent Lunge, Reverse Warrior, Camel Pose and Malasana

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  • Balancing And Brightening Vinyasa42:36
    Balancing And Brightening Vinyasa

    Vanessa Michielon

    This vinyasa flow yoga class is a balancing and stretching class. A fun, creative, playful and stimulating vinyasa flow which includes standing balances to help focus the attention and improve stamina. Postures include Warrior III, Tree Pose, Half Moon and Crow .The class is fairly fast-moving and dynamic, so do pace yourself if needed. You may need a couple of bricks or books.

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